Num createDate
(空) 20090901
(空) 20090901
(空) 20090902
(空) 20090902
(空) 20090903
(空) 20090903
现在要通过createDate来产生一个流水号(4位) 按当天来生成 换天要重新生成
Num createDate
200909010001 20090901
200909010002 20090901
200909020001 20090902
200909020002 20090902
200909030001 20090903
200909030002 20090903
create table tb(id int , Num varchar(12),createDate varchar(8))
insert into tb values(1,'','20090901')
insert into tb values(2,'','20090901')
insert into tb values(3,'','20090902')
insert into tb values(4,'','20090902')
insert into tb values(5,'','20090903')
insert into tb values(6,'','20090903')
update tb set num = createDate + right('000'+cast((select count(1) from tb where createDate = t.createDate and id < t.id) + 1 as varchar),4) from tb t
select * from tb
drop table tb
id Num createDate
----------- ------------ ----------
1 200909010001 20090901
2 200909010002 20090901
3 200909020001 20090902
4 200909020002 20090902
5 200909030001 20090903
6 200909030002 20090903
(所影响的行数为 6 行)
declare @tb1 table([createDate] datetime)
insert @tb1
select '20090901' union all
select '20090901' union all
select '20090902' union all
select '20090902' union all
select '20090903' union all
select '20090903'
--SQL 2005
select convert(nvarchar(20),[createDate],112) as [createDate],convert(nvarchar(20),[createDate],112)+right('0000'+cast(row_number() over (partition by [createDate] order by [createDate]) as nvarchar(10)),4) as num
from @tb1
select identity(int,1,1) as id,[createDate]
into #tem
from @tb1
select convert(nvarchar(20),[createDate],112) as [createDate],convert(nvarchar(20),[createDate],112)+right('0000'+cast((select count(1) from #tem where t.[createDate]=[createDate] and t.id > id)+1 as nvarchar(10)),4) as num
from #tem t
drop table #tem
createDate num
-------------------- ------------------------
20090901 200909010001
20090901 200909010002
20090902 200909020001
20090902 200909020002
20090903 200909030001
20090903 200909030002
(6 row(s) affected)
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