这是我使用C ++ 11对Ates Goral的回答的改编。我在这里添加了lambda,但原理是您可以传递它,从而控制字符串包含的字符:
std::string random_string( size_t length )
auto randchar = []() -> char
const char charset[] =
const size_t max_index = (sizeof(charset) - 1);
return charset[ rand() % max_index ];
std::string str(length,0);
std::generate_n( str.begin(), length, randchar );
return str;
这是将lambda传递给随机字符串函数的示例:http : //ideone.com/Ya8EKf
为什么要使用C ++ 11?
#include //for std::function
#include //for std::generate_n
typedef std::vector char_array;
char_array charset()
//Change this to suit
return char_array(
// given a function that generates a random character,
// return a string of the requested length
std::string random_string( size_t length, std::function rand_char )
std::string str(length,0);
std::generate_n( str.begin(), length, rand_char );
return str;
int main()
//0) create the character set.
// yes, you can use an array here,
// but a function is cleaner and more flexible
const auto ch_set = charset();
//1) create a non-deterministic random number generator
std::default_random_engine rng(std::random_device{}());
//2) create a random number "shaper" that will give
// us uniformly distributed indices into the character set
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, ch_set.size()-1);
//3) create a function that ties them together, to get:
// a non-deterministic uniform distribution from the
// character set of your choice.
auto randchar = [ ch_set,&dist,&rng ](){return ch_set[ dist(rng) ];};
//4) set the length of the string you want and profit!
auto length = 5;
return 0;
以上就是傻傻寒风最近收集整理的关于c语言随机函数产生字母,如何在C ++中创建随机的字母数字字符串?的全部内容,更多相关c语言随机函数产生字母,如何在C内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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