go mod tidy
goland 还是报红的话 goland Preference->Go->Go Modules(vgo) -> Enable Go Modules(vgo)intergration
jrw@wangfy:~/code/community/article$ go mod
Go mod provides access to operations on modules.
Note that support for modules is built into all the go commands,
not just 'go mod'. For example, day-to-day adding, removing, upgrading,
and downgrading of dependencies should be done using 'go get'.
See 'go help modules' for an overview of module functionality.
go mod <command> [arguments]
The commands are:
download download modules to local cache
edit edit go.mod from tools or scripts
graph print module requirement graph
init initialize new module in current directory
tidy add missing and remove unused modules
vendor make vendored copy of dependencies
verify verify dependencies have expected content
why explain why packages or modules are needed
Use "go help mod <command>" for more information about a command.
export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io
sudo chmod -R 777 /工作目录 (-R:是指几连医用到目录里所有子目录和文件;777:是指所有用户都拥有的最高权限)
go mod tidy
以上就是感动板凳最近收集整理的关于go mod 的使用的全部内容,更多相关go内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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