我是靠谱客的博主 要减肥水池,这篇文章主要介绍Message BT123 - Target host or target server & is not defined in an operation type,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


The host system that you specified for the execution of your job is notdefined in the operation mode that is active when your job is started.You have either specified that your job is to be started when a specificoperation mode becomes active, or that it is to be started on a specificdate and at a specific time.
The job can only be executed, if the host is active as an unconfiguredinstance in the SAP system, if the background controller attempts tostart the job. An unconfigured instances must be started manually; it isnot started automatically as part of the operation mode.

If possible, you should leave the host system field empty and save thejob again. The specification of a host system for the execution of a jobis only advisable if the job requires a resouce that is only availableon this host system. When you specify a host system, it also means thatthe automatic load balancing mechanism of the background controller hasno effect.
If you need to specify a host system, you should use theComputing Center Management Systems to determine whenthe host that you require is active in the SAP system.

Based on SAP ECC 6.0.


Defining Operation Modes locate the document in its sap library structure


You can define a new operation mode or change an existing operation mode.


       1.      Choose CCMS Configuration Operation Modes/Instances, or call transaction RZ04.

The system displays a list of productive instances.


If you have not yet defined any operation modes, the test operation mode DUMMY will be displayed. This operation mode is automatically configured so that system functions such as the Control Panel and the scheduling of background jobs can be used.

If there is already a DUMMY operation mode, this is updated every time that the server is started, and is therefore adjusted to different system relationships.

The operation mode DUMMY cannot be used for operation mode switching.

       2.      Create an operation mode (which can be automatically switched).

To do this, choose Operation Mode  Create.

       3.      Enter the data in the following fields:

Operation Mode

Enter a name for the operation mode, such as DAY_OPERATION, and a short description. You can enter any name for the operation mode, but it is advisable to choose a name that is meaningful and that makes the task of the operation mode clear.

Short Description

Enter a short description of the operation mode, such as “Day operation with 6 dialog processes”.

Monitoring Properties Variant

Enter the name of the monitoring properties variant in monitoring architecture assigned the operation mode. When the operation mode is started, the settings that the monitoring properties variant contains are automatically activated in the alert monitor.

       4.      Save the data by choosing Operation Mode  Save.

       5.      Repeat this procedure for all required operation modes.

When you have defined and saved your operation modes, you can define the instances and servers.


You can call the operation mode maintenance from the Control Panel.


以上就是要减肥水池最近收集整理的关于Message BT123 - Target host or target server & is not defined in an operation type的全部内容,更多相关Message内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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