我是靠谱客的博主 唠叨大雁,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍【信息技术】【2002.12】基于麦克风阵列的语音增强研究1 引言2 项目背景3 迭代的多源增强方法4 实验设置5 数据采集系统6 实验结果7 讨论8 结论附录A 模拟数据的实验结果附录B MOS测试,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



本文为美国马奎特大学(作者:HeatherElaine Ewalt)的硕士论文,共125页。






This thesis describes the design andimplementation of a speech enhancement system that uses microphone arraybeamforming and speech enhancement algorithms applied to a speech signal in amultiple source environment. The goal of the system is to improve the qualityof the primary speech signal. Beamformers work by means of steering an array ofmicrophones towards a desired look direction through utilizing signalinformation rather than physically moving the array. They accomplish this throughminimizing the energy of interference sources and noise in non-look directionswhile increasing the energy of the signal in the look direction. In thisresearch, two beamforming methods are examined: the delay and sum (DS)beamformer and the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer.The input signals are first split into frequency bands so that narrowbandbeamforming techniques can be used. Multiple source Wiener filtering andmultiple source spectral subtraction enhancement algorithms are incorporatedinto the two methods of beamforming. The algorithms utilize signal estimates ofeach source obtained from the initial beamforming algorithms as inputs. Thesemultiple source enhancement algorithms result in iterative techniques to improvethose estimates while improving the signal to noise ratio of the primarysource.

The experimental setup presented hereconsists of both two and three speech sources using a linear microphone inputsystem. The algorithms are performed on both simulated experimental setups andon data obtained from a data acquisition system in an acoustically treatedsound room. To measure the improvement in quality of the enhanced signal,overall SNR and segmental SNR improvement is determined for the original,beamformed, and enhanced signal. In addition to these quality improvementmetrics, listener opinion testing is performed.


1 引言

1.1 论文声明

1.2 论文概述

2 项目背景

2.1 麦克风阵列基础

2.2 波束形成器基础

2.3 波束形成器的具体实现

2.4 语音增强基础

2.5 语音增强的测量基础

3 迭代的多源增强方法

3.1 多源谱减增强

3.2 多源维纳滤波增强

3.3 耦合函数

4 实验设置

4.1 实验设备

4.2 多个说话者的输入信号

4.3 算法处理细节

5 数据采集系统

5.1 多个说话者的输出系统

5.2 多输入系统

5.3 音响设置

6 实验结果

7 讨论

8 结论

附录A 模拟数据的实验结果

附录B MOS测试




以上就是唠叨大雁为你收集整理的【信息技术】【2002.12】基于麦克风阵列的语音增强研究1 引言2 项目背景3 迭代的多源增强方法4 实验设置5 数据采集系统6 实验结果7 讨论8 结论附录A 模拟数据的实验结果附录B MOS测试的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决【信息技术】【2002.12】基于麦克风阵列的语音增强研究1 引言2 项目背景3 迭代的多源增强方法4 实验设置5 数据采集系统6 实验结果7 讨论8 结论附录A 模拟数据的实验结果附录B MOS测试所遇到的程序开发问题。



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