我是靠谱客的博主 活力白云,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍video call BT audio音频流程,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Platform: SDM429  msm8937  android8.1

Usecase : video call 

 本篇日志重在结合log分析 BT蓝牙耳机模式下, video call音频流程。 本项目在configs/msm8937/msm8937.mk关闭了video call的 vendor.voice.path.for.pcm.voip  宏音频通路。所以VOIP通路走的本地录音和本地播放的path。

video call 蓝牙耳机模式下, mic输入走的MB的mic, 查看声音类型为:STREAM_MUSIC

11-10 10:57:40.837   641  5541 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-10 10:57:40.837   641  5541 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-10 10:57:40.849  1442  1594 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 8
11-10 10:57:40.858   641  5541 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-10 10:57:40.859   641  5541 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3


11-10 11:35:16.963   553  7523 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 371: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 133333333 BW avg 93312000 BW inst 93312000
11-10 11:35:17.051   553  7511 E mm-camera: GC2385,fl_lines=4703,gain=301, line=4687
11-10 11:35:17.113  1442  1594 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 2
11-10 11:35:17.174   553  7511 E mm-camera: GC2385,fl_lines=4703,gain=301, line=4687

adb 获取的BT 模式下video call log如下:

1.蓝牙BT Headset连接:

摘录: BT耳机通话状态下, 走的是HCI协议的SCO数据类型。

11-09 15:44:09.612  3184  3227 I AudioManager: In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: true, calling application: com.android.bluetooth
11-09 15:44:09.612  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 406 = 406 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.613   967  1442 I AudioService: In setBluetoothScoOn(), eventSource: setBluetoothScoOn(true) from u/pid:1002/3184


11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: isAudioOn()
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: isInCall()
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processA2dpState()
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processCallState()
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_sco_event: SCO Index 0x0000, State 1, Event 1
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_remove_sco: SCO index 0x0000, status 0
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentA2dpPlayStateChanged()
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Connected processMessage() 
11-09 15:44:09.466  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter onAudioStateChanged()
11-09 15:44:09.466   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.468  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: getDevice()
11-09 15:44:09.468   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.468  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit onAudioStateChanged()
11-09 15:44:09.469  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected process message=101, numConnectedDevices=1
11-09 15:44:09.469  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected: event type: 2event device : 50:C9:71:93:F9:84
11-09 15:44:09.469  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter Connected processAudioEvent()
11-09 15:44:09.469  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter broadcastAudioState()
11-09 15:44:09.470  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Audio state 50:C9:71:93:F9:84: 10->11
11-09 15:44:09.470  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit broadcastAudioState()
11-09 15:44:09.470  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Connected processAudioEvent()
11-09 15:44:09.470  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Connected processMessage() 
11-09 15:44:09.470   967   967 I AudioService: In onReceive(), mScoAudioState: 3, broadcast: false
11-09 15:44:07.814  1390  1390 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:966 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:437 com.qualcomm.qti.watchfaceanalogclock.BaseWatchService$Engine.onVisibilityChanged:155 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.reportVisibility:1022 android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService$Engine.doVisibilityChanged:1003 
11-09 15:44:09.471   967   967 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Device 50:C9:71:93:F9:84 transitioned to audio state 11: BRM.oR@ADo
11-09 15:44:09.472  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(160) returned 882 = 160 + 722 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.472  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 722 = 590 + 132 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.472  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(317) returned 449 = 317 + 132 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.472  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 132 = 132 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.473   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.477   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.480   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.483  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 132 = 132 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.483  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(466) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.483   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.483  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(458) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.484   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.484   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.484   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.486   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.487   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.492  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(458) returned 642 = 458 + 184 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.492  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(25) returned 449 = 25 + 424 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.492  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 424 = 424 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.493   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.493   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.494   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.494   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.494   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.494   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_write: stream suspended or closing
11-09 15:44:09.494   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.494   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.496  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 424 = 424 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.496  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(174) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.496  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(166) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.497   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.503   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.504   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.504  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived-->
11-09 15:44:09.504  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived<--
11-09 15:44:09.505   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.505   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.505   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.505   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.506   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.506  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived-->
11-09 15:44:09.506  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived<--
11-09 15:44:09.506   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.507   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.507   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.512  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(166) returned 882 = 36 + 846 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.512  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(130) returned 846 = 130 + 716 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.512  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 716 = 590 + 126 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.512  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(323) returned 449 = 323 + 126 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.512  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 126 = 126 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.514   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.515   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.515   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.515   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.517   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.518   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.523  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 126 = 126 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.523  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(472) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.524  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(464) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.524   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.525   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.525   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.525   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.525   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_write: stream suspended or closing
11-09 15:44:09.525   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.525   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.527   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.528   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.530   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.531  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(464) returned 882 = 464 + 418 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.532  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(31) returned 449 = 31 + 418 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.532  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 418 = 418 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.534   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.536  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 418 = 418 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.536  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(180) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.537  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(172) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.538   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.542   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.545   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.546   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.546   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.546   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.548   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.549   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.552  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(172) returned 882 = 172 + 710 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.552  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 710 = 148 + 562 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.552  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(442) returned 562 = 442 + 120 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.552  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(329) returned 449 = 329 + 120 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.552  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 120 = 120 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.554   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.555   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.556   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.556   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.557   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.557   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_write: stream suspended or closing
11-09 15:44:09.557   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.557   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.559   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.563  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 120 = 120 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.563  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(478) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.564  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(470) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.565   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.567   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.569   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.569   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.572  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(470) returned 882 = 470 + 412 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.572  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(37) returned 449 = 37 + 412 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.573  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 412 = 412 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.576   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.577  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 412 = 412 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.577  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(186) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.577   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.577   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.577   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.577   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.578  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(178) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.578   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.580   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.579   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.580   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.580  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_hdl_event: p_scb 0x98f81710 
11-09 15:44:09.580   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.580  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_rfc_data: setting sys busy
11-09 15:44:09.580  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_at_hfp_cback: AT command 27, arg_type 2, int_arg 2, arg 2
11-09 15:44:09.581  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_sco_event: SCO Index 0xffff, State 2, Event 3
11-09 15:44:09.581  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_rfc_data: resetting idle timer
11-09 15:44:09.581  3184  3206 D bt_btif : btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_AT_BCS_EVT
11-09 15:44:09.581  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter onWBS()
11-09 15:44:09.581  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: getDevice()
11-09 15:44:09.583   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.583  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit onWBS()
11-09 15:44:09.584  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected process message=101, numConnectedDevices=1
11-09 15:44:09.584  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected: event type: 17event device : 50:C9:71:93:F9:84
11-09 15:44:09.584  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processWBSEvent()
11-09 15:44:09.586   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.586  3184  3227 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@7a2036
11-09 15:44:09.587  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: AudioManager.setParameters: bt_wbs=on, device=JABRA EASYVOICE[50:C9:71:93:F9:84]
11-09 15:44:09.587   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue bt_wbs=on, calling pid 3184
11-09 15:44:09.588   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: bt_wbs=on
11-09 15:44:09.588   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.588   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.588   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.588   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_write: stream suspended or closing
11-09 15:44:09.588   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.588   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.588   556  1297 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
11-09 15:44:09.588   556  1297 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
11-09 15:44:09.589   612  3057 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 4 kvpairs bt_wbs=on
11-09 15:44:09.589   612  3057 I hash_map_utils: key: 'bt_wbs' value: 'on'
11-09 15:44:09.590  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived-->
11-09 15:44:09.590  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived<--
11-09 15:44:09.590  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processWBSEvent()
11-09 15:44:09.590  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Connected processMessage() 
11-09 15:44:09.590   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.590   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.590   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.591   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.591  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived-->
11-09 15:44:09.591  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived<--
11-09 15:44:09.592   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.592   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.592   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.592  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(178) returned 882 = 178 + 704 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.592  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 704 = 426 + 278 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.593  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(335) returned 449 = 171 + 278 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.593  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(164) returned 278 = 164 + 114 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.593  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived-->
11-09 15:44:09.593  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 114 = 114 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.593  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_hdl_event: p_scb 0x98f81710 
11-09 15:44:09.593  3184  3222 D bt_btif : bta_ag_sco_event: SCO Index 0x0000, State 3, Event 7
11-09 15:44:09.593  3184  3222 W bt_btm  : BTM: Local device role : 0x00
11-09 15:44:09.593  3184  3222 W bt_btm  : BTM: RemBdAddr: 50:c9:71:93:f9:84
11-09 15:44:09.593  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived<--
11-09 15:44:09.594  3184  3206 D bt_btif : btif_hf_upstreams_evt: event=BTA_AG_AUDIO_OPEN_EVT
11-09 15:44:09.594  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter onAudioStateChanged()
11-09 15:44:09.594  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: getDevice()
11-09 15:44:09.596   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.596   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.596   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.596  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived-->
11-09 15:44:09.597  3184  3217 D bt_hci  : hciEventReceived<--
11-09 15:44:09.597   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::event call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.597   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back-->
11-09 15:44:09.598   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back<--
11-09 15:44:09.598  3184  3206 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit onAudioStateChanged()
11-09 15:44:09.599  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected process message=101, numConnectedDevices=1
11-09 15:44:09.599  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Connected: event type: 2event device : 50:C9:71:93:F9:84
11-09 15:44:09.599  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter Connected processAudioEvent()
11-09 15:44:09.599  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: isScoAcceptable()
11-09 15:44:09.599  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter setAudioParameters()
11-09 15:44:09.599  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Use WBS PCM samples:50:C9:71:93:F9:84
11-09 15:44:09.599   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue bt_wbs=on, calling pid 3184
11-09 15:44:09.600   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: bt_wbs=on
11-09 15:44:09.600   556  1297 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
11-09 15:44:09.600   556  1297 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
11-09 15:44:09.601   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.601   612  3057 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs bt_wbs=on
11-09 15:44:09.601   612  3057 I hash_map_utils: key: 'bt_wbs' value: 'on'
11-09 15:44:09.602   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue bt_headset_nrec=off, calling pid 3184
11-09 15:44:09.602   556  1050 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: bt_headset_nrec=off
11-09 15:44:09.603   556  1050 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
11-09 15:44:09.603   556  1050 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
11-09 15:44:09.603   612  3057 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs bt_headset_nrec=off
11-09 15:44:09.603   612  3057 I hash_map_utils: key: 'bt_headset_nrec' value: 'off'
11-09 15:44:09.604  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 114 = 114 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.604  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(484) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.605  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(476) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.605  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter getCurrentDeviceName()
11-09 15:44:09.605   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.606  3184  3227 D A2dpService: getA2DPService(): returning com.android.bluetooth.a2dp.A2dpService@7a2036
11-09 15:44:09.607   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.607  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit getCurrentDeviceName()
11-09 15:44:09.607   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue bt_headset_name=JABRA EASYVOICE, calling pid 3184
11-09 15:44:09.607   556  1050 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: bt_headset_name=JABRA EASYVOICE
11-09 15:44:09.608   556  1050 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
11-09 15:44:09.608   556  1050 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
11-09 15:44:09.608   612  3057 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs bt_headset_name=JABRA EASYVOICE
11-09 15:44:09.608   612  3057 I hash_map_utils: key: 'bt_headset_name' value: 'JABRA EASYVOICE'
11-09 15:44:09.608   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.608   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.608   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.609  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit setAudioParameters()
11-09 15:44:09.610   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue BT_SCO=on, calling pid 3184
11-09 15:44:09.610   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: BT_SCO=on
11-09 15:44:09.610   967  1022 I WifiService: getDhcpInfo uid=10051
11-09 15:44:09.610   556  1297 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
11-09 15:44:09.610   556  1297 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
11-09 15:44:09.611   612  3057 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs BT_SCO=on
11-09 15:44:09.611   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.611   612  3057 I hash_map_utils: key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'on'
11-09 15:44:09.612  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(476) returned 882 = 476 + 406 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.612  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(43) returned 449 = 43 + 406 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.612  3184  3227 I AudioManager: In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: true, calling application: com.android.bluetooth
11-09 15:44:09.612  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 406 = 406 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.613   967  1442 I AudioService: In setBluetoothScoOn(), eventSource: setBluetoothScoOn(true) from u/pid:1002/3184
11-09 15:44:09.613   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.617  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 406 = 406 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.617  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(192) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.617   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.617   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.617  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(184) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.618  2702  2737 E Unknow  : [TRtcSignaling.cpp, handleTimeout, 1388]:Signal: Request Query Config Timeout. Error, from:ip: port:9000 type:0 IPv6: addr_family:IPv4
11-09 15:44:09.618  2702  2737 E Unknow  : [TRTCNetworkImpl.cpp, onRequestQueryConfig, 2365]:TRTCNetwork: onRequestQueryConfig result[-4001], msg[Request Timeout]
11-09 15:44:09.618  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter getAudioState()
11-09 15:44:09.618  2702  2737 E Unknow  : [TXCLogUploader.cpp, setServerConfig, 60]:sdkAppId[1400426160], roomid[2006799023], userId[123], offUpload[0], frequency[7200], time_interval[7200]
11-09 15:44:09.618  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit getAudioState()
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: state 5
11-09 15:44:09.619   967  1442 I AudioService: In setbluetoothScoOnInt(), mForcedUseForCommExt: 3
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: state AUDIO_A2DP_STATE_STANDBY
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: A2DP COMMAND A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START, fail count 0
11-09 15:44:09.619  3184  3231 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_ctrl_cb: A2DP-CTRL-CHANNEL EVENT UIPC_RX_DATA_READY_EVT
11-09 15:44:09.619  3184  3231 W bt_btif : btif_a2dp_command_ack: ## a2dp ack : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START, queued : A2DP_CTRL_CMD_NONE,  status 2 ##
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue BT_SCO=on, calling pid 967
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 E bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_ctrl_receive: a2dp_ctrl_receive: ret=1, error(Try again)
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: a2dp_command: A2DP COMMAND A2DP_CTRL_CMD_START DONE STATUS 2
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 E bt_a2dp_hw: start_audio_datapath: Audiopath start failed - in call, move to suspended
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_format: format 0x1
11-09 15:44:09.619   612  3314 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_get_channels: channels 0x3
11-09 15:44:09.619   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: BT_SCO=on
11-09 15:44:09.620   556  1297 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
11-09 15:44:09.620   556  1297 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
11-09 15:44:09.620   612  3057 I bt_a2dp_hw: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs BT_SCO=on
11-09 15:44:09.620   612  3057 I hash_map_utils: key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'on'
11-09 15:44:09.621   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.622  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter broadcastAudioState()
11-09 15:44:09.623  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Audio state 50:C9:71:93:F9:84: 11->12
11-09 15:44:09.623  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit broadcastAudioState()
11-09 15:44:09.623  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Connected processAudioEvent()
11-09 15:44:09.624  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Connected processMessage() 
11-09 15:44:09.624  3184  3227 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter AudioOn: 101, size: 1
11-09 15:44:09.624   967   967 I AudioService: In onReceive(), mScoAudioState: 3, broadcast: true
11-09 15:44:09.625   967   967 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Device 50:C9:71:93:F9:84 transitioned to audio state 12: BRM.oR@ADs
11-09 15:44:09.625   967  1513 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Message received: HFP_IS_ON.: BRM.oR->BRM.pM_200@ADs
11-09 15:44:09.625   967  1513 W Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: HFP audio unexpectedly turned on from device 50:C9:71:93:F9:84: BRM.oR->BRM.pM_200@ADs
11-09 15:44:09.626   967  1515 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_BLUETOOTH=1002, arg1=0: BRM.oR->BRM.pM_200->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH@ADs
11-09 15:44:09.627   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.628   612  3057 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setForceUse() usage 0, config 3, mPhoneState 3
11-09 15:44:09.628   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: suspendOutput() 101

2. out_snd_device获取:

audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(30: bt-sco-headset-wb) in_snd_device(0: )

11-09 15:44:09.731   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.732  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(494) returned 882 = 494 + 388 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.732  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(61) returned 449 = 61 + 388 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.732  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 388 = 80 + 308 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.735   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.736   612   921 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set volume stream 0,                             volume 0.007943, output 13
11-09 15:44:09.736   612   921 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set volume stream 6,                             volume 0.007943, output 13
11-09 15:44:09.736   612   921 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set voice volume volume 1.000000
11-09 15:44:09.737  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 388 = 80 + 308 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.737  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(510) returned 308 = 308 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.737  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(210) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:09.737   612   921 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing create audio patch
11-09 15:44:09.737   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.737   612   921 V AudioFlinger: ThreadBase::setParameters() routing=32
11-09 15:44:09.737   612   921 V AudioFlinger: sendConfigEvent_l() num events 1 event 2
11-09 15:44:09.738  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(202) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:09.740   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.741   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.743   612  3358 V AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() remaining events 1
11-09 15:44:09.744   612  3358 V AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() DONE thread 0xaa9034c0
11-09 15:44:09.745   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.746   612   921 V AudioFlinger: sendConfigEvent_l() num events 1 event 3
11-09 15:44:09.751   612  1072 V AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() remaining events 1
11-09 15:44:09.752   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.752   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.752   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: 50:C9:71:93:F9:84=;routing=32
11-09 15:44:09.756   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.756   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (low-latency-playback)
11-09 15:44:09.756   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (audio-record)
11-09 15:44:09.758   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.759   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_echo_reference: enabling echo-reference
11-09 15:44:09.759   556  1297 D audio_route: Apply path: echo-reference
11-09 15:44:09.761   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(30: bt-sco-headset-wb) in_snd_device(0: )
11-09 15:44:09.761   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
11-09 15:44:09.763   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.765   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.766   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.773   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.776   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.777   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.778   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.780   556  1297 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 2
11-09 15:44:09.780   556  1297 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0
11-09 15:44:09.780   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.780   556  1297 I msm8916_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 1 snd_dev 2
11-09 15:44:09.780   556  1297 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
11-09 15:44:09.781   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
11-09 15:44:09.781   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.781   556  1297 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 0 usecase = 1 device (bt-sco-headset-wb)
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(30) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: becf: new_snd_devices[0] is bt-sco-headset-wb
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (63) check_usecases curr device: bt-sco-headset-wb, usecase device:speaker backends match 0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 E msm8916_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device = 
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (63) check_usecases curr device: bt-sco-headset-wb, usecase device: backends match 0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = bt-sco-headset-wb
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(30) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(30: bt-sco-headset-wb)
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x1e of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_route: Apply path: bt-sco-headset-wb
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 3
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->out_snd_device bt-sco-headset-wb
11-09 15:44:09.782   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(30) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device PLAYBACK app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 39, sample_rate 16000, snd_device_be_idx 5
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(30) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 39, path = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 16000
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
11-09 15:44:09.783   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 39, Topology Id 112fc
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE
11-09 15:44:09.783   556  1297 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000027 
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000027 
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 39 path = 0
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(30) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 I msm8916_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 1 snd_dev 30
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback bt-sco-wb
11-09 15:44:09.784   556  1297 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback bt-sco-wb
11-09 15:44:09.787   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.789   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.793   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.797   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.799   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.801   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.804   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.807   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:09.807   556  1297 E audio_hw_primary: is_bt_soc_on: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - BT SOC status
11-09 15:44:09.807   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done

3. in_snd_device获取:  

audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(88: bt-sco-mic-wb)

11-09 15:44:10.363  2702  2702 W TRAE    : [W]TraeAudioManager|onReceive::Action:android.media.ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  2939 V AudioFlinger: ThreadBase::exit
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  2939 V AudioFlinger:   preExit()
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  3416 V AudioFlinger: RecordThread: loop starting
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  3416 V AudioFlinger: acquireWakeLock_l() AudioIn_76 status 0
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  3416 D AudioFlinger: updateWakeLockUids_l AudioIn_76 uids:
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  3416 V AudioFlinger: updateWakeLockUids_l() AudioIn_76 status 0
11-09 15:44:10.363  2702  2702 W TRAE    : [W]BT ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED|   EXTRA_CONNECTION_STATE  dev:null
11-09 15:44:10.363   612  3416 V AudioFlinger: releaseWakeLock_l() AudioIn_76
11-09 15:44:10.364   612  3416 V AudioFlinger: RecordThread 0xaa9038c0 exiting
11-09 15:44:10.364  2702  2702 W TRAE    : [W]   EXTRA_SCO_AUDIO_STATE SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED:1
11-09 15:44:10.365   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.365   545  3383 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 371: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 320000000 BW avg 46656000 BW inst 46656000
11-09 15:44:10.365   612  2939 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding update audio port list
11-09 15:44:10.366   612  2939 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 10 at index 0, num commands 0
11-09 15:44:10.366   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: releaseInput() exit
11-09 15:44:10.366   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing update audio port list
11-09 15:44:10.366   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
11-09 15:44:10.366   612  3057 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.366   612  3057 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 16
11-09 15:44:10.366   612  3013 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getInputForAttr() source 7, samplingRate 16000, format 1, channelMask 10,session 105, flags 0
11-09 15:44:10.366   556  1297 D audio_hw_primary: adev_open_input_stream: enter: sample_rate(16000) channel_mask(0x10) devices(0x80000008)        stream_handle(0xaa642600) io_handle(126) source(7) format 1
11-09 15:44:10.366   556  1050 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_input_stream: enter:stream_handle(0xaa642400)
11-09 15:44:10.366   556  1297 W audio_hw_primary: adev_update_voice_comm_input_stream compress voip not active, use defaults
11-09 15:44:10.366   556  1050 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xaa642400) usecase(18: audio-record)
11-09 15:44:10.366   556  1297 W audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_input_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
11-09 15:44:10.367   612  3013 V AudioFlinger: openInput_l() openInputStream returned input 0xae29a030, devices 80000008, SamplingRate 16000, Format 0x1, Channels 10, flags 0, status 0 addr 50:C9:71:93:F9:84
11-09 15:44:10.368   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.368   612  3013 V AudioFlinger: 0xaa903b80 RecordThread params: mChannelCount=1, mFormat=0x1, mFrameSize=2, mBufferSize=640, mFrameCount=320
11-09 15:44:10.368   612  3013 V AudioFlinger: 0xaa903b80 kUseFastCapture = Static, (320 * 1000) / 16000 vs 12, initFastCapture = 0
11-09 15:44:10.369   612  3013 V AudioFlinger: openInput_l() created record thread: ID 126 thread 0xaa903b80
11-09 15:44:10.370   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.370   612  3013 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding update audio port list
11-09 15:44:10.370   612  3013 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 10 at index 0, num commands 0
11-09 15:44:10.370   612  3013 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getInputForAttr() returns input 126 type 0 selectedDeviceId 27
11-09 15:44:10.370   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing update audio port list
11-09 15:44:10.370   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
11-09 15:44:10.370   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.372  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 6 = 6 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.372  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(584) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:10.373   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: openRecord() lSessionId: 105 input 126
11-09 15:44:10.373   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: getOrphanEffectChain_l session 105 index 0
11-09 15:44:10.373   612  3057 V AudioFlinger: addEffectChain_l() 0xae29e3b0 on thread 0xaa903b80
11-09 15:44:10.375   612   612 V AudioFlinger: RecordThread::start event -1, triggerSession 0
11-09 15:44:10.375   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back-->
11-09 15:44:10.374   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopInput() input 110
11-09 15:44:10.375  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(584) returned 882 = 584 + 298 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.375   612  2323 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopInput() unknown input 110
11-09 15:44:10.375  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(151) returned 449 = 151 + 298 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.375  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 298 = 154 + 144 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.375   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: releaseInput() 110
11-09 15:44:10.375   612  2323 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: releaseInput() releasing unknown input 110
11-09 15:44:10.375   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 16 ports 0xac4d4640
11-09 15:44:10.376   545  3369 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 4728: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event: identity=0x10002, stream-on done
11-09 15:44:10.376   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 16 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.376   612   612 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: startInput() input 126
11-09 15:44:10.376   612   612 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding create patch delay 0
11-09 15:44:10.376   612   612 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 8 at index 0, num commands 0
11-09 15:44:10.376   612   921 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing create audio patch
11-09 15:44:10.376   612   921 V AudioFlinger: sendConfigEvent_l() num events 1 event 3
11-09 15:44:10.376   545  3369 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1792: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 2
11-09 15:44:10.376   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back<--
11-09 15:44:10.377   612  3421 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xaa903b80 tid=3421 ready to run
11-09 15:44:10.377   556  3417 D audio_hw_primary: in_standby: enter: stream (0xaa642600) usecase(18: audio-record)
11-09 15:44:10.377   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back-->
11-09 15:44:10.377   545  3369 E mm-camera: GC2385,fl_lines=2528,gain=64, line=1195
11-09 15:44:10.378   544  3220 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_hci: BluetoothHci::data call back<--
11-09 15:44:10.378   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.378   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: acquireWakeLock_l() AudioIn_7E status 0
11-09 15:44:10.379   612  3421 D AudioFlinger: updateWakeLockUids_l AudioIn_7E uids:10051 
11-09 15:44:10.379   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: updateWakeLockUids_l() AudioIn_7E status 0
11-09 15:44:10.379   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() remaining events 1
11-09 15:44:10.380   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: updateSuspendedSessions_l() suspend adding effect 7b491460
11-09 15:44:10.380   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: updateSuspendedSessions_l() suspend adding effect 58b4b260
11-09 15:44:10.380   556  3417 D audio_hw_primary: in_set_parameters: enter: kvpairs=50:C9:71:93:F9:84=;input_source=7;routing=-2147483640
11-09 15:44:10.381   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.381   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: sendConfigEvent_l() num events 1 event 0
11-09 15:44:10.381   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 156: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread session id =1
11-09 15:44:10.381   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() remaining events 1
11-09 15:44:10.382   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.382  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 298 = 154 + 144 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.382  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(436) returned 144 = 144 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.382  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(300) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.383  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(292) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:10.383   612  3421 V AudioFlinger: processConfigEvents_l() DONE thread 0xaa903b80
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   921 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setInputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 236
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   612 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding recording configuration update event 1, source 7 uid 10051
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   612 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 14 at index 0, num commands 0
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   612 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding update audio patch list
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing recording configuration update
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   612 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 11 at index 0, num commands 0
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   612 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: AudioPolicyManager::startInput() input source = 7
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing update audio patch list
11-09 15:44:10.384   612   922 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
11-09 15:44:10.385   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.385   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.386   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.387   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4bc0
11-09 15:44:10.387   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.387   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.388   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.388   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.388   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4e00
11-09 15:44:10.389   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.390   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.390   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.390   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d47c0
11-09 15:44:10.391   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.391   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.392   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.392   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.392   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4a40
11-09 15:44:10.393   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.393   612   935 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.393   612   935 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.393   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4f00
11-09 15:44:10.393   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.394   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.395  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(292) returned 882 = 292 + 590 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.395   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.395   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.395  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 590 = 590 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.395  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(449) returned 449 = 449 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.395  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(8) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.395   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d42c0
11-09 15:44:10.396   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.397   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c8
11-09 15:44:10.397   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.397   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4e40
11-09 15:44:10.398   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.398   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.399   612   935 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.399   612   935 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.399   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4500
11-09 15:44:10.400   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.400   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.400   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.400   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4f40
11-09 15:44:10.400   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.404  2702  2751 D Unknow  : [local_audio_stream.cpp, SetEncParamsInternal, 638]:AudioEngine:LocalAudioStream frame_len_ms:20 bit_rate:51200
11-09 15:44:10.410   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 4303: mct_pipeline_process_set:  STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10002, stream type=1
11-09 15:44:10.411   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 4149: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
11-09 15:44:10.411   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 4288: mct_pipeline_process_set:  STREAM-ON on stream 0x10003 stream type=3
11-09 15:44:10.411   545  3369 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1763: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
11-09 15:44:10.412   545  3376 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2110: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 3
11-09 15:44:10.412   545  3376 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 12107: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: got No.2 bundled streamon, mct stream id 3total bundled stream num = 5
11-09 15:44:10.413   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: -LBF- start_input_stream: Enter
11-09 15:44:10.413   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: start_input_stream: enter: stream(0xaa642600)usecase(18: audio-record)
11-09 15:44:10.414   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: -LBF-458 hw_mic_contral_write_file:  Enter 
11-09 15:44:10.415  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 746 = 590 + 156 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.415  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(157) returned 449 = 157 + 292 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.415  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 292 = 292 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.416   545  3387 I mm-camera: <ISP   >< INFO> 90: rs_stats44_stats_config_update: warning: max_support_h_rgn invalid 8
11-09 15:44:10.416   545  3369 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1792: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: X, session id = 1, user stream id = 3
11-09 15:44:10.416   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 4303: mct_pipeline_process_set:  STREAM-ON success for stream 0x10003, stream type=3
11-09 15:44:10.417   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 4149: mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000008
11-09 15:44:10.417   545  3369 I mm-camera: <MCT   >< INFO> 4288: mct_pipeline_process_set:  STREAM-ON on stream 0x10004 stream type=5
11-09 15:44:10.417   545  3369 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 1763: iface_streamon_to_thread: iface_streamon_to_thread: E, session id = 1, user stream id = 4
11-09 15:44:10.417   545  3376 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 2110: iface_streamon: E, session_id 1 mct_stream_id = 4
11-09 15:44:10.417   545  3376 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 12107: iface_util_get_user_streams_by_bundle: got No.3 bundled streamon, mct stream id 4total bundled stream num = 5
11-09 15:44:10.417   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.417   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.417   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4a00
11-09 15:44:10.418   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.418   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.419   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.419   545  3387 I mm-camera: <ISP   >< INFO> 90: rs_stats44_stats_config_update: warning: max_support_h_rgn invalid 8
11-09 15:44:10.420   545  3383 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 371: cpp_hardware_set_clock: Set clock 320000000 BW avg 93312000 BW inst 93312000
11-09 15:44:10.421   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.421   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.421   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4980
11-09 15:44:10.421   545  3369 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 4728: cpp_module_handle_streamon_event: identity=0x10004, stream-on done
11-09 15:44:10.421   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.421   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.422  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 292 = 292 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.422  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(306) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.423   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.423   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.423  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(298) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:10.423   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4140
11-09 15:44:10.423   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.424   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.424   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.424   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4340
11-09 15:44:10.424   612   612 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.426  2702  2737 I Unknow  : [TRTCNetworkImpl.cpp, operator, 6120]:TRTCNetwork: RequestChangeAbility
11-09 15:44:10.426   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.426  2702  2737 I Unknow  : [TRTCProtocolProcess.cpp, requestChangeAbility, 824]:Signal: requestChangeAbility  seq:1810431321, Ability:ALimit:(codec:3 sample:48000 interval:20 bits:51200 channel:1)VLimit:(rps:1 enc:3 supportAdjustRes:1)SpeciV:(type:2 bits:1024000 fps:15 w:544 h:960 minBits:0)SpeciA:(codec:3 sample:48000 interval:20 bits:51200 channel:1) scene:1
11-09 15:44:10.426   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.427   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.427   612  1087 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.427   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.427   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d48c0
11-09 15:44:10.427   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: -LBF-471 hw_mic_contral_write_file: write done 
11-09 15:44:10.427   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: -LBF-2478 start_input_stream: open mic done size(15)
11-09 15:44:10.427   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.427   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac669e40
11-09 15:44:10.428   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.429   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.430   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.430   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.430   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4400
11-09 15:44:10.431   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.431   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.432   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.432   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.432   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.432   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4200
11-09 15:44:10.433   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.434   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (audio-record)
11-09 15:44:10.434   556  3423 D msm8916_platform: platform_set_echo_reference: enabling echo-reference
11-09 15:44:10.434   556  3423 D audio_route: Apply path: echo-reference
11-09 15:44:10.435  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(298) returned 882 = 140 + 742 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.435  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(158) returned 742 = 158 + 584 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.435  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 584 = 584 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.436  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(590) returned 584 = 584 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.436  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(455) returned 449 = 449 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.436  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(14) returned 8 = 8 + 0 err 0
11-09 15:44:10.436  2702  3354 V AudioTrack: obtainBuffer(6) returned 0 = 0 + 0 err -11
11-09 15:44:10.437   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.437   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.437   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4240
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(0: ) in_snd_device(88: bt-sco-mic-wb)
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_and_set_capture_codec_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: bitwidth 16, samplerate 16000, channel 1 format 1, backend_idx 9 usecase = 18 device (bt-sco-mic-wb)
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_capture_codec_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 9 current bit width: 16 and sample rate: 16000, channels 1 format 1
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 W msm8916_platform: platform_check_capture_codec_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe:Use default bw and sr for voice/voip calls
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 I msm8916_platform: platform_check_capture_codec_backend_cfg:txbecf: afe: Codec selected backend: 9 updated bit width: 16 and sample rate: 48000
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_capture_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = bt-sco-mic-wb
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(88) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: bt-sco-mic-wb)
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x58 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=1
11-09 15:44:10.437   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 D audio_route: Apply path: bt-sco-mic-wb
11-09 15:44:10.437   556  3423 W audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_input_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->in_snd_device bt-sco-mic-wb
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(88) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device CAPTURE app_type 69938, acdb_dev_id 38, sample_rate 16000, snd_device_be_idx 33
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(88) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 38, path = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 16000
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
11-09 15:44:10.438   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000026 
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 38, Topology Id 112fb
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000026 
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D         : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000026 
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 38 path = 1
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D msm8916_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(88) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0)
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 I msm8916_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 1 op_ch 1 uc_id 18 snd_dev 88
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: audio-record bt-sco-wb
11-09 15:44:10.439   556  3423 D audio_route: Apply path: audio-record bt-sco-wb
11-09 15:44:10.439   612  1081 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.440   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xae28c3c0
11-09 15:44:10.440   612  2323 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.440   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 17 ports 0xac4d4080
11-09 15:44:10.441   612  2939 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 17 ports needed 17
11-09 15:44:10.442   612  3315 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer
11-09 15:44:10.443   556  3423 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
11-09 15:44:10.443   612  1098 V AudioFlinger: onIdleMixer

有时间在结合代码整理一下流程 loading...

BT相关的文件log tag:

/system/bt/doc/log_tags.md (revision 533b5ade):

1 Log Tags
2 ===
3 This document lists all of the log tags used by the Bluetooth stack.
5 * audio_a2dp_hw
6 * BTA_AG_CO:
7 * bta_sys_main
8 * bt_btif
9 * bt_btif_config
10 * bt_btif_config_transcode
11 * bt_classic_peer
12 * bte_conf
13 * BtGatt.btif
14 * BtGatt.btif_test
15 * bt_hci
16 * bt_hci_h4
17 * bt_hci_inject
18 * bt_hci_mct
19 * bt_hci_packet_fragmenter
20 * BTIF_AV
22 * BTIF_HF
24 * BTIF_HH
25 * BTIF_HL
29 * BTIF_RC
30 * BTIF_SM
31 * btif_sock
33 * btif_sock_rfcomm
34 * btif_sock_sco
38 * BTLD
39 * bt_module
40 * bt_osi_alarm
41 * bt_osi_config
42 * bt_osi_data_dispatcher
43 * bt_osi_reactor
44 * bt_osi_socket
45 * bt_profile_manager
46 * bt_sdp_client
47 * btsnoop
48 * btsnoop_net
49 * bt_stack_config
50 * bt_stack_manager
51 * bt_task
52 * btu_task
54 * bt_vendor
55 * osi_future
56 * osi_semaphore
57 * osi_thread


以上就是活力白云为你收集整理的video call BT audio音频流程的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决video call BT audio音频流程所遇到的程序开发问题。



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