我是靠谱客的博主 闪闪小霸王,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍fcc认证_介绍fCC 100:我们对2019年杰出贡献者的年度总结,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



2019 has been a big year for the global freeCodeCamp community.


  • More people are answering questions on the forum.

  • Our publication has several new, rising authors.

  • And our community has made hundreds of improvements to our curriculum and learning platform.


In 2019, people used freeCodeCamp for a grand total of more than 1.1 billion minutes. That's 2,000 years, or an average of 2,000 people using freeCodeCamp at any given moment.

在2019年,人们使用freeCodeCamp的时间总计超过11亿分钟。 这就是2,000年,或在任何给定时刻平均有2,000人使用freeCodeCamp。

freeCodeCamp is a tiny donor supported nonprofit with only 7 full-time staff and a budget of only US $373,119.


And yet we are able to accomplish the mission of a 100-person nonprofit with a multi-million dollar budget.


How are we able to do this?


Because we have a global community of volunteers.


I have met with all of these people over the years, and I can say without hesitation: these contributors are among the most kind, thoughtful people I've ever met.


And in the final week of 2019, I want to recognize their incredible efforts and all that they've accomplished this year.


Without further ado, here are 2019's fCC 100 - the contributors who make possible freeCodeCamp's ambitious mission of helping people around the world learn to code for free.

事不宜迟,这里是2019年的fCC 100-那些使freeCodeCamp雄心勃勃的使命成为现实的贡献者,帮助世界各地的人们免费学习编码。

Some quick notes: This list focuses on people who are contributing through:


  • the open source codebase and curriculum

  • the community publication

  • the community forum

  • the community YouTube channel


We're shipping each of these top contributors a special version of our limited edition freeCodeCamp backpacks.

我们正在为这些杰出贡献者中的每一个提供特别版的freeCodeCamp背包 。

Some people have already started receiving theirs.


Note that we will recognize contributors to our new Chapter project once it launches - along with the many people who lead freeCodeCamp chapters around the world.


Note that most of the people recognized here on this year's list weren't Top Contributors in 2018.


If you contributed to freeCodeCamp in 2019 but didn't make the list, keep it up. There's a good chance you can make our fCC100 list for 2020.

如果您在2019年为freeCodeCamp做出了贡献但未进入列表,请继续进行。 您很有可能进入2020年我们的fCC100清单。

Here's the full list in reverse alphabetical order by first name. I list some contributors by their desired pseudonyms out of respect for their privacy.

这是按名字按相反字母顺序排列的完整列表。 我出于对隐私的尊重,以所需的笔名列出了一些贡献者。

Zubin Pratap-出版物作者 (Zubin Pratap - Publication Author)

@ZubinPratap"I want people to benefit from support that I'd fervently wished I had when I was learning to code."

@ZubinPratap “我希望人们能从学习编码的过程中衷心希望得到的支持中受益。”

Yazeed Bzadough-出版作者 (Yazeed Bzadough - Publication Author)

@yazeedBee"Teaching is how I learn best. If I can't explain it simply, I don't know it well enough. In 2020, I'm going to 10x my 2019 contributions to freeCodeCamp."

@yazeedBee “教学是我最好的学习方式。如果我不能简单地解释它,我就不太了解。在2020年,我将把我对freeCodeCamp的2019年贡献提高10倍。”

吴玉萍-出版作者 (Yuping Wu - Publication Author)

"Writing about programming helps me consolidate what I've learned."


Xing“ S1ngS1ng” Liu-代码库贡献者 (Xing "S1ngS1ng" Liu - Codebase Contributor)

@liuxing0514"I received lots of help from all the communities when I started learning to code. I consider investing time in helping others is a good way to return the favor"

@ liuxing0514 “当我开始学习编码时,我得到了所有社区的很多帮助。我认为花时间帮助别人是回馈青睐的好方法”

Will Ward-代码库贡献者和论坛主持人 (Will Ward - Codebase Contributor and Forum Moderator)

@willjw3"I’m proud to have helped other learners work through various problems they couldn’t get past. Those who don’t code in the future will be at a disadvantage. I’m glad to try to remove that disadvantage wherever possible. I love coding, and I’d like to see those who have a strong interest in it as well, succeed."

@ willjw3 “我很荣幸能帮助其他学习者解决他们无法克服的各种问题。那些将来不编写代码的人将处于不利地位。我很高兴尝试尽可能消除这种不利条件我热爱编码,并且我希望看到对编码有浓厚兴趣的人也能成功。”

Vivek Agrawal-课程贡献者 (Vivek Agrawal - Curriculum Contributor)

@vkwebdev"I know my time invested in making the platform better will impact millions of future learners and this gives me thrills."

@vkwebdev “我知道我为使平台更好而投入的时间将影响数百万未来的学习者,这使我感到非常兴奋。”

Viktors Jenovs-论坛主持人 (Viktors Jenovs - Forum Moderator)

@jenovs"1,600 forum posts and counting. I'm just giving back to community."

@jenovs “ 1600个论坛帖子还在增加 。我只是回馈社区。”

维多利亚·德雷克-出版作者 (Victoria Drake - Publication Author)

@victoriadotdev"Sharing knowledge is how we all learn! Open source material and courses like fCC helped me become a better developer. The future of the skills economy is largely technical, so I like to think I’m helping to pay it forward for the next generation of programmers."

@victoriadotdev “分享知识是我们共同学习的方式!像fCC这样的开源材料和课程帮助我成为了更好的开发人员。技能经济的未来在很大程度上是技术性的,所以我想我正在为为此付出的努力做出贡献。下一代程序员。”

Victor Gonzalez-出版物作者 (Victor Gonzalez - Publication Author)

@coderstape"I want to teach to improve their quality of life forever and because I want to change as many lives as possible."

@coderstape “我想教我永远改善他们的生活质量,因为我想尽可能多地改变生活。”

Qian强-课程撰稿人和出版物作者 (Top Qiang - Curriculum Contributor and Publication Author)

"In 2020, I'm planning to write more about machine learning."


Tony Soukkeo-论坛主持人 (Tony Soukkeo - Forum Moderator)

@s0ukke05"It’s a nice feeling when you help guide or nudge someone in the right direction, and then you see them complete the challenge. We’ve all been been a beginner at some point. So I know The frustration of being stuck. I can help others out while also reinforcing my own knowledge."

@ s0ukke05 “当您帮助以正确的方向指导或轻推某人,然后您看到他们完成了挑战时,这真​​是一种不错的感觉。在某种程度上,我们所有人都是初学者。所以我知道被困的挫败感。我可以帮助他人,同时也可以增强我自己的知识。”

Tom Mondloch-代码库贡献者 (Tom Mondloch - Codebase Contributor)

@mot01"I enjoy giving back to the community and I help out where I can."

@ mot01 “我很乐意回馈社区,并尽我所能提供帮助。”

Tobias Parent-论坛主持人 (Tobias Parent - Forum Moderator)

@snowmonkey"I'm passionate about coding. I have been for more than thirty years. And I recently discovered a passion for teaching and mentoring as well. freeCodeCamp's learners really, really want to learn. And that process is dynamic and exciting to be part of."

@snowmonkey “我对编码充满热情。我从事编码已有30多年了。最近,我也发现了对教学和指导的热情。freeCodeCamp的学习者真的非常想学习。而且这个过程充满活力,令人兴奋。部分。”

Tim Ruscica-YouTube投稿人 (Tim Ruscica - YouTube Contributor)

@techwithtimm "I believe everyone has the right to education and that programming is an amazing field with unlimited possibilities. Everyone should be able to learn it despite their background or situation and I want to help make that possible. I will continue to contribute high quality video courses that can help a diverse group of aspiring programmers."

@techwithtimm “我相信每个人都有受教育的权利,编程是一个了不起的领域,无限的可能性。不管背景或情况如何,每个人都应该能够学习它,我想帮助实现这一点。我将继续为高质量做出贡献可以帮助各种有抱负的程序员的视频课程。”

Thomas Weibenfalk-出版物作者兼YouTube贡献者 (Thomas Weibenfalk - Publication Author and YouTube Contributor)

@weibenfalk"I've learned most of my coding skills during a lifetime of searching for answers in the community. I know the power of that. That's why it's great to be able to share my knowledge the same way. Also, I've worked with a lot of clients during the years. It is not even close to being as satisfying as teaching people stuff. Teaching can change peoples lives!"

@weibenfalk “在社区中寻找答案的一生中,我已经学习了大多数编码技能。我知道它的强大功能。这就是为什么能够以相同的方式分享我的知识很棒。而且,我在过去的几年中,它与许多客户一起工作。这甚至远远不能像教别人的东西那样令人满意。教学可以改变人们的生活!”

Syk Houdeib-出版物作者 (Syk Houdeib - Publication Author)

@syknapse"I wouldn't have made a successful career switch if it wasn't for the help and the time of lots of people who directly or indirectly gave me a hand along the way. And I love to pay it forward."

@syknapse “如果不是在很多直接或间接帮助我的人的帮助和时间的帮助下,我就不会做出成功的职业转变。而且我很乐意为此付出代价。”

史蒂夫·罗马-论坛主持人 (Steve Roma - Forum Moderator)

@roma"I like being able to do code reviews on people's projects and help push someone to where they get that ah-ha moment and it comes together for them. It was how I learned, others giving hints and helping rather than just giving an answer. I hope to broaden my knowledge more to be able to help more. There are a few mods that I strive to be more like."

@roma “我喜欢能够对人们的项目进行代码审查,并帮助将某人推到他们得到的那一刻,这对于他们来说是在一起。这就是我的学习方式,其他人给出了提示和帮助,而不仅仅是给出答案。我希望拓宽我的知识面,以便能够提供更多帮助。我努力争取成为一些Mod。

Sonya Moisset-出版物作者 (Sonya Moisset - Publication Author)

@SonyaMoisset"I like to give back to the community and to FreeCodeCamp."

@SonyaMoisset “我想回馈社区和FreeCodeCamp。”

Shi Yao-代码库贡献者 (Shi Yao - Codebase Contributor)

@techquery_fcc"I enjoy meeting other wonderful people through contributing to open source."

@techquery_fcc “我喜欢通过为开源做出贡献来结识其他很棒的人。”

Shifa Martin-出版物作者 (Shifa Martin - Publication Author)

@valuecoders"I like to help other developers better understand their code complexity and help them solve their problems."

@valuecoders “我想帮助其他开发人员更好地理解他们的代码复杂性并帮助他们解决问题。”

Ryan Michael Kay-YouTube贡献者 (Ryan Michael Kay - YouTube Contributor)

@wiseAss301"Being a self-taught developer, I feel it is my responsibility to help the next generation of developers through the problems and pitfalls I went through."

@ wiseAss301 “作为一个自学成才的开发人员,我感到有责任帮助我克服所遇到的问题和陷阱的下一代开发人员。”

Randell Dawson-论坛主持人和代码库贡献者 (Randell Dawson - Forum Moderator and Codebase Contributor)

@randelldawson"I have learned so much more about the ins and outs of JavaScript by trying to explain complex concepts in plain language to campers. It is a win for the camper and a win for me. The better I get at explaining the concepts, the better I can identify when to implement them in my own projects. In 2020, I'm looking forward to implementing a completely autonomous bot that will help expedite the review process of pull requests in the freeCodeCamp repo."

@randelldawson “通过向露营者解释简单语言的复杂概念,我对JavaScript的来龙去脉学到了很多。对于露营者来说,这是双赢,对我来说也是双赢。我能更好地解释这些概念,我会更好地确定何时在我自己的项目中实现它们。在2020年,我期待实现一个完全自主的机器人,这将有助于加快freeCodeCamp存储库中请求请求的审查过程。”

Pier Paolo Ippolito-出版作者 (Pier Paolo Ippolito - Publication Author)

@Pier_Paolo_28 "My latest freeCodeCamp article got tweeted by NVIDIA's official twitter account. This kind of exposure encourages me to learn always something new and to gain a deeper understanding of the different subjects. In 2020, I will publish more articles related to algorithms implementation and end-to-end projects."

@ Pier_Paolo_28 “我最新的freeCodeCamp文章被NVIDIA的官方twitter帐户发布了推特。这种曝光方式鼓励我始终学习新知识,并加深对不同主题的了解。在2020年,我将发布更多与算法实现和相关的文章。端到端项目。”

Phillip Shim-代码库贡献者和论坛主持人 (Phillip Shim - Codebase Contributor and Forum Moderator)

@shimphillip"Coding is so much fun. When I help other people learn how to code, I get to have more fun because I am coding and helping at the same time!"

@shimphillip “编码非常有趣。当我帮助其他人学习编码时,我会变得更加有趣,因为我同时在编码和提供帮助!”

彼得·格里森(Peter Gleeson)-出版物作者 (Peter Gleeson - Publication Author)

@pg0408"I enjoy learning, and I want to share that learning with others. Technology underpins so much of modern life, yet relatively few people understand how it actually works. freeCodeCamp is helping give back that control to thousands of people every day."

@ pg0408 “我喜欢学习,我想与其他人分享这种学习。技术是现代生活的基础,但很少有人了解它的实际工作方式。freeCodeCamp每天都在帮助将这种控制权交还给数千人。”

Parth Parth-代码库贡献者 (Parth Parth - Codebase Contributor)

@codingaviator "Contributing to freeCodeCamp gives me a sense of responsibility and a tremendous joy. With the revamp, there are quite a few additional improvements to make. Let’s work on those!"

@codingaviator “对freeCodeCamp的贡献给了我一种责任感和极大的喜悦。通过这次改进,还有很多其他的改进要做。让我们继续努力吧!”

Oussama Jlassi-出版作者 (Oussama Jlassi - Publication Author)

@osama1185 "Asking a teacher why teaching is important is like asking the sun why it's important to have a solar system."

@ osama1185 “问老师为什么教学很重要,就像问太阳为什么拥有太阳系那么重要。”

奥列格·罗曼纽克(Oleg Romanyuk)-出版物作者 (Oleg Romanyuk - Publication Author)

@olehrom1"I'm not a professional developer, and I know how hard it is to learn technical topics. Many people stop trying to enter the IT world, scared of all the jargon and snobbish attitude to newcomers, especially without a solid technical background. So I think by putting complicated things into simple words, I'm helping people with whom I deeply sympathize."

@ olehrom1 “我不是专业的开发人员,我知道学习技术主题的难度。许多人停止尝试进入IT世界,因为害怕新来者的所有行话和势利态度,特别是没有扎实的技术背景因此,我认为通过将复杂的事情用简单的词来表达,我正在帮助深深同情的人。”

Niraj Nandish-代码库贡献者 (Niraj Nandish - Codebase Contributor)

@nirajn2311When I first started to learn coding it wasn't easy. So I think that we can make it simpler by helping others."

@ nirajn2311当我第一次开始学习编码时,这并不容易。 因此,我认为我们可以通过帮助他人来简化它。”

Nicolas Mancilla-代码库贡献者 (Nicolas Mancilla - Codebase Contributor)

@nicolas_amv"Helping others understand their code is my way of giving back what others have taught me freely, including Free Code Camp."

@nicolas_amv “帮助别人理解他们的代码是我回馈别人自由教给我的东西的方式,包括免费代码营。”

Nelson Djalo-YouTube投稿人 (Nelson Djalo - YouTube Contributor)

@amigoscode"There is a lot of talent out there to be discovered and not everyone has the privilege to go to universities. But everyone has freeCodeCamp."

@amigoscode “这里有很多人才,并不是每个人都有上大学的特权。但是每个人都有freeCodeCamp。”

Nate Ebel-YouTube投稿人 (Nate Ebel - YouTube Contributor)

@n8ebel"I really believe strongly in helping give back to others to help pay back the amazing education and mentorship I've received over the years. I enjoy helping people dream, learn, and create."

@ n8ebel “我非常坚信能够帮助回馈他人,以偿还我多年来获得的惊人的教育和指导。我乐于帮助人们梦想,学习和创造。”

Mihail Gaberov-出版物作者 (Mihail Gaberov - Publication Author)

@mihailgaberov "I like to learn myself and share the things I learn with others, too."

@mihailgaberov “我喜欢学习自己,也喜欢与他人分享我学到的东西。”

梅根·卡扎诺夫斯基(Megan Kaczanowski)-出版物作者 (Megan Kaczanowski - Publication Author)

@megansdoingfine "I typically write articles based on things I've struggled with in the past. It's incredibly rewarding to see that other people are able to benefit from the lessons I learned during this process. Technology feels like it has the possibility to be an incredible equalizer. It's increasingly important that a diverse group is responsible for making the decisions which shape technology."

@megansdoingfine “我通常根据过去的工作来写文章。看到别人能够从我在此过程中学到的教训中受益,这是非常令人高兴的 。技术感觉到它有可能成为一种令人难以置信的均衡器。多样化的团队负责制定影响技术的决策变得越来越重要。”

Matthew Potter-代码库贡献者 (Matthew Potter - Codebase Contributor)

@askmp "Ideas are unique in that the more you share them, the more you get in return."

@askmp “想法是独特的,因为分享的越多,得到的回报就越多。”

Matthew Freire-YouTube投稿人 (Matthew Freire - YouTube Contributor)

@justdjangocode"Education is extremely important. And sharing information can only help communities grow and provide more value around the world."

@justdjangocode “教育非常重要。共享信息只能帮助社区发展并在世界范围内提供更多价值。”

Manish Giri-代码库贡献者 (Manish Giri - Codebase Contributor)

@1_infinite_loop"When I was learning to code, I continually struggled with the lack of free and quality resources available out there. When I had doubts, asking questions on StackOverflow meant spending more time on phrasing and re-phrasing the question itself (due to fear of downvotes), rather than focusing on the problem at hand. When contributing to open source, GitHub project maintainers would often ignore my questions. Having gone through all of this, I know how much it means when someone can help you with your questions, or guide you on your journey, as you get your feet wet with coding. That is why I try to help out as many people as I can."

@ 1_infinite_loop “当我学习编程时,我一直在努力缺乏可用的免费和优质资源。当我有疑问时,在StackOverflow上提问意味着要花费更多的时间来表述和重新表述问题本身(由于担心失败的投票),而不是专注于手头的问题。在为开源做贡献时,GitHub项目维护者通常会忽略我的问题。经历了所有这些之后,我知道当有人可以帮助您解决您的问题意味着什么,或者在您的编码之旅中为您提供指导,这就是为什么我会尽力帮助尽可能多的人的原因。”

Madalena Aza-论坛主持人和代码库贡献者 (Madalena Aza - Forum Moderator and Codebase Contributor)

@Maza_Design"I have always believed that you learn so much by helping others. I am learning to code myself. So whenever I help others, this also improves my own  confidence with these skills."

@Maza_Design “我一直相信您会通过帮助他人而学到很多。我正在学习编写自己的代码。因此,每当我帮助他人时,这也会提高我对这些技能的信心。”

LasseJørgensen-论坛主持人 (Lasse Jørgensen - Forum Moderator)

@lasjorg"Teaching and giving help can be very rewarding. It also keeps me busy and forces me to learn."

@lasjorg “教学和给予帮助会非常有益。这也使我忙于工作并迫使我学习。”

凯尔·普林斯露(Kyle Prinsloo)-出版物作者 (Kyle Prinsloo - Publication Author)

@study_web_dev"I help people so they can enjoy the fruits of what coding and freelancing produces. Everything from more freedom to more income. And hopefully, they will teach others the same."

@study_web_dev “我帮助人们,使他们可以享受编码和自由职业所产生的成果。从更多自由到更多收入的所有事物。希望他们能教给别人同样的东西。”

Khalil Stemmler-出版物作者 (Khalil Stemmler - Publication Author)

@stemmlerjs"Code can bring you freedom, flexibility, time to spend with your family, to travel, and financials to afford the necessities. By helping others learn to code and become better programmers, I feel fulfilled and happy in a way that a raise on my salary would never be able to do. Helping others gives me, my work, and my life meaning. Knowing that I can help someone improve their economic situation is incredibly motivating. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for free resources like fCC when I was learning to code."

@stemmlerjs “代码可以为您带来自由,灵活性,与家人在一起度过的时间,旅行和财务上的必需品。通过帮助他人学习编码并成为更好的程序员,我以一种加薪的方式感到满足和快乐帮别人给我,我的工作和我的生活意义。知道我可以帮助某人改善他们的经济状况是令人难以置信的动力。如果不是,我将不会成为今天的我。我在学习编码时可以使用fCC等免费资源。”

Kev Comedia-论坛主持人 (Kev Comedia - Forum Moderator)



乔纳森·塞克斯顿(Jonathan Sexton)-出版物作者 (Jonathan Sexton - Publication Author)

@jj_goose"When I started learning to code fCC was a pillar in my journey and I leaned on others to help me when I was stuck. By writing articles on fCC I pay it forward and help the spread of knowledge."

@jj_goose “当我开始学习编码fCC时,这是我旅途中的一个Struts,当我被困时,我会依靠他人来帮助我。通过撰写有关fCC的文章,我可以为之付出并帮助传播知识。”

张静如-代码库贡献者 (Jingru Zhang - Codebase Contributor)

@jing_ru_zhang"I didn’t have a traditional coding education and I relied heavily on the goodwill of the online community, freeCodeCamp being one of the most important ones. It feels right to pass it on."

@jing_ru_zhang “我没有接受过传统的编码培训,我在很大程度上依赖在线社区的善意,其中freeCodeCamp是最重要的一个。传递它是正确的。”

Jessica Chan-出版作者 (Jessica Chan - Publication Author)

@thecodercoder"I fell into web development without having taken any computer science classes (I majored in photography). It gave me an incredibly rewarding career at a time in my life when I didn't have real direction. 7+ years later, I love what I do and I want to help other people discover a love of coding."

@thecodercoder “我没有参加任何计算机科学课程(我攻读摄影专业)就进入了Web开发。这给了我一生中非常有意义的职业,而当时我没有真正的方向。7年多以后,我热爱我的工作,我想帮助其他人发现对编码的热爱。”

Jesse Weigel-YouTube投稿人 (Jesse Weigel - YouTube Contributor)

@JesseRWeigel"Through coding, someone can build a better life for themselves and their families without needing need a lot of money up front. I love being a part of helping someone to do that."

@JesseRWeigel “通过编码,某人可以为自己和家人过上更好的生活,而无需花很多钱。我喜欢帮助别人做到这一点。”

Jerry-代码库贡献者 (Jerry - Codebase Contributor)

"I'm just playing my small part in helping more people learn to code."


Jeff Lowery-出版作者 (Jeff Lowery - Publication Author)

@jmlowery"I've been doing software development a long time and have seen much sausage being made. I want to share that."

@jmlowery “我从事软件开发已经很长时间了,已经看到了很多香肠。我想分享一下。”

Jed Fox-代码库贡献者 (Jed Fox - Codebase Contributor)

@jed_fox1"Coding is a skill that unlocks high-paying jobs worldwide, and enables as many people as possible to access these jobs. This will bring change and innovation we can’t yet imagine."

@ jed_fox1 “编码是一种技能,可以释放全球范围内的高薪工作,并使尽可能多的人能够找到这些工作。这将带来我们无法想象的变化和创新。”

Jason Yu-代码库贡献者 (Jason Yu - Codebase Contributor)

@YHSPY"I like to share and spread my knowledge to others."

@YHSPY “我喜欢与他人分享并传播我的知识。”

杰克逊·贝茨(Jackson Bates)-出版物作者兼论坛主持人 (Jackson Bates - Publication Author and Forum Moderator)

@jacksonbates"I've been very privileged and lucky in many respects in my own career, but I wouldn't have my current dev career without the contributions from others in the freeCodeCamp community. I think it's important to pay it forward."

@jacksonbates: “在我自己的职业生涯中,我在很多方面都感到非常荣幸和幸运,但是如果没有freeCodeCamp社区中其他人的贡献,我将无法拥有我目前的开发事业。我认为将其支付给我很重要。”

Ilenia M.-论坛主持人 (Ilenia M. - Forum Moderator)

@ieahleen"It is empowering being able to learn something, produce something, outside of traditional learning environment, where few truly thrive and even less have access to the advanced learning where coding is thought. Everyone should have access to learning to code, even if the traditional learning path they have chosen wouldn't include it, now that we live in a digital era."

@ieahleen “它使人们能够在传统的学习环境之外学习,生产某些东西,在传统的学习环境中,很少有人真正蓬勃发展,甚至很少有人能够使用被认为是编码的高级学习。每个人都应该能够学习编码,即使既然我们生活在数字时代,他们选择的传统学习道路就不会包括在内。”

Huyen Nguyen-代码库贡献者 (Huyen Nguyen - Codebase Contributor)

@huyenltnguyen"freeCodeCamp is where I learned to code. It helped me get my foot in the web development world. It was all thanks to the generous support from the contributors, and there was no doubt that I would return the favor."

@huyenltnguyen “ freeCodeCamp是我学习编码的地方。它帮助我踏入了Web开发领域。这一切都归功于贡献者的慷慨支持,毫无疑问,我会回馈支持。”

Huseyin Polat Yuruk-出版物作者 (Huseyin Polat Yuruk - Publication Author)

@hpolatyuruk"I really like to help people. I have 10+ years of experience in programming. I've made many mistakes and many lessons learned from them. I thought that it was time to give back to the community. It doesn't matter how much we can give and help others. I never underestimate how much difference we can make in people's lives. A few words can change a life."

@hpolatyuruk “我真的很想帮助人们。我在编程方面拥有10多年的经验。我犯了很多错误,并从中学到了很多教训。我认为是时候回馈社区了。无论我们能给别人多少钱和帮助别人。我永远不会低估我们能给人们的生活带来多少改变。几句话就能改变生活。”

胡洛阳-代码库贡献者 (Luoyang Hu - Codebase Contributor)

"I'm doing my best to translate freeCodeCamp into Chinese for the benefit of the Chinese-speaking community."


Heath Adams-YouTube贡献者 (Heath Adams - YouTube Contributor)

@thecybermentor"In cybersecurity, we have so many jobs and not enough people to fill them. By helping people learn core topics, and perhaps gain interest in our field, we can slowly make the internet a safer place."

@thecybermentor “在网络安全方面,我们有很多工作,但没有足够的人才来填补这些职位。通过帮助人们学习核心话题,并可能对我们的领域产生兴趣,我们可以逐步使互联网变得更安全。”

Gwendolyn Faraday-出版物作者兼YouTube贡献者 (Gwendolyn Faraday - Publication Author and YouTube Contributor)

@gwen_faraday"We all benefit from the community and it’s a great feeling to help out."

@gwen_faraday “我们都从社区中受益,能为您提供帮助真是太好了。”

Zhong Zhong Gu-代码库贡献者 (Zhongren Gu - Codebase Contributor)

@guzhongren"Helping people learn to code makes society more equal, and brings in people from all walks of life."

@guzhongren “帮助人们学习编码使社会更加平等,并吸引了各行各业的人们。”

曹光宏-代码库贡献者 (Guanghong Cao - Codebase Contributor)

@tegrat"freeCodeCamp helped me, so I want to help more people. Helping others make me happy."

@tegrat “ freeCodeCamp帮助了我,因此我想帮助更多的人。帮助他人使我感到高兴。”

Gregory Gubarev-代码库贡献者 (Gregory Gubarev - Codebase Contributor)

@greggubarev"We ourselves must build the future. The availability of knowledge is one of the highest priority areas for anyone who cares about the future and freedom."

@greggubarev “我们自己必须建立未来。知识的获取是任何关心未来和自由的人的头等大事 。”

Florin Pop-出版作者 (Florin Pop - Publication Author)

@florinpop1705"I'm proud of all of the articles I've written, all the people I sent to study on freeCodeCamp, and all the people I've inspired through my work on the fCC platform. I also received a lot from the developer community when I first started. I was inspired by people. I learned from them. And I think that it's not my duty (and my pleasure) to help others too."

@ florinpop1705 “我为我写的所有文章,在FreeCodeCamp上学习的所有人员以及通过我在fCC平台上的工作所启发的所有人员感到自豪。我也从中受益匪浅我刚开始时是开发人员社区。我受到人们的启发。我从他们那里学习。我认为帮助他人也不是我的责任(也是我的荣幸)。”

Flavio Copes-出版物作者 (Flavio Copes - Publication Author)

@flaviocopes"Coding is the grown-up version of LEGO bricks. It can give you great job opportunities, and the chance to work remotely and live wherever you want. Learning to code is empowering."

@flaviocopes “编码是乐高积木的成年版本。它可以为您提供巨大的工作机会,并有机会在远程工作和生活在任何您想要的地方。学习编码可以增强能力。”

Fatos Morina-出版作者 (Fatos Morina - Publication Author)

@fatosmorina"Growth and contribution represent two of my core values that I try to live by. Writing articles is a way for me to learn myself and also teach others along the way."

@fatosmorina “成长和贡献代表了我努力生活的两个核心价值观。写文章是我学习自我的一种方式,也可以一路教别人。”

Fahir Mehovic-YouTube投稿人 (Fahir Mehovic - YouTube Contributor)

"There was a lack of quality resources for learning how to create games, so I made some. I will create more high quality and unique game dev tutorials in 2020."


Eric Leung-代码库贡献者 (Eric Leung - Codebase Contributor)

@erictleung"Coding, no matter your skill level, teaches you to be a DIY kind-of-person, always striving to be better, and the community around it is extremely supportive."

@erictleung “编码,无论您的技术水平如何,都可以教您成为DIY类人,始终努力变得更好,周围的社区对此非常支持。”

Emanuele Antonelli-代码库贡献者 (Emanuele Antonelli - Codebase Contributor)

@_emant_"freeCodeCamp helped me to get a really good job as developer. I feel I have to give something back."

@_ emant_ “ freeCodeCamp帮助我获得了出色的开发人员工作。我觉得我必须回馈一些东西。”

Dereje Getahun-论坛主持人 (Dereje Getahun - Forum Moderator)

@dgetahun_"Answering questions, if I can, also makes me a better coder."

@dgetahun_ “如果可以的话,回答问题也可以使我成为更好的编码器。”

David Kopal-出版物作者和YouTube贡献者 (David Kopal - Publication Author and YouTube Contributor)

@coding_lawyer"I believe that education on the internet should be free, so everyone can learn whatever they're interested in."

@coding_lawyer “我相信互联网上的教育应该是免费的,这样每个人都可以学习他们感兴趣的东西。”

大卫·克林顿(David Clinton)-出版物作者 (David Clinton - Publication Author)

@davidbclinton"I can't think of much that's more satisfying than knowing I'm helping people move ahead in their careers."

@davidbclinton “没有什么比知道我正在帮助人们的职业生涯更令人满意的事情了。”

Dana Ottaviani-代码库贡献者 (Dana Ottaviani - Codebase Contributor)

@dana94"I think if someone is willing to put the time and effort into learning how to code, the least I could do is help them along the way."

@ dana94 “我认为,如果有人愿意花时间和精力来学习如何编写代码,那么我至少可以做的就是在整个过程中帮助他们。”

Colby Fayock-出版物作者 (Colby Fayock - Publication Author)

@colbyfayock"I enjoy helping give others the opportunity to grow and contribute back to making the world a better place."

@colbyfayock “我很乐于帮助其他人成长,并为使世界变得更美好做出贡献。”

codeSTACKr-YouTube投稿人 (codeSTACKr - YouTube Contributor)

@codeSTACKr"There are many people who do not have the means of paying for an education. I want to help everyone by providing free courses that can assist them on their learning journey."

@codeSTACKr “有很多人没有能力支付学费。我想通过提供免费课程来帮助所有人,帮助他们的学习之旅。”

Cleo Aguiar-代码库贡献者 (Cleo Aguiar - Codebase Contributor)

@cleoaguiars"Contributing to freeCodeCamp is a good way to increase my knowledge and make new friends."

@cleoaguiars “为freeCodeCamp捐款是增加我的知识并结识新朋友的好方法。”

Christopher McCormack-代码库贡献者 (Christopher McCormack - Codebase Contributor)

@chrisjmccormack"I think we are better off as a whole if everyone has the tools to succeed.  Knowledge should be shared for the benefit of everyone."

@chrisjmccormack “我认为,如果每个人都有成功的工具,那么我们整体上会更好。应该共享知识,为每个人造福。”

克里斯·布雷克利(Chris Blakely)-出版物作者 (Chris Blakely - Publication Author)

@Chrisblakely01"Everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams and if I can help even 1 person get there, it'll mean more to me than anything else in my career."

@ Chrisblakely01 “每个人都应该有机会实现自己的梦想,如果我能帮助甚至一个人实现梦想,对我来说,对我来说意义重大 。”

Chen Zhicheng-代码库贡献者 (Chen Zhicheng - Codebase Contributor)

"It makes me feel good to help people learn to code easier."


凯西·麦克莱伦-论坛主持人 (Casey McLellan - Forum Moderator)

@stressstressstress"I am learning to code by myself using fCC, in the same way as people all over the world. This could be a very isolating experience, but helping others and asking for help on the forum gives us a supportive community to be a part of."

@stressstressstress “我正在学习自己使用fCC进行编码的方式,与世界各地的人们一样。这可能是非常孤立的经历,但是在论坛上帮助他人和寻求帮助将使我们成为一个支持社区,部分。”

谷口健(Brad Taniguchi)-论坛主持人 (Brad Taniguchi - Forum Moderator)

@bradtaniguchi"I believe in giving back, and trying my best to inspire those that can change their future. Anyone can learn to code."

@bradtaniguchi “我坚信回馈,并尽我最大的努力去激发那些可以改变他们未来的人。任何人都可以学习编码。”

Bhanu Pratap Singh Rathore-代码库贡献者 (Bhanu Pratap Singh Rathore - Codebase Contributor)

@NitronR"Software is a vast field and with a wide variety of problems to be solved. It is imperative that more and more people learn to code so these problems can be solved quickly and possibly make the world even better."

@NitronR “软件是一个广阔的领域,需要解决各种各样的问题。当务之急是,越来越多的人学习编码,以便可以Swift解决这些问题,并可能使世界变得更加美好。”

Barton Poulson博士-YouTube投稿人 (Dr. Barton Poulson - YouTube Contributor)

@bartonpoulson"Coding is a great way for people to do something useful and get paid well for it, regardless of where they live and their academic background. It's one of the world's great, empowering forces."

@bartonpoulson “编码是人们进行有用的工作并为此获得丰厚报酬的一种好方法,无论他们身在何处以及其学历如何。它是世界上强大的授权力量之一。”

Ariel Leslie Thompson-论坛主持人 (Ariel Leslie Thompson - Forum Moderator)

@ArielLeslie"So many people become limited by feeling that they "can't" do something. I love working with students who are new or struggling, when they are the most vulnerable to this false sense of failure."

@ArielLeslie “太多的人因感到自己“做不到”而变得局限。我喜欢与新手或挣扎中的学生合作,因为他们最容易遭受这种错误的失败感。”

Deron Lee-代码库贡献者 (Deron Lee - Codebase Contributor)

@akagilnc"I just love helping people learn to code."

@akagilnc “我只是喜欢帮助人们学习编码。”

Ahmed Hadjou-YouTube贡献者 (Ahmed Hadjou - YouTube Contributor)

@classsed"Coding is the future and I want to give back to the community that helped me grow. I want to teach people because I got where I am by learning from great teachers."

@classsed “编码是未来,我想回馈帮助我成长的社区。我想教人们,因为我从优秀的老师那里学到了我的位置。”

Aditya Verma-代码库贡献者 (Aditya Verma - Codebase Contributor)

ezioda004"I started my coding journey with fCC. The community helped me with my silly questions, and made me reach my goal to get a job as a software engineer. Now, I'm doing my part to help fellow campers reach their goals."

ezioda004 “我从fCC开始编码之旅。社区帮助我解决了一些愚蠢的问题,并使我达到了成为软件工程师的目标。 ”

就这样。 祝贺这些贡献者。 (That's all. Congratulations to each of these contributors.)

Again, most of the people recognized here weren't Top Contributors in 2018.


If you contributed in 2019 and didn't make the list, keep it up. We would love to have you in the fCC 100 for 2020.

如果您在2019年捐款但未列入名单,请继续填写。 我们希望您能加入2020年的fCC 100。

Happy coding.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/fcc100-top-contributors-2019/



以上就是闪闪小霸王为你收集整理的fcc认证_介绍fCC 100:我们对2019年杰出贡献者的年度总结的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决fcc认证_介绍fCC 100:我们对2019年杰出贡献者的年度总结所遇到的程序开发问题。



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