MPLAB Device Blocks for Simulink
MPLAB Device Blocks for Simulink target boards equipped with a dsPIC ®️, PIC32 ®️, SAMx2, SAMx5 or SAMx7.
This support package is functional from Matlab R2015a up to current version (R2021b).
Installation / Update
clean previous installation
You might want to clean previous installation: type picclean at matlab prompt.
as an add-on
With Matlab add-on feature, search MPLAB Device Block for Simulink. Use “Download Toolbox”. Open the doc at the end of the installation process to check compiler and MPLAB IDE installation (mlx script).
If you used download only, go to the mchp subfolder and run picsetup to set-up matlab path.
as an independant package
Download the zip from mathWorks website, or alternatively from the github repository
unzip and execute the .p installer script. From matlab, right clik on the install.p file and execute.
The MCHP_example folder is created in the current folder with a copy of simple examples.
picclean: clean-up matlab path from previous installations.
picsetup: from the mchp sub-folder, re-configure the matlab path if required.
picInfo(‘check’): Verify installation of compilers and tool to program chips
picInfo(‘examples’): copy example in current working folder
picInfo(‘cmd’): list command
Visit the Microchip blockset forum
以上就是娇气柜子最近收集整理的关于【源码】基于Simulink的MPLAB模块:dsPIC、PIC32和SAM MCU的全部内容,更多相关【源码】基于Simulink的MPLAB模块:dsPIC、PIC32和SAM内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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