我是靠谱客的博主 简单黑裤,这篇文章主要介绍个性化推荐系统——3. 模型搭建与训练模型搭建,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


import pickle
import pandas as  pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split


title_count, title_set, genres2int, features, targets_values, ratings, users, movies, data, movies_orig, users_orig = pickle.load(open('preprocess.p', mode='rb'))




  • onehot encode
  • label encode

在类别数据的种类过多时,onehot会使数据过于稀疏,因此只好使用label encode(虽然label encode处理后会出现大小的差异,这样也是不完美的)





实际上第二个方式的MSE loss在0.8附近,第一个方式在1附近,5次迭代的结果



卷积神经网络首次应用于文本分类可以说是在2004年Yoon Kim 在 “Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification” 一文中提出(虽然第一个用的并不是他,但是在这篇文章中提出了4种Model Variations,并有详细的调参),本文也是基于对这篇文章的理解。接下来将介绍text-CNN模型
论文使用的模型主要包括五层,第一层是embedding layer,第二层是convolutional layer,第三层是max-pooling layer,第四层是fully connected layer,最后一层是softmax layer.



首先输入一个一维的由7个单词构成的句子,为了使其可以进行卷积,首先需要将其转化为二维矩阵表示,通常使用word2vec、glove等word embedding实现。d=5表示每个词转化为5维的向量,矩阵的形状是[sentence_matrix × 5],即[7 × 5]。




网络的第一层是词嵌入层,由每一个单词的嵌入向量组成的嵌入矩阵。下一层使用多个不同尺寸(窗口大小)的卷积核在嵌入矩阵上做卷积,窗口大小指的是每次卷积覆盖几个单词。这里跟对图像做卷积不太一样,图像的卷积通常用2x2、3x3、5x5之类的尺寸,而文本卷积要覆盖整个单词的嵌入向量,所以尺寸是(单词数,向量维度),比如每次滑动3个,4个或者5个单词。第三层网络是max pooling得到一个长向量,最后使用dropout做正则化,最终得到了电影Title的特征。


import tensorflow as tf
import os
import pickle
def save_params(params):
def load_params():
    return pickle.load(open('params.p','rb'))


embed_dim = 32
uid_max = max(features.take(0,1)) + 1 # 6040
gender_max = max(features.take(2,1)) + 1 # 1 + 1 = 2
age_max = max(features.take(3,1)) + 1 # 6 + 1 = 7
job_max = max(features.take(4,1)) + 1# 20 + 1 = 21

movie_id_max = max(features.take(1,1)) + 1 # 3952
movie_categories_max = max(genres2int.values()) + 1 # 18 + 1 = 19
movie_title_max = len(title_set) # 5216

combiner = "sum"

sentences_size = title_count # = 15
#文本卷积滑动窗口,分别滑动2, 3, 4, 5个单词
window_sizes = {2, 3, 4, 5}
filter_num = 8

movieid2idx = {val[0]:i for i, val in enumerate(movies.values)}


# Number of Epochs
num_epochs = 5
# Batch Size
batch_size = 256

dropout_keep = 0.5
# Learning Rate
learning_rate = 0.0001
# Show stats for every n number of batches
show_every_n_batches = 20

save_dir = './save'



def get_inputs():
    uid = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='uid')  
    user_gender = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='user_gender')  
    user_age = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='user_age') 
    user_job = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='user_job')

    movie_id = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype='int32', name='movie_id') 
    movie_categories = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(18,), dtype='int32', name='movie_categories') 
    movie_titles = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(15,), dtype='int32', name='movie_titles') 
    return uid, user_gender, user_age, user_job, movie_id, movie_categories, movie_titles



def get_user_embedding(uid, user_gender, user_age, user_job):
    uid_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(uid_max, embed_dim, input_length=1, name='uid_embed_layer')(uid)
    gender_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(gender_max, embed_dim // 2, input_length=1, name='gender_embed_layer')(user_gender)
    age_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(age_max, embed_dim // 2, input_length=1, name='age_embed_layer')(user_age)
    job_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(job_max, embed_dim // 2, input_length=1, name='job_embed_layer')(user_job)
    return uid_embed_layer, gender_embed_layer, age_embed_layer, job_embed_layer


def get_user_feature_layer(uid_embed_layer, gender_embed_layer, age_embed_layer, job_embed_layer):
    uid_fc_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim, name="uid_fc_layer", activation='relu')(uid_embed_layer)
    gender_fc_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim, name="gender_fc_layer", activation='relu')(gender_embed_layer)
    age_fc_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim, name="age_fc_layer", activation='relu')(age_embed_layer)
    job_fc_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim, name="job_fc_layer", activation='relu')(job_embed_layer)

    user_combine_layer = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([uid_fc_layer, gender_fc_layer, age_fc_layer, job_fc_layer], 2)  #(?, 1, 128)
    user_combine_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(200, activation='tanh')(user_combine_layer)  #(?, 1, 200)

    user_combine_layer_flat = tf.keras.layers.Reshape([200], name="user_combine_layer_flat")(user_combine_layer)
    return user_combine_layer, user_combine_layer_flat

定义Movie ID的嵌入矩阵

def get_movie_id_embed_layer(movie_id):
    movie_id_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(movie_id_max, embed_dim, input_length=1, name='movie_id_embed_layer')(movie_id)
    return movie_id_embed_layer


def get_movie_categories_layers(movie_categories):
    movie_categories_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(movie_categories_max, embed_dim, input_length=18, name='movie_categories_embed_layer')(movie_categories)
    movie_categories_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda layer: tf.reduce_sum(layer, axis=1, keepdims=True))(movie_categories_embed_layer)
#     movie_categories_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Reshape([1, 18 * embed_dim])(movie_categories_embed_layer)

    return movie_categories_embed_layer

Movie Title的文本卷积网络实现

def get_movie_cnn_layer(movie_titles):
    movie_title_embed_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(movie_title_max, embed_dim, input_length=15, name='movie_title_embed_layer')(movie_titles)
    movie_title_embed_layer_expand = tf.keras.layers.Reshape([sp[1], sp[2], 1])(movie_title_embed_layer)
    pool_layer_lst = []
    for window_size in window_sizes:
        conv_layer = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filter_num, (window_size, embed_dim), 1, activation='relu')(movie_title_embed_layer_expand)
        maxpool_layer = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(sentences_size - window_size + 1 ,1), strides=1)(conv_layer)
    pool_layer = tf.keras.layers.concatenate(pool_layer_lst, 3, name ="pool_layer")  
    max_num = len(window_sizes) * filter_num
    pool_layer_flat = tf.keras.layers.Reshape([1, max_num], name = "pool_layer_flat")(pool_layer)

    dropout_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(dropout_keep, name = "dropout_layer")(pool_layer_flat)
    return pool_layer_flat, dropout_layer


def get_movie_feature_layer(movie_id_embed_layer, movie_categories_embed_layer, dropout_layer):
    movie_id_fc_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim, name="movie_id_fc_layer", activation='relu')(movie_id_embed_layer)
    movie_categories_fc_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embed_dim, name="movie_categories_fc_layer", activation='relu')(movie_categories_embed_layer)

    movie_combine_layer = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([movie_id_fc_layer, movie_categories_fc_layer, dropout_layer], 2)  
    movie_combine_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(200, activation='tanh')(movie_combine_layer)

    movie_combine_layer_flat = tf.keras.layers.Reshape([200], name="movie_combine_layer_flat")(movie_combine_layer)
    return movie_combine_layer, movie_combine_layer_flat


import tensorflow as tf
import datetime
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.python.ops import summary_ops_v2
import time

MODEL_DIR = "./models"

class mv_network(object):
    def __init__(self, batch_size=256):
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.best_loss = 9999
        self.losses = {'train': [], 'test': []}

        # 获取输入占位符
        uid, user_gender, user_age, user_job, movie_id, movie_categories, movie_titles = get_inputs()
        # 获取User的4个嵌入向量
        uid_embed_layer, gender_embed_layer, age_embed_layer, job_embed_layer = get_user_embedding(uid, user_gender,
                                                                                                   user_age, user_job)
        # 得到用户特征
        user_combine_layer, user_combine_layer_flat = get_user_feature_layer(uid_embed_layer, gender_embed_layer,
                                                                             age_embed_layer, job_embed_layer)
        # 获取电影ID的嵌入向量
        movie_id_embed_layer = get_movie_id_embed_layer(movie_id)
        # 获取电影类型的嵌入向量
        movie_categories_embed_layer = get_movie_categories_layers(movie_categories)
        # 获取电影名的特征向量
        pool_layer_flat, dropout_layer = get_movie_cnn_layer(movie_titles)
        # 得到电影特征
        movie_combine_layer, movie_combine_layer_flat = get_movie_feature_layer(movie_id_embed_layer,
        # 计算出评分
        # 将用户特征和电影特征做矩阵乘法得到一个预测评分的方案
        inference = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda layer: 
            tf.reduce_sum(layer[0] * layer[1], axis=1), name="inference")((user_combine_layer_flat, movie_combine_layer_flat))
        inference = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda layer: tf.expand_dims(layer, axis=1))(inference)
        # 将用户特征和电影特征作为输入,经过全连接,输出一个值的方案
#         inference_layer = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([user_combine_layer_flat, movie_combine_layer_flat],
#                                                       1)  # (?, 400)
        # 你可以使用下面这个全连接层,试试效果
        #inference_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, kernel_regularizer=tf.nn.l2_loss, activation='relu')(
        #    inference_layer)
#         inference = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, name="inference")(inference_layer)  # inference_dense

        self.model = tf.keras.Model(
            inputs=[uid, user_gender, user_age, user_job, movie_id, movie_categories, movie_titles],


        self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate)
        # MSE损失,将计算值回归到评分
        self.ComputeLoss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()
        self.ComputeMetrics = tf.keras.metrics.MeanAbsoluteError()

        if tf.io.gfile.exists(MODEL_DIR):
            #             print('Removing existing model dir: {}'.format(MODEL_DIR))
            #             tf.io.gfile.rmtree(MODEL_DIR)

        train_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, 'summaries', 'train')
        test_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, 'summaries', 'eval')

        #         self.train_summary_writer = summary_ops_v2.create_file_writer(train_dir, flush_millis=10000)
        #         self.test_summary_writer = summary_ops_v2.create_file_writer(test_dir, flush_millis=10000, name='test')

        checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, 'checkpoints')
        self.checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'ckpt')
        self.checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=self.model, optimizer=self.optimizer)

        # Restore variables on creation if a checkpoint exists.

    def compute_loss(self, labels, logits):
        return tf.reduce_mean(tf.keras.losses.mse(labels, logits))

    def compute_metrics(self, labels, logits):
        return tf.keras.metrics.mae(labels, logits)  #

    def train_step(self, x, y):
        # Record the operations used to compute the loss, so that the gradient
        # of the loss with respect to the variables can be computed.
        #         metrics = 0
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            logits = self.model([x[0],
                                 x[6]], training=True)
            loss = self.ComputeLoss(y, logits)
            # loss = self.compute_loss(labels, logits)
            self.ComputeMetrics(y, logits)
            # metrics = self.compute_metrics(labels, logits)
        grads = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_variables)
        self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.model.trainable_variables))
        return loss, logits

    def training(self, features, targets_values, epochs=5, log_freq=50):

        for epoch_i in range(epochs):
            # 将数据集分成训练集和测试集,随机种子不固定
            train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(features,

            train_batches = get_batches(train_X, train_y, self.batch_size)
            batch_num = (len(train_X) // self.batch_size)

            train_start = time.time()
            #             with self.train_summary_writer.as_default():
            if True:
                start = time.time()
                # Metrics are stateful. They accumulate values and return a cumulative
                # result when you call .result(). Clear accumulated values with .reset_states()
                avg_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('loss', dtype=tf.float32)
                #                 avg_mae = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('mae', dtype=tf.float32)

                # Datasets can be iterated over like any other Python iterable.
                for batch_i in range(batch_num):
                    x, y = next(train_batches)
                    categories = np.zeros([self.batch_size, 18])
                    for i in range(self.batch_size):
                        categories[i] = x.take(6, 1)[i]

                    titles = np.zeros([self.batch_size, sentences_size])
                    for i in range(self.batch_size):
                        titles[i] = x.take(5, 1)[i]

                    loss, logits = self.train_step([np.reshape(x.take(0, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                                    np.reshape(x.take(2, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                                    np.reshape(x.take(3, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                                    np.reshape(x.take(4, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                                    np.reshape(x.take(1, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                                   np.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32))
                    #                     avg_mae(metrics)

                    if tf.equal(self.optimizer.iterations % log_freq, 0):
                        #                         summary_ops_v2.scalar('loss', avg_loss.result(), step=self.optimizer.iterations)
                        #                         summary_ops_v2.scalar('mae', self.ComputeMetrics.result(), step=self.optimizer.iterations)
                        # summary_ops_v2.scalar('mae', avg_mae.result(), step=self.optimizer.iterations)

                        rate = log_freq / (time.time() - start)
                        print('Step #{}tEpoch {:>3} Batch {:>4}/{}   Loss: {:0.6f} mae: {:0.6f} ({} steps/sec)'.format(
                            loss, (self.ComputeMetrics.result()), rate))
                        # print('Step #{}tLoss: {:0.6f} mae: {:0.6f} ({} steps/sec)'.format(
                        #     self.optimizer.iterations.numpy(), loss, (avg_mae.result()), rate))
                        # avg_mae.reset_states()
                        start = time.time()

            train_end = time.time()
                'nTrain time for epoch #{} ({} total steps): {}'.format(epoch_i + 1, self.optimizer.iterations.numpy(),
                                                                         train_end - train_start))
            #             with self.test_summary_writer.as_default():
            self.testing((test_X, test_y), self.optimizer.iterations)
            # self.checkpoint.save(self.checkpoint_prefix)
        self.export_path = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, 'export')
        tf.saved_model.save(self.model, self.export_path)

    def testing(self, test_dataset, step_num):
        test_X, test_y = test_dataset
        test_batches = get_batches(test_X, test_y, self.batch_size)

        """Perform an evaluation of `model` on the examples from `dataset`."""
        avg_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('loss', dtype=tf.float32)
        #         avg_mae = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('mae', dtype=tf.float32)

        batch_num = (len(test_X) // self.batch_size)
        for batch_i in range(batch_num):
            x, y = next(test_batches)
            categories = np.zeros([self.batch_size, 18])
            for i in range(self.batch_size):
                categories[i] = x.take(6, 1)[i]

            titles = np.zeros([self.batch_size, sentences_size])
            for i in range(self.batch_size):
                titles[i] = x.take(5, 1)[i]

            logits = self.model([np.reshape(x.take(0, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                 np.reshape(x.take(2, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                 np.reshape(x.take(3, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                 np.reshape(x.take(4, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                 np.reshape(x.take(1, 1), [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32),
                                 titles.astype(np.float32)], training=False)
            test_loss = self.ComputeLoss(np.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32), logits)
            # 保存测试损失
            self.ComputeMetrics(np.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1]).astype(np.float32), logits)
            # avg_loss(self.compute_loss(labels, logits))
            # avg_mae(self.compute_metrics(labels, logits))

        print('Model test set loss: {:0.6f} mae: {:0.6f}'.format(avg_loss.result(), self.ComputeMetrics.result()))
        # print('Model test set loss: {:0.6f} mae: {:0.6f}'.format(avg_loss.result(), avg_mae.result()))
        #         summary_ops_v2.scalar('loss', avg_loss.result(), step=step_num)
        #         summary_ops_v2.scalar('mae', self.ComputeMetrics.result(), step=step_num)
        # summary_ops_v2.scalar('mae', avg_mae.result(), step=step_num)

        if avg_loss.result() < self.best_loss:
            self.best_loss = avg_loss.result()
            print("best loss = {}".format(self.best_loss))

    def forward(self, xs):
        predictions = self.model(xs)
        # logits = tf.nn.softmax(predictions)

        return predictions


def get_batches(Xs, ys, batch_size):
    for start in range(0, len(Xs), batch_size):
        end = min(start + batch_size, len(Xs))
        yield Xs[start:end], ys[start:end]



mv_net.training(features, targets_values, epochs=5)
Model: "model_3"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
movie_titles (InputLayer)       [(None, 15)]         0                                            
movie_title_embed_layer (Embedd (None, 15, 32)       166880      movie_titles[0][0]               
reshape_3 (Reshape)             (None, 15, 32, 1)    0           movie_title_embed_layer[0][0]    
conv2d_12 (Conv2D)              (None, 14, 1, 8)     520         reshape_3[0][0]                  
conv2d_13 (Conv2D)              (None, 13, 1, 8)     776         reshape_3[0][0]                  
conv2d_14 (Conv2D)              (None, 12, 1, 8)     1032        reshape_3[0][0]                  
conv2d_15 (Conv2D)              (None, 11, 1, 8)     1288        reshape_3[0][0]                  
movie_categories (InputLayer)   [(None, 18)]         0                                            
max_pooling2d_12 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 1, 1, 8)      0           conv2d_12[0][0]                  
max_pooling2d_13 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 1, 1, 8)      0           conv2d_13[0][0]                  
max_pooling2d_14 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 1, 1, 8)      0           conv2d_14[0][0]                  
max_pooling2d_15 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 1, 1, 8)      0           conv2d_15[0][0]                  
uid (InputLayer)                [(None, 1)]          0                                            
user_gender (InputLayer)        [(None, 1)]          0                                            
user_age (InputLayer)           [(None, 1)]          0                                            
user_job (InputLayer)           [(None, 1)]          0                                            
movie_id (InputLayer)           [(None, 1)]          0                                            
movie_categories_embed_layer (E (None, 18, 32)       608         movie_categories[0][0]           
pool_layer (Concatenate)        (None, 1, 1, 32)     0           max_pooling2d_12[0][0]           
uid_embed_layer (Embedding)     (None, 1, 32)        193312      uid[0][0]                        
gender_embed_layer (Embedding)  (None, 1, 16)        32          user_gender[0][0]                
age_embed_layer (Embedding)     (None, 1, 16)        112         user_age[0][0]                   
job_embed_layer (Embedding)     (None, 1, 16)        336         user_job[0][0]                   
movie_id_embed_layer (Embedding (None, 1, 32)        126496      movie_id[0][0]                   
lambda_6 (Lambda)               (None, 1, 32)        0           movie_categories_embed_layer[0][0
pool_layer_flat (Reshape)       (None, 1, 32)        0           pool_layer[0][0]                 
uid_fc_layer (Dense)            (None, 1, 32)        1056        uid_embed_layer[0][0]            
gender_fc_layer (Dense)         (None, 1, 32)        544         gender_embed_layer[0][0]         
age_fc_layer (Dense)            (None, 1, 32)        544         age_embed_layer[0][0]            
job_fc_layer (Dense)            (None, 1, 32)        544         job_embed_layer[0][0]            
movie_id_fc_layer (Dense)       (None, 1, 32)        1056        movie_id_embed_layer[0][0]       
movie_categories_fc_layer (Dens (None, 1, 32)        1056        lambda_6[0][0]                   
dropout_layer (Dropout)         (None, 1, 32)        0           pool_layer_flat[0][0]            
concatenate_6 (Concatenate)     (None, 1, 128)       0           uid_fc_layer[0][0]               
concatenate_7 (Concatenate)     (None, 1, 96)        0           movie_id_fc_layer[0][0]          
dense_6 (Dense)                 (None, 1, 200)       25800       concatenate_6[0][0]              
dense_7 (Dense)                 (None, 1, 200)       19400       concatenate_7[0][0]              
user_combine_layer_flat (Reshap (None, 200)          0           dense_6[0][0]                    
movie_combine_layer_flat (Resha (None, 200)          0           dense_7[0][0]                    
inference (Lambda)              (None,)              0           user_combine_layer_flat[0][0]    
lambda_7 (Lambda)               (None, 1)            0           inference[0][0]                  
Total params: 541,392
Trainable params: 541,392
Non-trainable params: 0
Step #18800	Epoch   0 Batch   49/3125   Loss: 0.848101 mae: 0.691804 (27.637772944410063 steps/sec)
Step #18850	Epoch   0 Batch   99/3125   Loss: 0.947761 mae: 0.682926 (97.27970550089155 steps/sec)
Step #18900	Epoch   0 Batch  149/3125   Loss: 0.746948 mae: 0.693619 (94.22213516055017 steps/sec)
Step #18950	Epoch   0 Batch  199/3125   Loss: 0.792230 mae: 0.693281 (94.88800226592596 steps/sec)
Step #19000	Epoch   0 Batch  249/3125   Loss: 0.853272 mae: 0.691730 (94.83132146030555 steps/sec)
Step #19050	Epoch   0 Batch  299/3125   Loss: 0.751092 mae: 0.691599 (101.01586561480342 steps/sec)
Step #19100	Epoch   0 Batch  349/3125   Loss: 0.843071 mae: 0.694882 (101.83058405828346 steps/sec)
Step #19150	Epoch   0 Batch  399/3125   Loss: 0.874644 mae: 0.695321 (101.51983099649716 steps/sec)
Step #19200	Epoch   0 Batch  449/3125   Loss: 0.786772 mae: 0.698967 (98.81082232255979 steps/sec)
Step #19250	Epoch   0 Batch  499/3125   Loss: 0.760961 mae: 0.686922 (97.884092537404 steps/sec)
Step #19300	Epoch   0 Batch  549/3125   Loss: 0.752310 mae: 0.686976 (98.99852103058629 steps/sec)
Step #19350	Epoch   0 Batch  599/3125   Loss: 0.685646 mae: 0.697807 (96.76298892450912 steps/sec)
Step #19400	Epoch   0 Batch  649/3125   Loss: 0.715844 mae: 0.693816 (96.13379460763798 steps/sec)
Step #19450	Epoch   0 Batch  699/3125   Loss: 0.768952 mae: 0.693204 (97.33149111525822 steps/sec)
Step #19500	Epoch   0 Batch  749/3125   Loss: 0.745624 mae: 0.683436 (95.30070259292735 steps/sec)
Step #19550	Epoch   0 Batch  799/3125   Loss: 0.821963 mae: 0.691857 (102.57208871915968 steps/sec)
Step #19600	Epoch   0 Batch  849/3125   Loss: 0.850824 mae: 0.691828 (103.89249070757201 steps/sec)
Step #19650	Epoch   0 Batch  899/3125   Loss: 0.845563 mae: 0.689795 (97.78815221765309 steps/sec)
Step #19700	Epoch   0 Batch  949/3125   Loss: 0.674638 mae: 0.691894 (103.42582459718882 steps/sec)
Step #19750	Epoch   0 Batch  999/3125   Loss: 0.847141 mae: 0.687374 (105.39066598857019 steps/sec)
Step #19800	Epoch   0 Batch 1049/3125   Loss: 0.838690 mae: 0.698633 (103.69963799235833 steps/sec)
Step #19850	Epoch   0 Batch 1099/3125   Loss: 0.739785 mae: 0.690680 (104.66621782071482 steps/sec)
Step #19900	Epoch   0 Batch 1149/3125   Loss: 0.703950 mae: 0.697995 (105.42616329866972 steps/sec)
Step #19950	Epoch   0 Batch 1199/3125   Loss: 0.824220 mae: 0.687212 (103.49937766687756 steps/sec)
Step #20000	Epoch   0 Batch 1249/3125   Loss: 0.868953 mae: 0.693830 (97.82332065811619 steps/sec)
Step #20050	Epoch   0 Batch 1299/3125   Loss: 0.730640 mae: 0.699454 (93.00487297794476 steps/sec)
Step #20100	Epoch   0 Batch 1349/3125   Loss: 0.803740 mae: 0.677289 (98.04966835245015 steps/sec)
Step #20150	Epoch   0 Batch 1399/3125   Loss: 0.786500 mae: 0.693733 (97.83203685346085 steps/sec)
Step #20200	Epoch   0 Batch 1449/3125   Loss: 0.737920 mae: 0.692194 (100.51230239884435 steps/sec)
Step #20250	Epoch   0 Batch 1499/3125   Loss: 0.805032 mae: 0.691858 (97.52258504938787 steps/sec)
Step #20300	Epoch   0 Batch 1549/3125   Loss: 0.854445 mae: 0.691005 (98.68922723041723 steps/sec)
Step #20350	Epoch   0 Batch 1599/3125   Loss: 0.768004 mae: 0.687592 (96.64294930875576 steps/sec)
Step #20400	Epoch   0 Batch 1649/3125   Loss: 0.820738 mae: 0.693461 (97.56441599344966 steps/sec)
Step #20450	Epoch   0 Batch 1699/3125   Loss: 0.810527 mae: 0.687126 (104.0909700059065 steps/sec)
Step #20500	Epoch   0 Batch 1749/3125   Loss: 0.785807 mae: 0.689348 (104.86331505067027 steps/sec)
Step #20550	Epoch   0 Batch 1799/3125   Loss: 0.852628 mae: 0.690730 (100.98035816778955 steps/sec)
Step #20600	Epoch   0 Batch 1849/3125   Loss: 0.745395 mae: 0.692310 (100.04140660330376 steps/sec)
Step #20650	Epoch   0 Batch 1899/3125   Loss: 0.860758 mae: 0.689794 (103.83014876291656 steps/sec)
Step #20700	Epoch   0 Batch 1949/3125   Loss: 0.729740 mae: 0.682986 (104.72894049659993 steps/sec)
Step #20750	Epoch   0 Batch 1999/3125   Loss: 0.843179 mae: 0.691823 (104.53922578786306 steps/sec)
Step #20800	Epoch   0 Batch 2049/3125   Loss: 0.728389 mae: 0.698972 (105.46375291990717 steps/sec)
Step #20850	Epoch   0 Batch 2099/3125   Loss: 0.808849 mae: 0.679972 (104.75865544992755 steps/sec)
Step #20900	Epoch   0 Batch 2149/3125   Loss: 0.742408 mae: 0.680288 (98.92170421676859 steps/sec)
Step #20950	Epoch   0 Batch 2199/3125   Loss: 0.676885 mae: 0.686084 (95.43749024419213 steps/sec)
Step #21000	Epoch   0 Batch 2249/3125   Loss: 0.738224 mae: 0.685648 (102.49558914808244 steps/sec)
Step #21050	Epoch   0 Batch 2299/3125   Loss: 0.811326 mae: 0.699091 (104.40786312956938 steps/sec)
Step #21100	Epoch   0 Batch 2349/3125   Loss: 0.744082 mae: 0.691439 (98.69243182268463 steps/sec)
Step #21150	Epoch   0 Batch 2399/3125   Loss: 0.715450 mae: 0.689829 (98.54250365337356 steps/sec)
Step #21200	Epoch   0 Batch 2449/3125   Loss: 0.733722 mae: 0.681757 (97.19778292029201 steps/sec)
Step #21250	Epoch   0 Batch 2499/3125   Loss: 0.895794 mae: 0.691461 (93.82907166061841 steps/sec)
Step #21300	Epoch   0 Batch 2549/3125   Loss: 0.594887 mae: 0.695868 (91.97760768538483 steps/sec)
Step #21350	Epoch   0 Batch 2599/3125   Loss: 0.896662 mae: 0.690421 (99.11315046856753 steps/sec)
Step #21400	Epoch   0 Batch 2649/3125   Loss: 0.857583 mae: 0.692567 (102.56140400640265 steps/sec)
Step #21450	Epoch   0 Batch 2699/3125   Loss: 0.758102 mae: 0.687871 (98.85618904722645 steps/sec)
Step #21500	Epoch   0 Batch 2749/3125   Loss: 0.856856 mae: 0.685238 (99.84911830144058 steps/sec)
Step #21550	Epoch   0 Batch 2799/3125   Loss: 0.798290 mae: 0.694276 (100.47767755758721 steps/sec)
Step #21600	Epoch   0 Batch 2849/3125   Loss: 0.779489 mae: 0.686759 (88.33807145471769 steps/sec)
Step #21650	Epoch   0 Batch 2899/3125   Loss: 0.822600 mae: 0.685006 (94.11055146491282 steps/sec)
Step #21700	Epoch   0 Batch 2949/3125   Loss: 0.837273 mae: 0.689872 (99.90215348088753 steps/sec)
Step #21750	Epoch   0 Batch 2999/3125   Loss: 0.706622 mae: 0.687190 (103.2946995484817 steps/sec)
Step #21800	Epoch   0 Batch 3049/3125   Loss: 0.730821 mae: 0.679799 (95.09064923570253 steps/sec)
Step #21850	Epoch   0 Batch 3099/3125   Loss: 0.830290 mae: 0.684865 (100.44442358323519 steps/sec)

Train time for epoch #1 (21875 total steps): 32.83831572532654
Model test set loss: 0.788444 mae: 0.700780
best loss = 0.7884443998336792
Step #21900	Epoch   1 Batch   24/3125   Loss: 0.678443 mae: 0.700345 (170.22752177406917 steps/sec)
Step #21950	Epoch   1 Batch   74/3125   Loss: 0.812340 mae: 0.681441 (95.51281700943126 steps/sec)
Step #22000	Epoch   1 Batch  124/3125   Loss: 0.659081 mae: 0.690085 (91.39661512741866 steps/sec)
Step #22050	Epoch   1 Batch  174/3125   Loss: 0.768032 mae: 0.687947 (95.5915741473845 steps/sec)
Step #22100	Epoch   1 Batch  224/3125   Loss: 0.636173 mae: 0.691459 (95.35816285375337 steps/sec)
Step #22150	Epoch   1 Batch  274/3125   Loss: 0.764309 mae: 0.687606 (96.18635225136346 steps/sec)
Step #22200	Epoch   1 Batch  324/3125   Loss: 0.744969 mae: 0.689999 (94.08859569153022 steps/sec)
Step #22250	Epoch   1 Batch  374/3125   Loss: 0.763131 mae: 0.691957 (97.47227214777158 steps/sec)
Step #22300	Epoch   1 Batch  424/3125   Loss: 0.831872 mae: 0.693085 (97.65564282511221 steps/sec)
Step #22350	Epoch   1 Batch  474/3125   Loss: 0.763018 mae: 0.689512 (94.82304598200075 steps/sec)
Step #22400	Epoch   1 Batch  524/3125   Loss: 0.835540 mae: 0.683687 (91.60585169139671 steps/sec)
Step #22450	Epoch   1 Batch  574/3125   Loss: 0.818543 mae: 0.689819 (94.79642846326554 steps/sec)
Step #22500	Epoch   1 Batch  624/3125   Loss: 0.592940 mae: 0.686780 (94.30895478894674 steps/sec)
Step #22550	Epoch   1 Batch  674/3125   Loss: 0.791231 mae: 0.690431 (94.42547366904402 steps/sec)
Step #22600	Epoch   1 Batch  724/3125   Loss: 0.644314 mae: 0.690026 (84.83425550695009 steps/sec)
Step #22650	Epoch   1 Batch  774/3125   Loss: 0.718745 mae: 0.681867 (89.78514349811302 steps/sec)
Step #22700	Epoch   1 Batch  824/3125   Loss: 0.786647 mae: 0.688625 (86.77908647320926 steps/sec)
Step #22750	Epoch   1 Batch  874/3125   Loss: 0.692773 mae: 0.686636 (88.38308191426324 steps/sec)
Step #22800	Epoch   1 Batch  924/3125   Loss: 0.861632 mae: 0.693288 (84.86120311272774 steps/sec)
Step #22850	Epoch   1 Batch  974/3125   Loss: 0.712722 mae: 0.687713 (85.69058664990843 steps/sec)
Step #22900	Epoch   1 Batch 1024/3125   Loss: 0.716715 mae: 0.684843 (81.83209442981173 steps/sec)
Step #22950	Epoch   1 Batch 1074/3125   Loss: 0.780225 mae: 0.689261 (85.32402879243311 steps/sec)
Step #23000	Epoch   1 Batch 1124/3125   Loss: 0.770114 mae: 0.693500 (87.99868074487561 steps/sec)
Step #23050	Epoch   1 Batch 1174/3125   Loss: 0.700080 mae: 0.690776 (89.22923358196857 steps/sec)
Step #23100	Epoch   1 Batch 1224/3125   Loss: 0.753743 mae: 0.682393 (86.86851950651322 steps/sec)
Step #23150	Epoch   1 Batch 1274/3125   Loss: 0.858793 mae: 0.697203 (85.37411670451299 steps/sec)
Step #23200	Epoch   1 Batch 1324/3125   Loss: 0.666164 mae: 0.684622 (98.41385446504661 steps/sec)
Step #23250	Epoch   1 Batch 1374/3125   Loss: 0.701718 mae: 0.682613 (94.23792790444777 steps/sec)
Step #23300	Epoch   1 Batch 1424/3125   Loss: 0.767711 mae: 0.688312 (95.42172709453028 steps/sec)
Step #23350	Epoch   1 Batch 1474/3125   Loss: 0.666887 mae: 0.689093 (91.94046968222995 steps/sec)
Step #23400	Epoch   1 Batch 1524/3125   Loss: 0.686597 mae: 0.683916 (96.19791205570175 steps/sec)
Step #23450	Epoch   1 Batch 1574/3125   Loss: 0.724204 mae: 0.691114 (97.00158697340443 steps/sec)
Step #23500	Epoch   1 Batch 1624/3125   Loss: 0.796998 mae: 0.682731 (93.58855526612791 steps/sec)
Step #23550	Epoch   1 Batch 1674/3125   Loss: 0.655430 mae: 0.689436 (94.92743126973551 steps/sec)
Step #23600	Epoch   1 Batch 1724/3125   Loss: 0.860071 mae: 0.685661 (93.87716367373761 steps/sec)
Step #23650	Epoch   1 Batch 1774/3125   Loss: 0.728770 mae: 0.689083 (92.59697361861907 steps/sec)
Step #23700	Epoch   1 Batch 1824/3125   Loss: 0.701443 mae: 0.686881 (87.97590381662738 steps/sec)
Step #23750	Epoch   1 Batch 1874/3125   Loss: 0.818099 mae: 0.689917 (95.95046990361269 steps/sec)
Step #23800	Epoch   1 Batch 1924/3125   Loss: 0.952441 mae: 0.684022 (87.49854492580687 steps/sec)
Step #23850	Epoch   1 Batch 1974/3125   Loss: 0.757475 mae: 0.680573 (90.24557755565387 steps/sec)
Step #23900	Epoch   1 Batch 2024/3125   Loss: 0.863990 mae: 0.692241 (97.66546623380917 steps/sec)
Step #23950	Epoch   1 Batch 2074/3125   Loss: 0.795743 mae: 0.682051 (97.1957557685231 steps/sec)
Step #24000	Epoch   1 Batch 2124/3125   Loss: 0.638063 mae: 0.685234 (88.90075842069096 steps/sec)
Step #24050	Epoch   1 Batch 2174/3125   Loss: 0.725783 mae: 0.679442 (95.6616023365831 steps/sec)
Step #24100	Epoch   1 Batch 2224/3125   Loss: 0.682556 mae: 0.684956 (90.38552212496175 steps/sec)
Step #24150	Epoch   1 Batch 2274/3125   Loss: 0.759051 mae: 0.685392 (86.45735636112232 steps/sec)
Step #24200	Epoch   1 Batch 2324/3125   Loss: 0.616159 mae: 0.694101 (90.38918408231241 steps/sec)
Step #24250	Epoch   1 Batch 2374/3125   Loss: 0.709371 mae: 0.683894 (99.02656902293784 steps/sec)
Step #24300	Epoch   1 Batch 2424/3125   Loss: 0.721422 mae: 0.684375 (87.43470493447042 steps/sec)
Step #24350	Epoch   1 Batch 2474/3125   Loss: 0.785628 mae: 0.680045 (84.47830672143998 steps/sec)
Step #24400	Epoch   1 Batch 2524/3125   Loss: 0.719284 mae: 0.689088 (83.60163380115495 steps/sec)
Step #24450	Epoch   1 Batch 2574/3125   Loss: 0.821281 mae: 0.693504 (90.1592526051642 steps/sec)
Step #24500	Epoch   1 Batch 2624/3125   Loss: 0.933031 mae: 0.688952 (93.38447659056034 steps/sec)
Step #24550	Epoch   1 Batch 2674/3125   Loss: 0.743384 mae: 0.689125 (87.3659350872742 steps/sec)
Step #24600	Epoch   1 Batch 2724/3125   Loss: 0.726583 mae: 0.679906 (96.08274704350488 steps/sec)
Step #24650	Epoch   1 Batch 2774/3125   Loss: 0.687935 mae: 0.684948 (94.66373562881144 steps/sec)
Step #24700	Epoch   1 Batch 2824/3125   Loss: 0.790933 mae: 0.695512 (101.71669031962044 steps/sec)
Step #24750	Epoch   1 Batch 2874/3125   Loss: 0.799906 mae: 0.676791 (92.94580504423803 steps/sec)
Step #24800	Epoch   1 Batch 2924/3125   Loss: 0.771244 mae: 0.685280 (100.01435485878586 steps/sec)
Step #24850	Epoch   1 Batch 2974/3125   Loss: 0.672207 mae: 0.686887 (102.39780004726461 steps/sec)
Step #24900	Epoch   1 Batch 3024/3125   Loss: 0.702219 mae: 0.677694 (102.82883843215284 steps/sec)
Step #24950	Epoch   1 Batch 3074/3125   Loss: 0.751962 mae: 0.680351 (100.43942054917271 steps/sec)
Step #25000	Epoch   1 Batch 3124/3125   Loss: 0.800776 mae: 0.680315 (98.22224532799028 steps/sec)

Train time for epoch #2 (25000 total steps): 33.96665096282959
Model test set loss: 0.784036 mae: 0.699112
best loss = 0.7840359210968018
Step #25050	Epoch   2 Batch   49/3125   Loss: 0.841394 mae: 0.698265 (90.52476819008047 steps/sec)
Step #25100	Epoch   2 Batch   99/3125   Loss: 0.917930 mae: 0.675593 (94.70960760909671 steps/sec)
Step #25150	Epoch   2 Batch  149/3125   Loss: 0.731097 mae: 0.686770 (95.71019392574121 steps/sec)
Step #25200	Epoch   2 Batch  199/3125   Loss: 0.766869 mae: 0.686221 (93.53821341134608 steps/sec)
Step #25250	Epoch   2 Batch  249/3125   Loss: 0.841341 mae: 0.686227 (89.86593933524594 steps/sec)
Step #25300	Epoch   2 Batch  299/3125   Loss: 0.738986 mae: 0.685498 (87.32911779831642 steps/sec)
Step #25350	Epoch   2 Batch  349/3125   Loss: 0.825709 mae: 0.688310 (87.90694360027665 steps/sec)
Step #25400	Epoch   2 Batch  399/3125   Loss: 0.866955 mae: 0.689053 (90.68918351487874 steps/sec)
Step #25450	Epoch   2 Batch  449/3125   Loss: 0.759929 mae: 0.692852 (88.27745989812416 steps/sec)
Step #25500	Epoch   2 Batch  499/3125   Loss: 0.751120 mae: 0.680172 (85.08168182568728 steps/sec)
Step #25550	Epoch   2 Batch  549/3125   Loss: 0.749131 mae: 0.679911 (86.89378677801966 steps/sec)
Step #25600	Epoch   2 Batch  599/3125   Loss: 0.662256 mae: 0.690591 (88.49661188460912 steps/sec)
Step #25650	Epoch   2 Batch  649/3125   Loss: 0.713749 mae: 0.686868 (91.26206240793404 steps/sec)
Step #25700	Epoch   2 Batch  699/3125   Loss: 0.751382 mae: 0.687611 (84.17108328801321 steps/sec)
Step #25750	Epoch   2 Batch  749/3125   Loss: 0.730248 mae: 0.677658 (86.24945301164387 steps/sec)
Step #25800	Epoch   2 Batch  799/3125   Loss: 0.792215 mae: 0.685663 (89.12756515360535 steps/sec)
Step #25850	Epoch   2 Batch  849/3125   Loss: 0.839750 mae: 0.686164 (93.40710341381113 steps/sec)
Step #25900	Epoch   2 Batch  899/3125   Loss: 0.845688 mae: 0.684292 (94.12170216432808 steps/sec)
Step #25950	Epoch   2 Batch  949/3125   Loss: 0.682219 mae: 0.686044 (91.55478176441261 steps/sec)
Step #26000	Epoch   2 Batch  999/3125   Loss: 0.835548 mae: 0.679832 (94.26893602943028 steps/sec)
Step #26050	Epoch   2 Batch 1049/3125   Loss: 0.825394 mae: 0.691863 (94.50261744715425 steps/sec)
Step #26100	Epoch   2 Batch 1099/3125   Loss: 0.727683 mae: 0.684240 (91.55422219040152 steps/sec)
Step #26150	Epoch   2 Batch 1149/3125   Loss: 0.683049 mae: 0.692138 (95.7884894971446 steps/sec)
Step #26200	Epoch   2 Batch 1199/3125   Loss: 0.796000 mae: 0.680490 (96.30658635117257 steps/sec)
Step #26250	Epoch   2 Batch 1249/3125   Loss: 0.838705 mae: 0.687717 (95.88821625180606 steps/sec)
Step #26300	Epoch   2 Batch 1299/3125   Loss: 0.705656 mae: 0.692004 (94.1591439098221 steps/sec)
Step #26350	Epoch   2 Batch 1349/3125   Loss: 0.779030 mae: 0.671063 (93.87880261051 steps/sec)
Step #26400	Epoch   2 Batch 1399/3125   Loss: 0.785823 mae: 0.688031 (95.40644658809057 steps/sec)
Step #26450	Epoch   2 Batch 1449/3125   Loss: 0.720694 mae: 0.684680 (97.78701228940247 steps/sec)
Step #26500	Epoch   2 Batch 1499/3125   Loss: 0.790368 mae: 0.685548 (98.16642895292519 steps/sec)
Step #26550	Epoch   2 Batch 1549/3125   Loss: 0.831634 mae: 0.684100 (98.15678016674678 steps/sec)
Step #26600	Epoch   2 Batch 1599/3125   Loss: 0.749523 mae: 0.680817 (96.42956002431485 steps/sec)
Step #26650	Epoch   2 Batch 1649/3125   Loss: 0.801523 mae: 0.686970 (97.63850207228171 steps/sec)
Step #26700	Epoch   2 Batch 1699/3125   Loss: 0.794450 mae: 0.680057 (96.53382604825053 steps/sec)
Step #26750	Epoch   2 Batch 1749/3125   Loss: 0.770107 mae: 0.683221 (97.93469438837982 steps/sec)
Step #26800	Epoch   2 Batch 1799/3125   Loss: 0.822275 mae: 0.684085 (97.58307454210937 steps/sec)
Step #26850	Epoch   2 Batch 1849/3125   Loss: 0.747708 mae: 0.684700 (97.58311994874117 steps/sec)
Step #26900	Epoch   2 Batch 1899/3125   Loss: 0.846560 mae: 0.683030 (94.89822145476529 steps/sec)
Step #26950	Epoch   2 Batch 1949/3125   Loss: 0.708278 mae: 0.677219 (98.29447772247063 steps/sec)
Step #27000	Epoch   2 Batch 1999/3125   Loss: 0.830324 mae: 0.685146 (95.49789869759779 steps/sec)
Step #27050	Epoch   2 Batch 2049/3125   Loss: 0.713161 mae: 0.692587 (92.06534980760746 steps/sec)
Step #27100	Epoch   2 Batch 2099/3125   Loss: 0.784691 mae: 0.674547 (97.8175259323592 steps/sec)
Step #27150	Epoch   2 Batch 2149/3125   Loss: 0.721927 mae: 0.674004 (98.35274607977578 steps/sec)
Step #27200	Epoch   2 Batch 2199/3125   Loss: 0.668375 mae: 0.680332 (98.05874588353784 steps/sec)
Step #27250	Epoch   2 Batch 2249/3125   Loss: 0.726950 mae: 0.678826 (96.12066416994112 steps/sec)
Step #27300	Epoch   2 Batch 2299/3125   Loss: 0.793177 mae: 0.692385 (99.10612471155214 steps/sec)
Step #27350	Epoch   2 Batch 2349/3125   Loss: 0.729357 mae: 0.683784 (97.88272194126995 steps/sec)
Step #27400	Epoch   2 Batch 2399/3125   Loss: 0.697055 mae: 0.682630 (97.50073108625237 steps/sec)
Step #27450	Epoch   2 Batch 2449/3125   Loss: 0.719842 mae: 0.675641 (96.70765876521986 steps/sec)
Step #27500	Epoch   2 Batch 2499/3125   Loss: 0.885442 mae: 0.685140 (96.35760646123506 steps/sec)
Step #27550	Epoch   2 Batch 2549/3125   Loss: 0.569982 mae: 0.688982 (96.15085190724339 steps/sec)
Step #27600	Epoch   2 Batch 2599/3125   Loss: 0.883556 mae: 0.683297 (98.5813215802705 steps/sec)
Step #27650	Epoch   2 Batch 2649/3125   Loss: 0.838301 mae: 0.684033 (96.97592979396074 steps/sec)
Step #27700	Epoch   2 Batch 2699/3125   Loss: 0.747114 mae: 0.682756 (98.4129769949943 steps/sec)
Step #27750	Epoch   2 Batch 2749/3125   Loss: 0.826727 mae: 0.678213 (96.69597613437784 steps/sec)
Step #27800	Epoch   2 Batch 2799/3125   Loss: 0.792681 mae: 0.686795 (98.76154371423863 steps/sec)
Step #27850	Epoch   2 Batch 2849/3125   Loss: 0.787148 mae: 0.681075 (95.59837189128376 steps/sec)
Step #27900	Epoch   2 Batch 2899/3125   Loss: 0.817012 mae: 0.678875 (97.75852271800272 steps/sec)
Step #27950	Epoch   2 Batch 2949/3125   Loss: 0.821596 mae: 0.682126 (98.38209078456025 steps/sec)
Step #28000	Epoch   2 Batch 2999/3125   Loss: 0.700930 mae: 0.679892 (99.07686144228825 steps/sec)
Step #28050	Epoch   2 Batch 3049/3125   Loss: 0.721152 mae: 0.673013 (97.36936063563608 steps/sec)
Step #28100	Epoch   2 Batch 3099/3125   Loss: 0.804983 mae: 0.677583 (95.00479519728262 steps/sec)

Train time for epoch #3 (28125 total steps): 33.18755841255188
Model test set loss: 0.779327 mae: 0.696082
best loss = 0.7793265581130981
Step #28150	Epoch   3 Batch   24/3125   Loss: 0.671083 mae: 0.695564 (171.26934296793078 steps/sec)
Step #28200	Epoch   3 Batch   74/3125   Loss: 0.792037 mae: 0.674184 (97.14375446136373 steps/sec)
Step #28250	Epoch   3 Batch  124/3125   Loss: 0.655678 mae: 0.682189 (92.6364035120655 steps/sec)
Step #28300	Epoch   3 Batch  174/3125   Loss: 0.774118 mae: 0.681569 (97.98278487352634 steps/sec)
Step #28350	Epoch   3 Batch  224/3125   Loss: 0.640327 mae: 0.683743 (96.37979250203936 steps/sec)
Step #28400	Epoch   3 Batch  274/3125   Loss: 0.750146 mae: 0.681639 (96.8823424517171 steps/sec)
Step #28450	Epoch   3 Batch  324/3125   Loss: 0.732256 mae: 0.683736 (96.14340236788117 steps/sec)
Step #28500	Epoch   3 Batch  374/3125   Loss: 0.743042 mae: 0.684646 (97.48745120170025 steps/sec)
Step #28550	Epoch   3 Batch  424/3125   Loss: 0.815393 mae: 0.686061 (96.54751409321202 steps/sec)
Step #28600	Epoch   3 Batch  474/3125   Loss: 0.765601 mae: 0.681953 (97.42124177298454 steps/sec)
Step #28650	Epoch   3 Batch  524/3125   Loss: 0.817163 mae: 0.675836 (97.35236541674423 steps/sec)
Step #28700	Epoch   3 Batch  574/3125   Loss: 0.789274 mae: 0.682267 (96.4514686971671 steps/sec)
Step #28750	Epoch   3 Batch  624/3125   Loss: 0.581383 mae: 0.680147 (95.3692642182902 steps/sec)
Step #28800	Epoch   3 Batch  674/3125   Loss: 0.782234 mae: 0.684234 (97.92870354502362 steps/sec)
Step #28850	Epoch   3 Batch  724/3125   Loss: 0.629306 mae: 0.682857 (95.06513098726391 steps/sec)
Step #28900	Epoch   3 Batch  774/3125   Loss: 0.693846 mae: 0.676542 (96.86851456409788 steps/sec)
Step #28950	Epoch   3 Batch  824/3125   Loss: 0.773958 mae: 0.682875 (95.78157719860334 steps/sec)
Step #29000	Epoch   3 Batch  874/3125   Loss: 0.684647 mae: 0.680135 (97.5185490366033 steps/sec)
Step #29050	Epoch   3 Batch  924/3125   Loss: 0.850243 mae: 0.686539 (94.78147606138972 steps/sec)
Step #29100	Epoch   3 Batch  974/3125   Loss: 0.696704 mae: 0.681376 (97.06808066295888 steps/sec)
Step #29150	Epoch   3 Batch 1024/3125   Loss: 0.723475 mae: 0.677778 (94.13716546022421 steps/sec)
Step #29200	Epoch   3 Batch 1074/3125   Loss: 0.757530 mae: 0.681978 (97.67006026509189 steps/sec)
Step #29250	Epoch   3 Batch 1124/3125   Loss: 0.748991 mae: 0.687987 (95.03368307906754 steps/sec)
Step #29300	Epoch   3 Batch 1174/3125   Loss: 0.664798 mae: 0.683524 (96.86860405229694 steps/sec)
Step #29350	Epoch   3 Batch 1224/3125   Loss: 0.742110 mae: 0.675986 (95.62334882711438 steps/sec)
Step #29400	Epoch   3 Batch 1274/3125   Loss: 0.842598 mae: 0.690012 (97.26982418953486 steps/sec)
Step #29450	Epoch   3 Batch 1324/3125   Loss: 0.642632 mae: 0.678084 (94.8816056586419 steps/sec)
Step #29500	Epoch   3 Batch 1374/3125   Loss: 0.706632 mae: 0.676122 (95.79640924256432 steps/sec)
Step #29550	Epoch   3 Batch 1424/3125   Loss: 0.742016 mae: 0.680312 (95.7289801791011 steps/sec)
Step #29600	Epoch   3 Batch 1474/3125   Loss: 0.641970 mae: 0.682409 (98.22155528203514 steps/sec)
Step #29650	Epoch   3 Batch 1524/3125   Loss: 0.659349 mae: 0.675746 (95.23033672405047 steps/sec)
Step #29700	Epoch   3 Batch 1574/3125   Loss: 0.703235 mae: 0.683202 (96.5951413908508 steps/sec)
Step #29750	Epoch   3 Batch 1624/3125   Loss: 0.772652 mae: 0.675448 (95.40458027074376 steps/sec)
Step #29800	Epoch   3 Batch 1674/3125   Loss: 0.632780 mae: 0.681941 (97.03668572248223 steps/sec)
Step #29850	Epoch   3 Batch 1724/3125   Loss: 0.851819 mae: 0.678916 (96.02089321803724 steps/sec)
Step #29900	Epoch   3 Batch 1774/3125   Loss: 0.684029 mae: 0.680845 (98.01236726409218 steps/sec)
Step #29950	Epoch   3 Batch 1824/3125   Loss: 0.680554 mae: 0.679434 (95.80441783048187 steps/sec)
Step #30000	Epoch   3 Batch 1874/3125   Loss: 0.798749 mae: 0.682511 (96.41745686930335 steps/sec)
Step #30050	Epoch   3 Batch 1924/3125   Loss: 0.929966 mae: 0.677670 (97.07050686850191 steps/sec)
Step #30100	Epoch   3 Batch 1974/3125   Loss: 0.737366 mae: 0.674866 (96.14053746779503 steps/sec)
Step #30150	Epoch   3 Batch 2024/3125   Loss: 0.855838 mae: 0.684689 (93.99531357288971 steps/sec)
Step #30200	Epoch   3 Batch 2074/3125   Loss: 0.774386 mae: 0.675527 (96.28850113040109 steps/sec)
Step #30250	Epoch   3 Batch 2124/3125   Loss: 0.626055 mae: 0.677924 (95.61227541634145 steps/sec)
Step #30300	Epoch   3 Batch 2174/3125   Loss: 0.723549 mae: 0.672728 (97.72176152958653 steps/sec)
Step #30350	Epoch   3 Batch 2224/3125   Loss: 0.681627 mae: 0.678353 (95.19955731101851 steps/sec)
Step #30400	Epoch   3 Batch 2274/3125   Loss: 0.736302 mae: 0.677233 (96.37434468357316 steps/sec)
Step #30450	Epoch   3 Batch 2324/3125   Loss: 0.584631 mae: 0.686699 (94.81027113681799 steps/sec)
Step #30500	Epoch   3 Batch 2374/3125   Loss: 0.698571 mae: 0.677499 (95.78105225466504 steps/sec)
Step #30550	Epoch   3 Batch 2424/3125   Loss: 0.706093 mae: 0.677204 (95.26126586096406 steps/sec)
Step #30600	Epoch   3 Batch 2474/3125   Loss: 0.777790 mae: 0.673271 (95.12079737835785 steps/sec)
Step #30650	Epoch   3 Batch 2524/3125   Loss: 0.703747 mae: 0.681530 (95.3811056311252 steps/sec)
Step #30700	Epoch   3 Batch 2574/3125   Loss: 0.807804 mae: 0.685983 (97.28015675025257 steps/sec)
Step #30750	Epoch   3 Batch 2624/3125   Loss: 0.912028 mae: 0.681242 (92.45042886924612 steps/sec)
Step #30800	Epoch   3 Batch 2674/3125   Loss: 0.733961 mae: 0.680752 (95.10548370127161 steps/sec)
Step #30850	Epoch   3 Batch 2724/3125   Loss: 0.720733 mae: 0.672703 (94.2092254559405 steps/sec)
Step #30900	Epoch   3 Batch 2774/3125   Loss: 0.668025 mae: 0.678066 (96.03896600503653 steps/sec)
Step #30950	Epoch   3 Batch 2824/3125   Loss: 0.771790 mae: 0.687630 (94.54270703442332 steps/sec)
Step #31000	Epoch   3 Batch 2874/3125   Loss: 0.795335 mae: 0.669771 (95.89514395117887 steps/sec)
Step #31050	Epoch   3 Batch 2924/3125   Loss: 0.768766 mae: 0.678650 (95.54924074157603 steps/sec)
Step #31100	Epoch   3 Batch 2974/3125   Loss: 0.657581 mae: 0.679598 (86.63522356836064 steps/sec)
Step #31150	Epoch   3 Batch 3024/3125   Loss: 0.710757 mae: 0.669819 (81.81546157234253 steps/sec)
Step #31200	Epoch   3 Batch 3074/3125   Loss: 0.752866 mae: 0.671728 (85.46792026832618 steps/sec)
Step #31250	Epoch   3 Batch 3124/3125   Loss: 0.789243 mae: 0.671955 (84.97295203488784 steps/sec)

Train time for epoch #4 (31250 total steps): 32.9474937915802
Model test set loss: 0.774264 mae: 0.693687
best loss = 0.7742644548416138
Step #31300	Epoch   4 Batch   49/3125   Loss: 0.849005 mae: 0.692671 (86.63508040945638 steps/sec)
Step #31350	Epoch   4 Batch   99/3125   Loss: 0.887145 mae: 0.667644 (93.65070150321479 steps/sec)
Step #31400	Epoch   4 Batch  149/3125   Loss: 0.715392 mae: 0.678084 (88.70357093762226 steps/sec)
Step #31450	Epoch   4 Batch  199/3125   Loss: 0.755828 mae: 0.678409 (93.64146002219191 steps/sec)
Step #31500	Epoch   4 Batch  249/3125   Loss: 0.835472 mae: 0.677886 (94.04458834371097 steps/sec)
Step #31550	Epoch   4 Batch  299/3125   Loss: 0.707785 mae: 0.678733 (94.06112318871456 steps/sec)
Step #31600	Epoch   4 Batch  349/3125   Loss: 0.784751 mae: 0.680859 (93.25856586992774 steps/sec)
Step #31650	Epoch   4 Batch  399/3125   Loss: 0.846286 mae: 0.681717 (97.06237506496969 steps/sec)
Step #31700	Epoch   4 Batch  449/3125   Loss: 0.738571 mae: 0.684823 (95.92308413587432 steps/sec)
Step #31750	Epoch   4 Batch  499/3125   Loss: 0.726846 mae: 0.673212 (92.13661943304719 steps/sec)
Step #31800	Epoch   4 Batch  549/3125   Loss: 0.719152 mae: 0.671284 (94.35966288550462 steps/sec)
Step #31850	Epoch   4 Batch  599/3125   Loss: 0.642589 mae: 0.682743 (94.95674506256186 steps/sec)
Step #31900	Epoch   4 Batch  649/3125   Loss: 0.702127 mae: 0.679642 (91.53791760875069 steps/sec)
Step #31950	Epoch   4 Batch  699/3125   Loss: 0.724501 mae: 0.679958 (94.65625839240458 steps/sec)
Step #32000	Epoch   4 Batch  749/3125   Loss: 0.717045 mae: 0.669120 (93.81786427502881 steps/sec)
Step #32050	Epoch   4 Batch  799/3125   Loss: 0.745565 mae: 0.679389 (91.53775778865695 steps/sec)
Step #32100	Epoch   4 Batch  849/3125   Loss: 0.828537 mae: 0.678774 (89.95494428945463 steps/sec)
Step #32150	Epoch   4 Batch  899/3125   Loss: 0.828524 mae: 0.676391 (85.42294122007868 steps/sec)
Step #32200	Epoch   4 Batch  949/3125   Loss: 0.674728 mae: 0.677796 (82.50033831735112 steps/sec)
Step #32250	Epoch   4 Batch  999/3125   Loss: 0.814002 mae: 0.672747 (87.36775492808826 steps/sec)
Step #32300	Epoch   4 Batch 1049/3125   Loss: 0.822413 mae: 0.683690 (92.12876708838405 steps/sec)
Step #32350	Epoch   4 Batch 1099/3125   Loss: 0.714512 mae: 0.676341 (92.99031543026298 steps/sec)
Step #32400	Epoch   4 Batch 1149/3125   Loss: 0.665886 mae: 0.684505 (92.53727918640166 steps/sec)
Step #32450	Epoch   4 Batch 1199/3125   Loss: 0.769309 mae: 0.671976 (91.53392227382241 steps/sec)
Step #32500	Epoch   4 Batch 1249/3125   Loss: 0.829105 mae: 0.680787 (91.2518171806407 steps/sec)
Step #32550	Epoch   4 Batch 1299/3125   Loss: 0.703187 mae: 0.684143 (89.1962161769028 steps/sec)
Step #32600	Epoch   4 Batch 1349/3125   Loss: 0.762131 mae: 0.663012 (90.23563692190127 steps/sec)
Step #32650	Epoch   4 Batch 1399/3125   Loss: 0.782941 mae: 0.680012 (92.17347046860901 steps/sec)
Step #32700	Epoch   4 Batch 1449/3125   Loss: 0.717813 mae: 0.676620 (90.84884445786405 steps/sec)
Step #32750	Epoch   4 Batch 1499/3125   Loss: 0.771077 mae: 0.677188 (91.24991134562761 steps/sec)
Step #32800	Epoch   4 Batch 1549/3125   Loss: 0.822044 mae: 0.674737 (90.50785164520731 steps/sec)
Step #32850	Epoch   4 Batch 1599/3125   Loss: 0.730982 mae: 0.672091 (86.22594164279556 steps/sec)
Step #32900	Epoch   4 Batch 1649/3125   Loss: 0.787307 mae: 0.678850 (89.30420163486811 steps/sec)
Step #32950	Epoch   4 Batch 1699/3125   Loss: 0.769659 mae: 0.672791 (80.95036639255419 steps/sec)
Step #33000	Epoch   4 Batch 1749/3125   Loss: 0.754821 mae: 0.674748 (83.31689231843737 steps/sec)
Step #33050	Epoch   4 Batch 1799/3125   Loss: 0.808317 mae: 0.675786 (81.94253419690415 steps/sec)
Step #33100	Epoch   4 Batch 1849/3125   Loss: 0.736969 mae: 0.676992 (88.07533023755097 steps/sec)
Step #33150	Epoch   4 Batch 1899/3125   Loss: 0.830447 mae: 0.676006 (90.29686872983861 steps/sec)
Step #33200	Epoch   4 Batch 1949/3125   Loss: 0.698865 mae: 0.670767 (90.06763816993418 steps/sec)
Step #33250	Epoch   4 Batch 1999/3125   Loss: 0.810068 mae: 0.675959 (89.52894623486988 steps/sec)
Step #33300	Epoch   4 Batch 2049/3125   Loss: 0.690710 mae: 0.684732 (91.52852912486824 steps/sec)
Step #33350	Epoch   4 Batch 2099/3125   Loss: 0.761189 mae: 0.667424 (89.95930462250931 steps/sec)
Step #33400	Epoch   4 Batch 2149/3125   Loss: 0.703904 mae: 0.666731 (92.74853656336074 steps/sec)
Step #33450	Epoch   4 Batch 2199/3125   Loss: 0.654756 mae: 0.673259 (90.60009029111323 steps/sec)
Step #33500	Epoch   4 Batch 2249/3125   Loss: 0.700377 mae: 0.670951 (88.25873548749843 steps/sec)
Step #33550	Epoch   4 Batch 2299/3125   Loss: 0.786276 mae: 0.683020 (90.4601443461547 steps/sec)
Step #33600	Epoch   4 Batch 2349/3125   Loss: 0.714943 mae: 0.675117 (93.2993914847008 steps/sec)
Step #33650	Epoch   4 Batch 2399/3125   Loss: 0.673051 mae: 0.675196 (91.91455940309393 steps/sec)
Step #33700	Epoch   4 Batch 2449/3125   Loss: 0.709089 mae: 0.667099 (92.24308183044161 steps/sec)
Step #33750	Epoch   4 Batch 2499/3125   Loss: 0.864663 mae: 0.676928 (92.42276405565941 steps/sec)
Step #33800	Epoch   4 Batch 2549/3125   Loss: 0.557530 mae: 0.679273 (92.74340948178455 steps/sec)
Step #33850	Epoch   4 Batch 2599/3125   Loss: 0.870227 mae: 0.675846 (90.21265759185366 steps/sec)
Step #33900	Epoch   4 Batch 2649/3125   Loss: 0.823046 mae: 0.675030 (93.99535570203884 steps/sec)
Step #33950	Epoch   4 Batch 2699/3125   Loss: 0.734765 mae: 0.674813 (88.93148319499136 steps/sec)
Step #34000	Epoch   4 Batch 2749/3125   Loss: 0.804615 mae: 0.669130 (95.49102827322206 steps/sec)
Step #34050	Epoch   4 Batch 2799/3125   Loss: 0.764164 mae: 0.678259 (90.9379151966753 steps/sec)
Step #34100	Epoch   4 Batch 2849/3125   Loss: 0.777574 mae: 0.673345 (90.35281141887147 steps/sec)
Step #34150	Epoch   4 Batch 2899/3125   Loss: 0.807234 mae: 0.671131 (94.95287563659545 steps/sec)
Step #34200	Epoch   4 Batch 2949/3125   Loss: 0.789137 mae: 0.675352 (96.48173144782037 steps/sec)
Step #34250	Epoch   4 Batch 2999/3125   Loss: 0.685636 mae: 0.670751 (97.09055016768549 steps/sec)
Step #34300	Epoch   4 Batch 3049/3125   Loss: 0.707665 mae: 0.663872 (97.26644064023301 steps/sec)
Step #34350	Epoch   4 Batch 3099/3125   Loss: 0.765113 mae: 0.668804 (95.97462096891188 steps/sec)

Train time for epoch #5 (34375 total steps): 34.385642290115356
Model test set loss: 0.769376 mae: 0.690253
best loss = 0.769376277923584
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./models/export/assets



%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(mv_net.losses['train'], label='Training loss')
_ = plt.ylim()




plt.plot(mv_net.losses['test'], label='Test loss')
_ = plt.ylim()

在这里插入图片描述## 指定用户和电影进行评分


def rating_movie(mv_net, user_id_val, movie_id_val):
    categories = np.zeros([1, 18])
    categories[0] = movies.values[movieid2idx[movie_id_val]][2]
    titles = np.zeros([1, sentences_size])
    titles[0] = movies.values[movieid2idx[movie_id_val]][1]
    inference_val = mv_net.model([np.reshape(users.values[user_id_val-1][0], [1, 1]),
              np.reshape(users.values[user_id_val-1][1], [1, 1]),
              np.reshape(users.values[user_id_val-1][2], [1, 1]),
              np.reshape(users.values[user_id_val-1][3], [1, 1]),
              np.reshape(movies.values[movieid2idx[movie_id_val]][0], [1, 1]),

    return (inference_val.numpy())
rating_movie(mv_net, 234, 1401)
array([[4.4249763]], dtype=float32)



movie_layer_model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[mv_net.model.input[4], mv_net.model.input[5], mv_net.model.input[6]], 
movie_matrics = []

for item in movies.values:
    categories = np.zeros([1, 18])
    categories[0] = item.take(2)

    titles = np.zeros([1, sentences_size])
    titles[0] = item.take(1)

    movie_combine_layer_flat_val = movie_layer_model([np.reshape(item.take(0), [1, 1]), categories, titles])  

pickle.dump((np.array(movie_matrics).reshape(-1, 200)), open('movie_matrics.p', 'wb'))
movie_matrics = pickle.load(open('movie_matrics.p', mode='rb'))
movie_matrics = pickle.load(open('movie_matrics.p', mode='rb'))



user_layer_model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[mv_net.model.input[0], mv_net.model.input[1], mv_net.model.input[2], mv_net.model.input[3]], 
users_matrics = []

for item in users.values:

    user_combine_layer_flat_val = user_layer_model([np.reshape(item.take(0), [1, 1]), 
                                                    np.reshape(item.take(1), [1, 1]), 
                                                    np.reshape(item.take(2), [1, 1]), 
                                                    np.reshape(item.take(3), [1, 1])])  

pickle.dump((np.array(users_matrics).reshape(-1, 200)), open('users_matrics.p', 'wb'))
users_matrics = pickle.load(open('users_matrics.p', mode='rb'))
users_matrics = pickle.load(open('users_matrics.p', mode='rb'))





def recommend_same_type_movie(movie_id_val, top_k = 20):
    norm_movie_matrics = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(movie_matrics), 1, keepdims=True))
    normalized_movie_matrics = movie_matrics / norm_movie_matrics

    probs_embeddings = (movie_matrics[movieid2idx[movie_id_val]]).reshape([1, 200])
    probs_similarity = tf.matmul(probs_embeddings, tf.transpose(normalized_movie_matrics))
    sim = (probs_similarity.numpy())
    #     results = (-sim[0]).argsort()[0:top_k]
    #     print(results)
    p = np.squeeze(sim)
    p[np.argsort(p)[:-top_k]] = 0
    p = p / np.sum(p)
    results = set()
    while len(results) != 5:
        c = np.random.choice(3883, 1, p=p)[0]
    for val in (results):
    return results
recommend_same_type_movie(1401, 20)
您看的电影是:[1401 'Ghosts of Mississippi (1996)' 'Drama']
[3109 'River, The (1984)' 'Drama']
[1406 'C�r�monie, La (1995)' 'Drama']
[1657 'Wonderland (1997)' 'Documentary']
[2551 'Dead Ringers (1988)' 'Drama|Thriller']
[3641 'Woman of Paris, A (1923)' 'Drama']

{1383, 1611, 2482, 3040, 3572}



def recommend_your_favorite_movie(user_id_val, top_k = 10):

    probs_embeddings = (users_matrics[user_id_val-1]).reshape([1, 200])

    probs_similarity = tf.matmul(probs_embeddings, tf.transpose(movie_matrics))
    sim = (probs_similarity.numpy())
    #     print(sim.shape)
    #     results = (-sim[0]).argsort()[0:top_k]
    #     print(results)
    #     sim_norm = probs_norm_similarity.eval()
    #     print((-sim_norm[0]).argsort()[0:top_k])
    p = np.squeeze(sim)
    p[np.argsort(p)[:-top_k]] = 0
    p = p / np.sum(p)
    results = set()
    while len(results) != 5:
        c = np.random.choice(3883, 1, p=p)[0]
    for val in (results):

    return results
recommend_your_favorite_movie(234, 10)
[2503 'Apple, The (Sib) (1998)' 'Drama']
[3435 'Double Indemnity (1944)' 'Crime|Film-Noir']
[1212 'Third Man, The (1949)' 'Mystery|Thriller']
[593 'Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)' 'Drama|Thriller']
[954 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)' 'Drama']

{589, 942, 1194, 2434, 3366}


  • 首先选出喜欢某个电影的top_k个人,得到这几个人的用户特征向量。
  • 然后计算这几个人对所有电影的评分
  • 选择每个人评分最高的电影作为推荐
  • 同样加入了随机选择
import random

def recommend_other_favorite_movie(movie_id_val, top_k = 20):

    probs_movie_embeddings = (movie_matrics[movieid2idx[movie_id_val]]).reshape([1, 200])
    probs_user_favorite_similarity = tf.matmul(probs_movie_embeddings, tf.transpose(users_matrics))
    favorite_user_id = np.argsort(probs_user_favorite_similarity.numpy())[0][-top_k:]
    #     print(normalized_users_matrics.numpy().shape)
    #     print(probs_user_favorite_similarity.numpy()[0][favorite_user_id])
    #     print(favorite_user_id.shape)
    probs_users_embeddings = (users_matrics[favorite_user_id-1]).reshape([-1, 200])
    probs_similarity = tf.matmul(probs_users_embeddings, tf.transpose(movie_matrics))
    sim = (probs_similarity.numpy())
    #     results = (-sim[0]).argsort()[0:top_k]
    #     print(results)
    #     print(sim.shape)
    #     print(np.argmax(sim, 1))
    p = np.argmax(sim, 1)

    if len(set(p)) < 5:
        results = set(p)
        results = set()
        while len(results) != 5:
            c = p[random.randrange(top_k)]
    for val in (results):
    return results
recommend_other_favorite_movie(1401, 20)
您看的电影是:[1401 'Ghosts of Mississippi (1996)' 'Drama']
喜欢看这个电影的人是:[[209 'M' 35 1]
 [1110 'F' 56 6]
 [2921 'M' 50 1]
 [287 'M' 50 13]
 [74 'M' 35 14]
 [64 'M' 18 1]
 [5728 'F' 35 20]
 [4253 'M' 45 11]
 [5099 'M' 18 0]
 [978 'M' 18 0]
 [5996 'F' 25 0]
 [4504 'F' 25 0]
 [2338 'M' 45 17]
 [277 'F' 35 1]
 [4506 'M' 50 16]
 [1636 'F' 25 19]
 [2496 'M' 50 1]
 [1985 'M' 45 12]
 [1855 'M' 18 4]
 [2154 'M' 25 12]]
[2503 'Apple, The (Sib) (1998)' 'Drama']
[593 'Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)' 'Drama|Thriller']

{589, 2434}



以上就是简单黑裤最近收集整理的关于个性化推荐系统——3. 模型搭建与训练模型搭建的全部内容,更多相关个性化推荐系统——3.内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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