* 返回的这个数不是素数的可能性为2^-100.但不会跳过任何一个素数
* @return the first integer greater than this {@code BigInteger} that
* is probably prime.
* @throws ArithmeticException {@code this < 0} or {@code this} is too large.
* @since 1.5
public BigInteger nextProbablePrime() {
if (this.signum < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("start < 0: " + this);
// Handle trivial cases
if ((this.signum == 0) || this.equals(ONE))
return TWO;
BigInteger result = this.add(ONE);
// Fastpath for small numbers
if (result.bitLength() < SMALL_PRIME_THRESHOLD) {
// Ensure an odd number
if (!result.testBit(0))
result = result.add(ONE);
while (true) {
// Do cheap "pre-test" if applicable
if (result.bitLength() > 6) {
long r = result.remainder(SMALL_PRIME_PRODUCT).longValue();
if ((r%3==0) || (r%5==0) || (r%7==0) || (r%11==0) ||
(r%13==0) || (r%17==0) || (r%19==0) || (r%23==0) ||
(r%29==0) || (r%31==0) || (r%37==0) || (r%41==0)) {
result = result.add(TWO);
continue; // Candidate is composite; try another
// All candidates of bitLength 2 and 3 are prime by this point
if (result.bitLength() < 4)
return result;
// The expensive test
if (result.primeToCertainty(DEFAULT_PRIME_CERTAINTY, null))
return result;
result = result.add(TWO);
// Start at previous even number
if (result.testBit(0))
result = result.subtract(ONE);
// Looking for the next large prime
int searchLen = getPrimeSearchLen(result.bitLength());
while (true) {
BitSieve searchSieve = new BitSieve(result, searchLen);
BigInteger candidate = searchSieve.retrieve(result,
if (candidate != null)
return candidate;
result = result.add(BigInteger.valueOf(2 * searchLen));
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