Hello. How are you feeling today?
>Not that bad,how are you?
Why do you ask that?
>well.Out of polite.
How do you feel when you say that?
>what do you mean?
What do you think?
>You are funny.
Perhaps you're really talking about yourself?
>No,it is you.
Let's change focus a bit... Tell me about your family.
>I love my family.
you love your family.
>do you?
Why do you ask that?
>that's the only answer you know?
Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
>well,I cannot believe this is a program for a second
How does that make you feel?
>Strange, and nervous
How do you feel when you say that?
>nice weather today.
Can you elaborate on that?
>Temperature is fine, and the rain.
temperature is fine, and the rain.
>It's just not nice for a walk in the rain.
it's just not nice for a walk in the rain.
>So what's the matter? YOu are repeating me.
Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
>You are right but still I hold doubts.
Does it please you to think that I'm right but still you hold doubts?
Eliza被认为是第一个聊天机器人,其原理很简单——基于内容的替换。比如人称的替换,疑问词的替换。"I love my family> you love your family"就是人称的替换,将第一人称及所有格替换为对应的第二人称。也有句型的替换,比如将陈述句替换为疑问句,疑问句替代疑问句。当没得替换时,她会重复你的内容或自己提出新问题,"Can you elaborate on that?","Perhaps the answer lies within yourself",“Why do you ask that?”就是固定问题之三。最后伪装的很好的一招就是开始新话题,如“Let's change focus a bit... Tell me about your family”。
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