- 基础知识
- Path
- Simple path
- Cycle
- Connected graph
- Complete graph Kv
- Tree
- Spanning tree
- Spanning forest
- Clique
- Undirected graph
- Directed graph
- Weighted graph
- Multi-graph
- 三种表示图的数据结构
- Array of edges
- Adjacency matrix
- Adjacency list
- 三种方法的内存空间
- 顶点(有穷)和边
vertices and edges - V个顶点的图最多有V(V-1)/2个边,根据数目可以判断出这个图是dense or spars.
- For an edge e that connects vertices v and w
- v and w are adjacent (neighbours)
- e is incident on both v and w
- Degree of a vertex 就是有几条边连入这个v。
a sequence of vertices where each vertex has an edge to its predecessor
Simple path
A path that repeats no vertex, except that the first and last may be the same vertex.
a path that is simple except last vertex = first vertex
Connected graph
there is a path from each vertex to every other vertex
if a graph is not connected, it has ≥2 connected components
Complete graph Kv
there is an edge from each vertex to every other vertex
in a complete graph, E = V(V-1)/2
每个节点 和 其他任何节点都有路径
connected (sub)graph with no cycles
Spanning tree
tree containing all vertices
- A spanning tree of connected graph G = (V,E)
- is a subgraph of G containing all of V
- and is a single tree (connected, no cycles)
Spanning forest
- A spanning forest of non-connected graph G = (V,E) is a subgraph of G containing all of V
- and is a set of trees (not connected, no cycles), with one tree for each connected component
- and is a set of trees (not connected, no cycles), with one tree for each connected component
complete subgraph
Undirected graph
edge(u,v) = edge(v,u), no self-loops (i.e. no edge(v,v))
Directed graph
edge(u,v) ≠ edge(v,u), can have self-loops (i.e. edge(v,v))
Weighted graph
each edge has an associated value (weight)
e.g. road map (weights on edges are distances between cities)
allow multiple edges between two vertices
e.g. f() calls g() in several places
Array of edges
- 添加删除边稍显复杂;
- 节省空间的表示
- 可以表示有方向的图和无方向的
| Input graph g, edge (v,w) // assumption: (v,w) not in g
| g.edges[g.nE]=(v,w)
| g.nE=g.nE+1
| Input graph g, edge (v,w) // assumption: (v,w) in g
| i=0
| while (v,w)≠g.edges[i] do
| i=i+1
| end while
| g.edges[i]=g.edges[g.nE-1] // replace (v,w) by last edge in array
| g.nE=g.nE-1
| Input graph g
| for all i=0 to g.nE-1 do
| print g.edges[i]
| end for
Storage cost: O(E)
Cost of operations:
initialisation: O(1)
insert edge: O(1) (assuming edge array has space)
find/delete edge: O(E) (need to find edge in edge array)
If array is full on insert
allocate space for a bigger array, copy edges across ⇒ O(E)
If we maintain edges in order
use binary search to insert/find edge ⇒ O(log E)
Adjacency matrix
- can represent graphs, digraphs and weighted graphs
- graphs: symmetric boolean matrix
- digraphs: non-symmetric boolean matrix
- weighted: non-symmetric matrix of weight values
if few edges (sparse) ⇒ memory-inefficient
- weighted: non-symmetric matrix of weight values
Graph initialisation
| Input number of nodes V
| Output new empty graph
| g.nV = V // #vertices (numbered 0..V-1)
| g.nE = 0 // #edges
| allocate memory for g.edges[][]
| for all i,j=0..V-1 do
| g.edges[i][j]=0 // false
| end for
| return g
Edge insertion
| Input graph g, edge (v,w)
| if g.edges[v][w]=0 then // (v,w) not in graph
| g.edges[v][w]=1 // set to true
| g.edges[w][v]=1
| g.nE=g.nE+1
| end if
Edge removal
| Input graph g, edge (v,w)
| if g.edges[v][w]≠0 then // (v,w) in graph
| g.edges[v][w]=0 // set to false
| g.edges[w][v]=0
| g.nE=g.nE-1
| end if
| Input graph g
| for all i=0 to g.nV-2 do
| | for all j=i+1 to g.nV-1 do
| | if g.edges[i][j] then
| | print i"—"j
| | end if
| | end for
| end for
Time complexity: O(V2)
Storage cost: O(V2)
If the graph is sparse, most storage is wasted.
Cost of operations:
initialisation: O(V2) (initialise V×V matrix)
insert edge: O(1) (set two cells in matrix)
delete edge: O(1) (unset two cells in matrix)
Adjacency list
For each vertex, store linked list of adjacent vertices:
- Advantages
relatively easy to implement in languages like C
can represent graphs and digraphs
memory efficient if E:V relatively small(为啥) - Disadvantages:
one graph has many possible representations
(unless lists are ordered by same criterion e.g. ascending)
Graph initialisation
| Input number of nodes V
| Output new empty graph
| g.nV = V // #vertices (numbered 0..V-1)
| g.nE = 0 // #edges
| allocate memory for g.edges[]
| for all i=0..V-1 do
| g.edges[i]=NULL // empty list
| end for
| return g
Edge insertion:
| Input graph g, edge (v,w)
| insertLL(g.edges[v],w)
| insertLL(g.edges[w],v)
| g.nE=g.nE+1
Edge removal:
| Input graph g, edge (v,w)
| deleteLL(g.edges[v],w)
| deleteLL(g.edges[w],v)
| g.nE=g.nE-1
Storage cost: O(V+E) (V list pointers, total of 2·E list elements)
the larger of V,E determines the complexity
Cost of operations
initialisation: O(V) (initialise V lists)
insert edge: O(1) (insert one vertex into list)
if you don’t check for duplicates
find/delete edge: O(V) (need to find vertex in list)
If vertex lists are sorted
insert requires search of list ⇒ O(V)
delete always requires a search, regardless of list order
- array of edges :边的数目 * 8 (即为8E)如果求最大边就是E=V*(V-1)/2
- adjacency matrix:将矩阵中的数值看作bool型,则总体大小为,指针大小乘定点个数加指针平方的个数 8*V+V2
- adjacency list: 每个节点就是顶点+内容+指针->4+4+8=16 ,每个顶点出现两次,所以总体大小就是2* 16 * E=32E,再加上前面的头指针,8*V+32E。
以上就是动人耳机为你收集整理的20221005 数据结构之图基础知识的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决20221005 数据结构之图基础知识所遇到的程序开发问题。
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