Per siginfo.h:
SEGV_MAPERR means you tried to access an address that doesn’t map to anything.
SEGV_ACCERR means you tried to access an address that you don’t have permission to access.
So in both cases you accessed an address you shouldn’t have, which is probably the only thing your actual code is guilty of. In the former case there’s no memory in that address range anyway. In the latter case there is memory in that address range but you don’t own it.
If you were to access a random address then which you get depends on how the OS happens to have your process set up at that moment.
以上就是欣喜指甲油为你收集整理的Android -- SEGV_MAPERR,SEGV_ACCERR的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Android -- SEGV_MAPERR,SEGV_ACCERR所遇到的程序开发问题。
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