我是靠谱客的博主 威武香水,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍JDBC对数据表的基本操作(JDBC之二),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



try {
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        // Create table called my_table 
        String sql = "CREATE TABLE my_table(col_string VARCHAR(254))";
    } catch (SQLException e) {


try {
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE my_table");
    } catch (SQLException e) {


try {
        // Gets the database metadata
        DatabaseMetaData dbmd = connection.getMetaData();
        // Specify the type of object; in this case we want tables
        String[] types = {"TABLE"};
        ResultSet resultSet = dbmd.getTables(null, null, "%", types);
        // Get the table names 获取数据库表名
        while (resultSet.next()) {
            // Get the table name 
            String tableName = resultSet.getString(3);
            // Get the table's catalog and schema names (if any)
            String tableCatalog = resultSet.getString(1);
            String tableSchema = resultSet.getString(2);
    } catch (SQLException e) {


try {
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        String sql = "CREATE TABLE mysql_all_table("
            + "col_boolean       BOOL, "              // boolean
            + "col_byte          TINYINT, "           // byte
            + "col_short         SMALLINT, "          // short
            + "col_int           INTEGER, "           // int
            + "col_long          BIGINT, "            // long
            + "col_float         FLOAT, "             // float
            + "col_double        DOUBLE PRECISION, "  // double
            + "col_bigdecimal    DECIMAL(13,0), "     // BigDecimal
            + "col_string        VARCHAR(254), "      // String
            + "col_date          DATE, "              // Date
            + "col_time          TIME, "              // Time
            + "col_timestamp     TIMESTAMP, "         // Timestamp
            + "col_asciistream   TEXT, "              // AsciiStream (< 2^16 bytes)
            + "col_binarystream  LONGBLOB, "          // BinaryStream (< 2^32 bytes)
            + "col_blob          BLOB)";              // Blob (< 2^16 bytes)
    } catch (SQLException e) {

Creating an Oracle Table to Store Java Types

try {
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        // Create a VARRAY type; see e301 Creating a VARRAY Type in an Oracle Database
        stmt.execute("CREATE TYPE number_varray AS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER(12, 2)");
        // Create an OBJECT type; e296 Creating an OBJECT Type in an Oracle Database
        stmt.execute ("CREATE TYPE my_object AS OBJECT(col_string2 VARCHAR(30), col_int2 INTEGER)");
        // Note that Oracle database only allows at most one column of LONG type in a table.
        //    Column Name          Oracle Type             Java Type
        String sql = "CREATE TABLE oracle_all_table("
            + "col_short           SMALLINT, "          // short
            + "col_int             INTEGER, "           // int
            + "col_float           REAL, "              // float; can also be NUMBER
            + "col_double          DOUBLE PRECISION, "  // double; can also be FLOAT or NUMBER
            + "col_bigdecimal      DECIMAL(13,0), "     // BigDecimal
            + "col_string          VARCHAR2(254), "     // String; can also be CHAR(n)
            + "col_characterstream LONG, "              // CharacterStream or AsciiStream
            + "col_bytes           RAW(2000), "         // byte[]; can also be LONG RAW(n)
            + "col_binarystream    RAW(2000), "         // BinaryStream; can also be LONG RAW(n)
            + "col_timestamp       DATE, "              // Timestamp
            + "col_clob            CLOB, "              // Clob
            + "col_blob            BLOB, "              // Blob; can also be BFILE
            + "col_array           number_varray, "     // oracle.sql.ARRAY
            + "col_object          my_object)";         // oracle.sql.OBJECT
    } catch (SQLException e) {

创建适合java数据存储的SQL 2000数据表

try {
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        //     Column Name          SQLServer Type           Java Type
        String sql = "CREATE TABLE sqlserver_all_table("
            + "col_boolean          BIT, "                // boolean
            + "col_byte             TINYINT, "            // byte
            + "col_short            SMALLINT, "           // short
            + "col_int              INTEGER, "            // int
            + "col_float            REAL, "               // float
            + "col_double           DOUBLE PRECISION, "   // double
            + "col_bigdecimal       DECIMAL(13,0), "      // BigDecimal; can also be NUMERIC(p,s)
            + "col_string           VARCHAR(254), "       // String
            + "col_date             DATETIME, "           // Date
            + "col_time             DATETIME, "           // Time
            + "col_timestamp        TIMESTAMP, "          // Timestamp
            + "col_characterstream  TEXT, "               // CharacterStream or AsciiStream (< 2 GBytes)
            + "col_binarystream     IMAGE)";              // BinaryStream (< 2 GBytes)
    } catch (SQLException e) {





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