我是靠谱客的博主 光亮糖豆,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Coding4Fun硬件网络广播-离线可用,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


A few months back I did a Coding4Fun Hardware Webcast. I'll probably do a few more, but for now, I just noticed that it's available offline.

几个月前,我进行了Coding4Fun硬件网络广播。 我可能还会再做一些,但是现在,我只是注意到它可以脱机使用。

You can download the Webcast as a WMV. You don't have to get the Live Meeting Player unless you want the better quality output.

您可以将网络广播下载为WMV 。 除非您想要更好的质量输出,否则不必获得Live Meeting Player。

You have to jump through a few Passport hoops to get to it, but considering that it was a Webcast about Hardware, it's pretty good. I use the Webcam to take photos of what I'm doing, so you get a pretty good idea of what's up. It's more code and demos than slides.

您必须跳过一些Passport箍才能达到目的,但是考虑到这是有关硬件的网络广播,它非常好。 我使用网络摄像头为我所做的事情拍照,因此您可以很好地了解最新情况。 比幻灯片更多的是代码和演示。

All the demos and code are based on Coding4Fun articles from my column "SomeAssemblyRequired" there. I have two articles in the hopper I've already turned in with two more on the way.

所有演示和代码均基于我在“ SomeAssemblyRequired ”专栏中的Coding4Fun文章。 漏斗中有两篇文章,我已经上交了另外两篇。

Dan Fernandez has blogged that he's having trouble keeping up, but they are in the middle of a V2 of the whole Coding4Fun site. Be sure to visit his blog and give feedback on what you think can be done to make the site better. There's definitely a Hobbyist Renaissance at Microsoft right now. I'm having a blast, as I hope you'll see in the next four articles where I interface .NET with lots of hardware, some years old, some brand new, some robots and some bar code readers. Very cool stuff.

丹·费尔南德斯(Dan Fernandez)曾在博客中表示,他无法跟上进度,但他们处于整个Coding4Fun网站V2的中间。 确保访问他的博客,并提供反馈意见,说明您认为可以做些什么来使站点变得更好。 微软现在肯定有一个业余爱好者的复兴。 我大吃一惊,希望您能在接下来的四篇文章中看到,我在.NET上连接了许多硬件,这些硬件已经使用了几年,有些是全新的,有些是机器人的,有些是条形码阅读器。 很酷的东西。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/coding4fun-hardware-webcast-available-offline





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