我是靠谱客的博主 英勇香烟,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍ISMG接口协议网络结构和功能概述,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



网络结构 Network Structure


As shown in Figure 1, ISMG is a medium entity between an external information resource station entity (SP) and the SMSC within the mobile network. On one hand, ISMG is required to receive messages sent by SP to mobile users, and submit them to SMSC. On the other hand, messages of mobile users ordering SP services will be sent by SMSC to SP via ISMG. In addition, to reduce the signaling load of SMSC, ISMG shall also forward messages submitted by SP to the corresponding ISMG according to the route principles. ISMG makes a query to the tandem gateway (GNS), and by doing so gets the forwarding route messages between gateways.

CMPP功能概述 Overview of CMPP Function


CMPP mainly provides the following two types of service operations:

1.        短信发送Message sendingShort Message Mobile OriginateSM MO

The typical service operations are illustrated in Figure 2:

1) 手机发出数据请求(可能是订阅信息或图片点播等),被源ISMG接收;

The handset sends out a data request (that could be ordering a message or picture) that is received by the source ISMG;

2) ISMG对接收到的信息返回响应;

The source ISMG returns a response for the message received;

3) ISMG在本地查询不到要连接的SP,向GNS(汇接网关)发路由请求信息;

The source ISMG sends to GNS (tandem gateway) a route request message when it cannot find the SP to be connected in the local area;

4) GNS将路由信息返回;

GNS returns the routing message;

5) ISMG根据路由信息将请求前转给目的ISMG

The source ISMG forwards the request to the destination ISMG according to the routing message;

6) 目的ISMG对接收到的信息返回响应;

The destination ISMG returns a response for the message received;

7) 目的ISMG将请求信息送SP.

The destination ISMG submits the request information to SP;

8) SP返回响应;

SP returns a response.


CMPP is used from Step 3 to Step 8 in the above operations;


In the succeeding operations, the destination ISMG will generate a MO status report and send it to the source ISMG after it has received the response from SP.

2.        短信接收Message receivingShort Message Mobile TerminatedSM MT

The typical service operations are illustrated in Figure 3:

1) SP发出数据请求(可能是短信通知或手机短信等),被源ISMG接收;

SP sends out a data request (that could be a message alert or handset ring) that is received by the source ISMG;

2) ISMG对接收到的信息返回响应;

The source ISMG returns a response for the message received;

3) ISMG在本地数据库中找不到目的手机号段所对应网关代码,向GNS(汇接网关)发路由请求信息;

The source ISMG sends a route request message to GNS (tandem gateway) when it cannot find the gateway code correspondent to the destination mobile number segment in the local database;

4) 汇接网关将路由信息返回;

The tandem gateway returns the routing message;

5) ISMG根据路由信息将请求前转给目的ISMG

The source ISMG forwards the request to the destination ISMG according to the routing message;

6) 目的ISMG对接收到的信息返回响应;

The destination ISMG returns a response for the message received;

7) 目的ISMG将请求信息发送至SMC

The destination ISMG sends the request message to SMC;

8) SMC向目的ISMG返回响应;

SMC returns a response to the destination ISMG.


CMPP is used from Step 1 to Step 6 in the above operations;


In the succeeding operations, SMC will send a message to mobile users via the No.7 signaling network. Mobile users will return a status report (Delivery-Receipt) to SMSC after they have received it, and SMSC will return the status report to SP (if SP requires it) according to the MO operation flow.






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