我是靠谱客的博主 贤惠糖豆,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Web学习笔记-中期项目(拳皇),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



    • 1. 项目原理
    • 2. 基础文件
    • 3. ac_game_object框架
    • 4. 游戏地图与玩家模型的创建
    • 5. 角色状态的实现
    • 6. 角色基础状态动画实现
    • 7. 角色攻击与被攻击状态实现
    • 8. 前端组件的补充及计时结束后双方胜负的判断

1. 项目原理


对于二维的移动,我们一般抽象出某个点比如左上角的坐标 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y),并记下物体的宽高 w , h w,h w,h和沿 x , y x,y x,y方向的速度 v x , v y v_x,v_y vx,vy,加入物体在水平方向上匀速运动,那么位移就为: x = x 0 + v x t x=x_0+v_xt x=x0+vxt

2. 基础文件


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>King of Fighters</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/base.css">
    <script src="/static/js/jquery-3.6.1.min.js"></script>

    <div id="kof"></div>

    <script type="module">
        import { KOF } from '/static/js/base.js';

        let kof = new KOF('kof');

#kof {
    width: 1280px;
    height: 720px;

    background-image: url('/static/images/background/1.gif');
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    background-position: top;
class KOF {
    constructor(id) {
        this.$kof = $('#' + id);

export {

3. ac_game_object框架



class AcGameObject {
    constructor() {

        this.timedelta = 0;  // 存储当前这帧距离上一帧的时间间隔
        this.has_call_start = false;  // 表示当前对象是否执行过start()

    start() {  // 初始化执行一次


    update() {  // 除第一帧外每帧执行一次


    destroy() {  // 删除当前对象
        for (let i in AC_GAME_OBJECTS) {
            if (AC_GAME_OBJECTS[i] === this) {
                AC_GAME_OBJECTS.splice(i, 1);

let last_timestamp;  // 记录上一帧在什么时间执行

let AC_GAME_OBJECTS_FRAME = (timestamp) => {
    for (let obj of AC_GAME_OBJECTS) {
        if (!obj.has_call_start) {
            obj.has_call_start = true;
        } else {
            obj.timedelta = timestamp - last_timestamp;

    last_timestamp = timestamp;



4. 游戏地图与玩家模型的创建


import { AcGameObject } from '/static/js/ac_game_object/base.js'

class GameMap extends AcGameObject {
    constructor(root) {

        this.root = root;
        this.$canvas = $('<canvas width="1280" height="720" tabindex=0></canvas>');
        this.ctx = this.$canvas[0].getContext('2d');

    start() {


    update() {

    render() {  // 渲染函数
        // 每一帧需要清空地图,不然看到的效果就不是物体在移动,而是拖出一条线
        this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
        this.ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
        this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.$canvas.width(), this.$canvas.height());

export {


import { AcGameObject } from "/static/js/ac_game_object/base.js";

class Player extends AcGameObject {
    constructor(root, info) {

        this.root = root;
        this.id = info.id;
        this.x = info.x;
        this.y = info.y;
        this.width = info.width;
        this.height = info.height;
        this.color = info.color;

        this.vx = 0;
        this.vy = 0;

        this.speedx = 350;  // 水平速度
        this.speedy = -1400;  // 跳起的初始速度

        this.ctx = this.root.game_map.ctx;

    start() {


    update() {

    render() {
        this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
        this.ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

export {


import { GameMap } from '/static/js/game_map/base.js';
import { Player } from '/static/js/player/base.js';

class KOF {
    constructor(id) {
        this.$kof = $('#' + id);

        this.game_map = new GameMap(this);
        this.players = [
            new Player(this, {
                id: 0,
                x: 200,
                y: this.$kof.height() - 200,  // 之后需要改成0,然后设置角色初始状态为跳跃,根据重力让其自由落体
                width: 120,
                height: 200,
                color: 'blue'
            new Player(this, {
                id: 1,
                x: 900,
                y: this.$kof.height() - 200,  // 之后需要改成0,然后设置角色初始状态为跳跃,根据重力让其自由落体
                width: 120,
                height: 200,
                color: 'red'

export {



5. 角色状态的实现




class Controller {  // 用于读取键盘输入
    constructor($canvas) {
        this.$canvas = $canvas;

        this.pressed_keys = new Set();

    start() {
        let outer = this;
        this.$canvas.on('keydown', function (e) {

        this.$canvas.on('keyup', function (e) {

export {


import { AcGameObject } from "/static/js/ac_game_object/base.js";

class Player extends AcGameObject {
    constructor(root, info) {

        this.root = root;
        this.id = info.id;
        this.x = info.x;
        this.y = info.y;
        this.width = info.width;
        this.height = info.height;
        this.color = info.color;

        this.direction = 1;  // 角色的方向,正方向为1,反方向为-1

        this.vx = 0;  // 当前水平速度
        this.vy = 0;  // 当前垂直速度

        this.speedx = 350;  // 水平移动速度
        this.speedy = -1400;  // 跳起的初始速度

        this.gravity = 25;  // 重力

        this.ctx = this.root.game_map.ctx;

        this.pressed_keys = this.root.game_map.controller.pressed_keys;

        this.status = 3;  // 0: idle,1: forward,2: backward,3: jump,4: attack,5: be attacked,6: die
        this.animations = new Map();  // 表示每个状态的动作

    start() {


    update_move() {
        this.vy += this.gravity;

        this.x += this.vx * this.timedelta / 1000;
        this.y += this.vy * this.timedelta / 1000;

        if (this.y > 450) {  // 落到地上时停止下落
            this.y = 450;
            this.vy = 0;
            if (this.status === 3) this.status = 0;  // 只有之前是跳跃状态才需要从跳跃状态转变为静止状态

        if (this.x < 0) {  // 左右边界判断
            this.x = 0;
        } else if (this.x + this.width > this.root.game_map.$canvas.width()) {
            this.x = this.root.game_map.$canvas.width() - this.width;

    update_control() {
        let w, a, d, j;  // 表示这些键是否按住
        if (this.id === 0) {
            w = this.pressed_keys.has('w');
            a = this.pressed_keys.has('a');
            d = this.pressed_keys.has('d');
            j = this.pressed_keys.has('j');
        } else {
            w = this.pressed_keys.has('ArrowUp');
            a = this.pressed_keys.has('ArrowLeft');
            d = this.pressed_keys.has('ArrowRight');
            j = this.pressed_keys.has('1');

        if (this.status === 0 || this.status === 1) {  /// 假设角色在跳跃状态无法操控
            if (w) {  // 跳跃有向右跳,垂直跳和向左跳
                if (d) {
                    this.vx = this.speedx;
                } else if (a) {
                    this.vx = -this.speedx;
                else {
                    this.vx = 0;
                this.vy = this.speedy;
                this.status = 3;
                this.frame_current_cnt = 0;  // 从第0帧开始渲染
            } else if (j) {
                this.status = 4;
                this.vx = 0;
                this.frame_current_cnt = 0;  // 从第0帧开始渲染
            } else if (d) {
                this.vx = this.speedx;
                this.status = 1;
            } else if (a) {
                this.vx = -this.speedx;
                this.status = 1;
            } else {
                this.vx = 0;
                this.status = 0;

    update() {


    render() {
        this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
        this.ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

export {



6. 角色基础状态动画实现


const GIF = function () {
    // **NOT** for commercial use.
    var timerID;                          // timer handle for set time out usage
    var st;                               // holds the stream object when loading.
    var interlaceOffsets = [0, 4, 2, 1]; // used in de-interlacing.
    var interlaceSteps = [8, 8, 4, 2];
    var interlacedBufSize;  // this holds a buffer to de interlace. Created on the first frame and when size changed
    var deinterlaceBuf;
    var pixelBufSize;    // this holds a buffer for pixels. Created on the first frame and when size changed
    var pixelBuf;
    const GIF_FILE = { // gif file data headers
        GCExt: 0xF9,
        COMMENT: 0xFE,
        APPExt: 0xFF,
        UNKNOWN: 0x01, // not sure what this is but need to skip it in parser
        IMAGE: 0x2C,
        EOF: 59,   // This is entered as decimal
        EXT: 0x21,
    // simple buffered stream used to read from the file 
    var Stream = function (data) {
        this.data = new Uint8ClampedArray(data);
        this.pos = 0;
        var len = this.data.length;
        this.getString = function (count) { // returns a string from current pos of len count
            var s = "";
            while (count--) { s += String.fromCharCode(this.data[this.pos++]) }
            return s;
        this.readSubBlocks = function () { // reads a set of blocks as a string
            var size, count, data = "";
            do {
                count = size = this.data[this.pos++];
                while (count--) { data += String.fromCharCode(this.data[this.pos++]) }
            } while (size !== 0 && this.pos < len);
            return data;
        this.readSubBlocksB = function () { // reads a set of blocks as binary
            var size, count, data = [];
            do {
                count = size = this.data[this.pos++];
                while (count--) { data.push(this.data[this.pos++]); }
            } while (size !== 0 && this.pos < len);
            return data;
    // LZW decoder uncompressed each frames pixels
    // this needs to be optimised.
    // minSize is the min dictionary as powers of two
    // size and data is the compressed pixels
    function lzwDecode(minSize, data) {
        var i, pixelPos, pos, clear, eod, size, done, dic, code, last, d, len;
        pos = pixelPos = 0;
        dic = [];
        clear = 1 << minSize;
        eod = clear + 1;
        size = minSize + 1;
        done = false;
        while (!done) { // JavaScript optimisers like a clear exit though I never use 'done' apart from fooling the optimiser
            last = code;
            code = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                if (data[pos >> 3] & (1 << (pos & 7))) { code |= 1 << i }
            if (code === clear) { // clear and reset the dictionary
                dic = [];
                size = minSize + 1;
                for (i = 0; i < clear; i++) { dic[i] = [i] }
                dic[clear] = [];
                dic[eod] = null;
            } else {
                if (code === eod) { done = true; return }
                if (code >= dic.length) { dic.push(dic[last].concat(dic[last][0])) }
                else if (last !== clear) { dic.push(dic[last].concat(dic[code][0])) }
                d = dic[code];
                len = d.length;
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pixelBuf[pixelPos++] = d[i] }
                if (dic.length === (1 << size) && size < 12) { size++ }
    function parseColourTable(count) { // get a colour table of length count  Each entry is 3 bytes, for RGB.
        var colours = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { colours.push([st.data[st.pos++], st.data[st.pos++], st.data[st.pos++]]) }
        return colours;
    function parse() {        // read the header. This is the starting point of the decode and async calls parseBlock
        var bitField;
        st.pos += 6;
        gif.width = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        gif.height = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        bitField = st.data[st.pos++];
        gif.colorRes = (bitField & 0b1110000) >> 4;
        gif.globalColourCount = 1 << ((bitField & 0b111) + 1);
        gif.bgColourIndex = st.data[st.pos++];
        st.pos++;                    // ignoring pixel aspect ratio. if not 0, aspectRatio = (pixelAspectRatio + 15) / 64
        if (bitField & 0b10000000) { gif.globalColourTable = parseColourTable(gif.globalColourCount) } // global colour flag
        setTimeout(parseBlock, 0);
    function parseAppExt() { // get application specific data. Netscape added iterations and terminator. Ignoring that
        st.pos += 1;
        if ('NETSCAPE' === st.getString(8)) { st.pos += 8 }  // ignoring this data. iterations (word) and terminator (byte)
        else {
            st.pos += 3;            // 3 bytes of string usually "2.0" when identifier is NETSCAPE
            st.readSubBlocks();     // unknown app extension
    function parseGCExt() { // get GC data
        var bitField;
        bitField = st.data[st.pos++];
        gif.disposalMethod = (bitField & 0b11100) >> 2;
        gif.transparencyGiven = bitField & 0b1 ? true : false; // ignoring bit two that is marked as  userInput???
        gif.delayTime = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        gif.transparencyIndex = st.data[st.pos++];
    function parseImg() {                           // decodes image data to create the indexed pixel image
        var deinterlace, frame, bitField;
        deinterlace = function (width) {                   // de interlace pixel data if needed
            var lines, fromLine, pass, toline;
            lines = pixelBufSize / width;
            fromLine = 0;
            if (interlacedBufSize !== pixelBufSize) {      // create the buffer if size changed or undefined.
                deinterlaceBuf = new Uint8Array(pixelBufSize);
                interlacedBufSize = pixelBufSize;
            for (pass = 0; pass < 4; pass++) {
                for (toLine = interlaceOffsets[pass]; toLine < lines; toLine += interlaceSteps[pass]) {
                    deinterlaceBuf.set(pixelBuf.subarray(fromLine, fromLine + width), toLine * width);
                    fromLine += width;
        frame = {}
        frame.disposalMethod = gif.disposalMethod;
        frame.time = gif.length;
        frame.delay = gif.delayTime * 10;
        gif.length += frame.delay;
        if (gif.transparencyGiven) { frame.transparencyIndex = gif.transparencyIndex }
        else { frame.transparencyIndex = undefined }
        frame.leftPos = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        frame.topPos = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        frame.width = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        frame.height = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
        bitField = st.data[st.pos++];
        frame.localColourTableFlag = bitField & 0b10000000 ? true : false;
        if (frame.localColourTableFlag) { frame.localColourTable = parseColourTable(1 << ((bitField & 0b111) + 1)) }
        if (pixelBufSize !== frame.width * frame.height) { // create a pixel buffer if not yet created or if current frame size is different from previous
            pixelBuf = new Uint8Array(frame.width * frame.height);
            pixelBufSize = frame.width * frame.height;
        lzwDecode(st.data[st.pos++], st.readSubBlocksB()); // decode the pixels
        if (bitField & 0b1000000) {                        // de interlace if needed
            frame.interlaced = true;
        } else { frame.interlaced = false }
        processFrame(frame);                               // convert to canvas image
    function processFrame(frame) { // creates a RGBA canvas image from the indexed pixel data.
        var ct, cData, dat, pixCount, ind, useT, i, pixel, pDat, col, frame, ti;
        frame.image = document.createElement('canvas');
        frame.image.width = gif.width;
        frame.image.height = gif.height;
        frame.image.ctx = frame.image.getContext("2d");
        ct = frame.localColourTableFlag ? frame.localColourTable : gif.globalColourTable;
        if (gif.lastFrame === null) { gif.lastFrame = frame }
        useT = (gif.lastFrame.disposalMethod === 2 || gif.lastFrame.disposalMethod === 3) ? true : false;
        if (!useT) { frame.image.ctx.drawImage(gif.lastFrame.image, 0, 0, gif.width, gif.height) }
        cData = frame.image.ctx.getImageData(frame.leftPos, frame.topPos, frame.width, frame.height);
        ti = frame.transparencyIndex;
        dat = cData.data;
        if (frame.interlaced) { pDat = deinterlaceBuf }
        else { pDat = pixelBuf }
        pixCount = pDat.length;
        ind = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < pixCount; i++) {
            pixel = pDat[i];
            col = ct[pixel];
            if (ti !== pixel) {
                dat[ind++] = col[0];
                dat[ind++] = col[1];
                dat[ind++] = col[2];
                dat[ind++] = 255;      // Opaque.
            } else
                if (useT) {
                    dat[ind + 3] = 0; // Transparent.
                    ind += 4;
                } else { ind += 4 }
        frame.image.ctx.putImageData(cData, frame.leftPos, frame.topPos);
        gif.lastFrame = frame;
        if (!gif.waitTillDone && typeof gif.onload === "function") { doOnloadEvent() }// if !waitTillDone the call onload now after first frame is loaded
    // **NOT** for commercial use.
    function finnished() { // called when the load has completed
        gif.loading = false;
        gif.frameCount = gif.frames.length;
        gif.lastFrame = null;
        st = undefined;
        gif.complete = true;
        gif.disposalMethod = undefined;
        gif.transparencyGiven = undefined;
        gif.delayTime = undefined;
        gif.transparencyIndex = undefined;
        gif.waitTillDone = undefined;
        pixelBuf = undefined; // dereference pixel buffer
        deinterlaceBuf = undefined; // dereference interlace buff (may or may not be used);
        pixelBufSize = undefined;
        deinterlaceBuf = undefined;
        gif.currentFrame = 0;
        if (gif.frames.length > 0) { gif.image = gif.frames[0].image }
        if (typeof gif.onloadall === "function") {
            (gif.onloadall.bind(gif))({ type: 'loadall', path: [gif] });
        if (gif.playOnLoad) { gif.play() }
    function canceled() { // called if the load has been cancelled
        if (typeof gif.cancelCallback === "function") { (gif.cancelCallback.bind(gif))({ type: 'canceled', path: [gif] }) }
    function parseExt() {              // parse extended blocks
        const blockID = st.data[st.pos++];
        if (blockID === GIF_FILE.GCExt) { parseGCExt() }
        else if (blockID === GIF_FILE.COMMENT) { gif.comment += st.readSubBlocks() }
        else if (blockID === GIF_FILE.APPExt) { parseAppExt() }
        else {
            if (blockID === GIF_FILE.UNKNOWN) { st.pos += 13; } // skip unknow block

    function parseBlock() { // parsing the blocks
        if (gif.cancel !== undefined && gif.cancel === true) { canceled(); return }

        const blockId = st.data[st.pos++];
        if (blockId === GIF_FILE.IMAGE) { // image block
            if (gif.firstFrameOnly) { finnished(); return }
        } else if (blockId === GIF_FILE.EOF) { finnished(); return }
        else { parseExt() }
        if (typeof gif.onprogress === "function") {
            gif.onprogress({ bytesRead: st.pos, totalBytes: st.data.length, frame: gif.frames.length });
        setTimeout(parseBlock, 0); // parsing frame async so processes can get some time in.
    function cancelLoad(callback) { // cancels the loading. This will cancel the load before the next frame is decoded
        if (gif.complete) { return false }
        gif.cancelCallback = callback;
        gif.cancel = true;
        return true;
    function error(type) {
        if (typeof gif.onerror === "function") { (gif.onerror.bind(this))({ type: type, path: [this] }) }
        gif.onload = gif.onerror = undefined;
        gif.loading = false;
    function doOnloadEvent() { // fire onload event if set
        gif.currentFrame = 0;
        gif.nextFrameAt = gif.lastFrameAt = new Date().valueOf(); // just sets the time now
        if (typeof gif.onload === "function") { (gif.onload.bind(gif))({ type: 'load', path: [gif] }) }
        gif.onerror = gif.onload = undefined;
    function dataLoaded(data) { // Data loaded create stream and parse
        st = new Stream(data);
    function loadGif(filename) { // starts the load
        var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
        ajax.responseType = "arraybuffer";
        ajax.onload = function (e) {
            if (e.target.status === 404) { error("File not found") }
            else if (e.target.status >= 200 && e.target.status < 300) { dataLoaded(ajax.response) }
            else { error("Loading error : " + e.target.status) }
        ajax.open('GET', filename, true);
        ajax.onerror = function (e) { error("File error") };
        this.src = filename;
        this.loading = true;
    function play() { // starts play if paused
        if (!gif.playing) {
            gif.paused = false;
            gif.playing = true;
    function pause() { // stops play
        gif.paused = true;
        gif.playing = false;
    function togglePlay() {
        if (gif.paused || !gif.playing) { gif.play() }
        else { gif.pause() }
    function seekFrame(frame) { // seeks to frame number.
        gif.currentFrame = frame % gif.frames.length;
        if (gif.playing) { playing() }
        else { gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image }
    function seek(time) { // time in Seconds  // seek to frame that would be displayed at time
        if (time < 0) { time = 0 }
        time *= 1000; // in ms
        time %= gif.length;
        var frame = 0;
        while (time > gif.frames[frame].time + gif.frames[frame].delay && frame < gif.frames.length) { frame += 1 }
        gif.currentFrame = frame;
        if (gif.playing) { playing() }
        else { gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image }
    function playing() {
        var delay;
        var frame;
        if (gif.playSpeed === 0) {
        } else {
            if (gif.playSpeed < 0) {
                gif.currentFrame -= 1;
                if (gif.currentFrame < 0) { gif.currentFrame = gif.frames.length - 1 }
                frame = gif.currentFrame;
                frame -= 1;
                if (frame < 0) { frame = gif.frames.length - 1 }
                delay = -gif.frames[frame].delay * 1 / gif.playSpeed;
            } else {
                gif.currentFrame += 1;
                gif.currentFrame %= gif.frames.length;
                delay = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].delay * 1 / gif.playSpeed;
            gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image;
            timerID = setTimeout(playing, delay);
    var gif = {                      // the gif image object
        onload: null,       // fire on load. Use waitTillDone = true to have load fire at end or false to fire on first frame
        onerror: null,       // fires on error
        onprogress: null,       // fires a load progress event
        onloadall: null,       // event fires when all frames have loaded and gif is ready
        paused: false,      // true if paused
        playing: false,      // true if playing
        waitTillDone: true,       // If true onload will fire when all frames loaded, if false, onload will fire when first frame has loaded
        loading: false,      // true if still loading
        firstFrameOnly: false,      // if true only load the first frame
        width: null,       // width in pixels
        height: null,       // height in pixels
        frames: [],         // array of frames
        comment: "",         // comments if found in file. Note I remember that some gifs have comments per frame if so this will be all comment concatenated
        length: 0,          // gif length in ms (1/1000 second)
        currentFrame: 0,          // current frame. 
        frameCount: 0,          // number of frames
        playSpeed: 1,          // play speed 1 normal, 2 twice 0.5 half, -1 reverse etc...
        lastFrame: null,       // temp hold last frame loaded so you can display the gif as it loads
        image: null,       // the current image at the currentFrame
        playOnLoad: true,       // if true starts playback when loaded
        // functions
        load: loadGif,    // call this to load a file
        cancel: cancelLoad, // call to stop loading
        play: play,       // call to start play
        pause: pause,      // call to pause
        seek: seek,       // call to seek to time
        seekFrame: seekFrame,  // call to seek to frame
        togglePlay: togglePlay, // call to toggle play and pause state
    return gif;

export {

创建角色Kyo,将每个动画加载出来,由于有的动画高度不同,因此需要设置不同动画在 y y y轴上的偏移量,且由于动画帧数不多,网页每秒渲染帧数太多,因此需要设置浏览器渲染几帧时再渲染角色的动画,/static/js/player/kyo.js代码如下:

import { Player } from '/static/js/player/base.js';
import { GIF } from '/static/js/utils/gif.js';

class Kyo extends Player {
    constructor(root, info) {
        super(root, info);


    init_animations() {
        let outer = this;
        let offsets = [0, -22, -22, -100, 0, 0, 0];
        for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {  // 一共7个动画
            let gif = GIF();
            this.animations.set(i, {
                gif: gif,
                frame_cnt: 0,  // 表示gif中的总图片数
                frame_rate: 12,  // 表示每12帧渲染一次
                offset_y: offsets[i],  // y方向的偏移量
                loaded: false,  // 表示是否加载完成
                scale: 2  // 角色放大倍数

            if (i === 3) this.animations.get(i).frame_rate = 10;

            gif.onload = function () {
                let obj = outer.animations.get(i);
                obj.frame_cnt = gif.frames.length;
                obj.loaded = true;

export {


import { GameMap } from '/static/js/game_map/base.js';
import { Kyo } from '/static/js/player/kyo.js';

class KOF {
    constructor(id) {
        this.$kof = $('#' + id);

        this.game_map = new GameMap(this);
        this.players = [
            new Kyo(this, {
                id: 0,
                x: 200,
                y: 0,
                width: 120,
                height: 200,
                color: 'blue'
            new Kyo(this, {
                id: 1,
                x: 900,
                y: 0,
                width: 120,
                height: 200,
                color: 'red'

export {




class Player extends AcGameObject {
    constructor(root, info) {

        this.direction = 1;  // 角色的方向,正方向为1,反方向为-1

        this.ctx = this.root.game_map.ctx;

        this.status = 3;  // 0: idle,1: forward,2: backward,3: jump,4: attack,5: be attacked,6: die
        this.animations = new Map();  // 表示每个状态的动作
        this.frame_current_cnt = 0;  // 表示当前记录了多少帧

    start() {


    update_direction() {
        if (this.status === 6) return;  // die后不再改变方向

        let players = this.root.players;
        if (players[0] && players[1]) {
            let me = this, you = players[1 - this.id];
            if (me.x < you.x) me.direction = 1;
            else me.direction = -1;

    update() {


    render() {
        // 测试玩家模型
        // this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
        // this.ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

        let status = this.status;

        if (this.status === 1 && this.direction * this.vx < 0) {  // 如果角色方向和水平速度方向乘积为负说明是后退
            status = 2;

        let obj = this.animations.get(status);
        if (obj && obj.loaded) {
            if (this.direction > 0) {
                let k = parseInt(this.frame_current_cnt / obj.frame_rate) % obj.frame_cnt;  // 循环渲染,且控制其不每帧渲染一次,否则动作速度太快
                let image = obj.gif.frames[k].image;
                this.ctx.drawImage(image, this.x, this.y + obj.offset_y, image.width * obj.scale, image.height * obj.scale);
            } else {  // 当前角色方向为负方向
                this.ctx.scale(-1, 1);  // x轴坐标乘上-1,y轴坐标不变
                this.ctx.translate(-this.root.game_map.$canvas.width(), 0);

                let k = parseInt(this.frame_current_cnt / obj.frame_rate) % obj.frame_cnt;
                let image = obj.gif.frames[k].image;
                this.ctx.drawImage(image, this.root.game_map.$canvas.width() - this.x - this.width, this.y + obj.offset_y, image.width * obj.scale, image.height * obj.scale);


        // 跳跃和攻击动画结束后应回到静止状态
        if ((status === 3 || status === 4 || status === 5) && this.frame_current_cnt === obj.frame_rate * (obj.frame_cnt - 1)) {
            this.status = 0;


export {

7. 角色攻击与被攻击状态实现


class Player extends AcGameObject {
    constructor(root, info) {

        this.ctx = this.root.game_map.ctx;

        this.status = 3;  // 0: idle,1: forward,2: backward,3: jump,4: attack,5: be attacked,6: die
        this.animations = new Map();  // 表示每个状态的动作
        this.frame_current_cnt = 0;  // 表示当前记录了多少帧

        this.hp = 100;
        this.$hp_outer = this.root.$kof.find(`.kof-head>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}-inner>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}-outer`);  // 外层血条
        this.$hp_inner = this.root.$kof.find(`.kof-head>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}-inner`);  // 内层血条

    start() {


    is_attacked() {  // 被攻击
        if (this.status === 6) return;  // die后不再被攻击

        this.status = 5;
        this.frame_current_cnt = 0;

        this.hp = Math.max(this.hp - 20, 0);

        // 使用transition控制血条衰减的速度
            width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * this.hp / 100,
            width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * this.hp / 100,
            transition: '1500ms'

        // 使用animate控制血条衰减的速度
        // this.$hp_outer.width(this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * this.hp / 100);
        // this.$hp_inner.animate({
        //     width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * this.hp / 100
        // }, 1500);

        this.vx = 100 * (-this.direction);  // 向反方向的击退效果

        if (this.hp === 0) {
            this.status = 6;
            this.frame_current_cnt = 0;

    is_collision(r1, r2) {  // 碰撞检测
        if (Math.max(r1.x1, r2.x1) > Math.min(r1.x2, r2.x2))
            return false;
        if (Math.max(r1.y1, r2.y1) > Math.min(r1.y2, r2.y2))
            return false;
        return true;

    update_attack() {
        if (this.status === 4 && this.frame_current_cnt === 38) {  // 攻击动画到第38帧的时候检测碰撞
            let me = this, you = this.root.players[1 - this.id];

            let r1;
            if (me.direction > 0) {
                r1 = {
                    x1: me.x + 120,  // (x1, y1)为攻击区域的左上角坐标
                    y1: me.y + 40,
                    x2: me.x + 120 + 100,  // (x2, y2)为攻击区域的右下角坐标
                    y2: me.y + 40 + 20
            } else {
                r1 = {
                    x1: this.x + this.width - 220,
                    y1: me.y + 40,
                    x2: this.x + this.width - 220 + 100,
                    y2: me.y + 40 + 20

            let r2 = {
                x1: you.x,
                y1: you.y,
                x2: you.x + you.width,
                y2: you.y + you.height

            if (this.is_collision(r1, r2)) {

    update() {


    render() {
        // 测试玩家模型
        // this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
        // this.ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);

        // 测试出拳碰撞模型
        // if (this.direction > 0) {
        //     this.ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
        //     this.ctx.fillRect(this.x + 120, this.y + 40, 100, 20);
        // } else {
        //     this.ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
        //     this.ctx.fillRect(this.x + this.width - 220, this.y + 40, 100, 20);
        // }

        let status = this.status;

        if (this.status === 1 && this.direction * this.vx < 0) {  // 如果角色方向和水平速度方向乘积为负说明是后退
            status = 2;

        let obj = this.animations.get(status);
        if (obj && obj.loaded) {
            if (this.direction > 0) {
                let k = parseInt(this.frame_current_cnt / obj.frame_rate) % obj.frame_cnt;  // 循环渲染,且控制其不每帧渲染一次,否则动作速度太快
                let image = obj.gif.frames[k].image;
                this.ctx.drawImage(image, this.x, this.y + obj.offset_y, image.width * obj.scale, image.height * obj.scale);
            } else {  // 当前角色方向为负方向
                this.ctx.scale(-1, 1);  // x轴坐标乘上-1,y轴坐标不变
                this.ctx.translate(-this.root.game_map.$canvas.width(), 0);

                let k = parseInt(this.frame_current_cnt / obj.frame_rate) % obj.frame_cnt;
                let image = obj.gif.frames[k].image;
                this.ctx.drawImage(image, this.root.game_map.$canvas.width() - this.x - this.width, this.y + obj.offset_y, image.width * obj.scale, image.height * obj.scale);


        // 跳跃和攻击动画结束后应回到静止状态
        if ((status === 3 || status === 4 || status === 5) && this.frame_current_cnt === obj.frame_rate * (obj.frame_cnt - 1)) {
            this.status = 0;

        // die的最后一帧后应倒地不起
        if (status === 6 && this.frame_current_cnt === obj.frame_rate * (obj.frame_cnt - 1)) {
            this.frame_current_cnt--;  // 和后面的this.frame_current_cnt++抵消
            this.vx = 0;  // die后不再有击退效果


export {

8. 前端组件的补充及计时结束后双方胜负的判断



this.$hp_outer = this.root.$kof.find(`.kof-head>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}-inner>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}-outer`);  // 外层血条
this.$hp_inner = this.root.$kof.find(`.kof-head>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}>.kof-head-hp-${this.id}-inner`);  // 内层血条

// 使用transition控制血条衰减的速度
    width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * this.hp / 100,
    width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * this.hp / 100,
    transition: '1500ms'


update_hp(player) {
    this.$hp_outer = this.root.$kof.find(`.kof-head>.kof-head-hp-${player.id}>.kof-head-hp-${player.id}-inner>.kof-head-hp-${player.id}-outer`);
    this.$hp_inner = this.root.$kof.find(`.kof-head>.kof-head-hp-${player.id}>.kof-head-hp-${player.id}-inner`);
        width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * player.hp / 100,
        width: this.$hp_inner.parent().width() * player.hp / 100,
        transition: '1500ms'

update() {
    let [a, b] = this.root.players;

    if (this.time_left > 0 && a.status !== 6 && b.status !== 6) {  // 没人die时计时
        this.time_left -= this.timedelta;
    } else if (this.time_left < 0 && this.time_left > -500) {  // 时间结束后血少的玩家die,血相同一起die,只执行一次
        this.time_left = -500;

        if (a.hp !== b.hp) {
            let lower = (a.hp > b.hp) ? b : a;
            lower.hp = 0;
            lower.status = 6;
            lower.frame_current_cnt = 0;

        } else {
            a.status = b.status = 6;
            a.hp = b.hp = 0;
            a.frame_current_cnt = b.frame_current_cnt = 0;


    this.$timer.text(parseInt(this.time_left / 1000));







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