我是靠谱客的博主 温柔板栗,这篇文章主要介绍Clickhouse 代理 Chproxy 实战介绍如何安装官网,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Chproxy 是一个用于 ClickHouse 数据库的 HTTP 代理、负载均衡器。具有以下特性:**具体详情到官网查看即可 Chproxy **

  • 支持根据输入用户代理请求到多个 ClickHouse 集群。比如,把来自 appserver 的用户请求代理到 stats-raw 集群,把来自 reportserver 用户的请求代理到 stats-aggregate 集群。
  • 支持将输入用户映射到每个 ClickHouse 实际用户,这能够防止暴露 ClickHouse 集群的真实用户名称、密码信息。此外,chproxy 还允许映射多个输入用户到某一个单一的 ClickHouse 实际用户。
  • 支持接收 HTTP 和 HTTPS 请求。
  • 支持通过 IP 或 IP 掩码列表限制 HTTP、HTTPS 访问。
  • 支持通过 IP 或 IP 掩码列表限制每个用户的访问。
  • 支持限制每个用户的查询时间,通过 KILL QUERY 强制杀执行超时或者被取消的查询。
  • 支持限制每个用户的请求频率。
  • 支持限制每个用户的请求并发数。
  • 所有的限制都可以对每个输入用户、每个集群用户进行设置。
  • 支持自动延迟请求,直到满足对用户的限制条件。
  • 支持配置每个用户的响应缓存。
  • 响应缓存具有内建保护功能,可以防止 惊群效应(thundering herd),即 dogpile 效应。
  • 通过 least loadedround robin 技术实现请求在副本和节点间的均衡负载。
  • 支持检查节点健康情况,防止向不健康的节点发送请求。
  • 通过 Let’s Encrypt 支持 HTTPS 自动签发和更新。
  • 可以自行指定选用 HTTP 或 HTTPS 向每个配置的集群代理请求。
  • 在将请求代理到 ClickHouse 之前,预先将 User-Agent 请求头与远程/本地地址,和输入/输出的用户名进行关联,因此这些信息可以在 system.query_log.http_user_agent 中查询到。
  • 暴露各种有用的符合 Prometheus 内容格式的指标(metrics)。
  • 支持配置热更新,配置变更无需重启 —— 只需向 chproxy 进程发送一个 SIGHUP 信号即可。
  • 易于管理和运行 —— 只需传递一个配置文件路径给 chproxy 即可。



解压文件到 /opt/module/chproxy/ 目录


# 是否打印调试日志。
# Whether to print debug logs.
# By default debug logs are disabled.
log_debug: true

# 配置解析时是否忽略安全检查。
# Whether to ignore security checks during config parsing.
# By default security checks are enabled.
hack_me_please: true

# 可选的响应缓存配置。
# Optional response cache configs.
# Multiple distinct caches with different settings may be configured.
    # Cache name, which may be passed into `cache` option on the `user` level.
    # Multiple users may share the same cache.
  - name: "longterm"

    # Cache mode, either [[file_system]] or [[redis]] 
    mode: "file_system"
    # Applicable for cache mode: file_system
      # 将存储缓存响应的目录的路径。
      # Path to directory where cached responses will be stored.
      dir: "/opt/module/chproxy/longterm/cachedir"
      # Maximum cache size.
      # `Kb`, `Mb`, `Gb` and `Tb` suffixes may be used.
      max_size: 512Mb

    # Expiration time for cached responses.
    expire: 1h

# 应用于每个查询的命名参数列表
# 用来向ck发送请求的时候查询参数的列表,会覆盖ck本身的参数
# Named list of parameters to apply to each query
  # 组名,可以传入 `user` 级别的 `params` 选项。
  # Group name, which may be passed into `params` option on the `user` level.
  - name: "default_param_setting"
    # 要发送的键值参数列表
    # List of key-value params to send
      - key: "replication_alter_partitions_sync"
        value: "2"
      - key: "max_memory_usage"
        value: "3000000000"
      - key: "max_bytes_before_external_group_by"
        value: "3000000000"
      - key: "max_bytes_before_external_sort"
        value: "3000000000"

# `chproxy` 输入接口的设置。
# Settings for `chproxy` input interfaces.
  # 输入http接口的配置。
  # Configs for input http interface.
  # The interface works only if this section is present.
    # TCP address to listen to for http.
    # May be in the form IP:port . IP part is optional.
    listen_addr: ":9090"

    # List of allowed networks or network_groups.
    # Each item may contain IP address, IP subnet mask or a name
    # from `network_groups`.
    # By default requests are accepted from all the IPs.
    # allowed_networks: [""]

    # ReadTimeout 是代理读取整个文件的最大持续时间 # 请求,包括正文。
    # ReadTimeout is the maximum duration for proxy to reading the entire
    # request, including the body.
    # Default value is 1m
    read_timeout: 5m

    # Wr​​iteTimeout 是在超时写入响应之前代理的最大持续时间
    # WriteTimeout is the maximum duration for proxy before timing out writes of the response.
    # Default is largest MaxExecutionTime + MaxQueueTime value from Users or Clusters
    write_timeout: 10m

    # IdleTimeout 是代理等待下一个请求的最长时间。
    # IdleTimeout is the maximum amount of time for proxy to wait for the next request.
    # Default is 10m
    idle_timeout: 20m

# Configs for input users.
    # Name and password are used to authorize access via BasicAuth or
    # via `user`/`password` query params.
    # Password is optional. By default empty password is used.
  - name: "default"
    password: "123456"
    to_cluster: "my_cluster"
    to_user: "default"
    params: "default_param_setting"

  - name: "writer"
    password: "123456"

    # Requests from the user are routed to this cluster.
    to_cluster: "my_cluster"

    # Input user is substituted by the given output user from `to_cluster`
    # before proxying the request.
    to_user: "default"

    # 最大并发查询
    #max_concurrent_queries: 1
    # 用户查询执行的最大持续时间 默认情况下,查询时长没有限制。
    # Chproxy 会自动杀死超过 max_execution_time 限制的查询
    #max_execution_time: 2s
    # 每分钟请求限制
    # 如果<clusters_users> 也设置了, 取最小的生效
    # Requests per minute limit for the given input user.
    # By default there is no per-minute limit.
    #requests_per_minute: 6

    # 队列中等待执行的最大请求数。默认情况下,请求被执行而不在队列中等待
    # 和下面的参数组合使用 分别是排队数量和排队请求等待时候,默认不等待直接执行
    # The maximum number of requests that may wait for their chance
    # to be executed because they cannot run now due to the current limits.
    # This option may be useful for handling request bursts from `tabix`
    # or `clickhouse-grafana`.
    # By default all the requests are immediately executed without
    # waiting in the queue.
    max_queue_size: 1

    # 请求在队列中等待的最大持续时间,默认使用 10s 持续时间
    # The maximum duration the queued requests may wait for their chance
    # to be executed.
    # This option makes sense only if max_queue_size is set.
    # By default requests wait for up to 10 seconds in the queue.
    max_queue_time: 35s
    # 参数组
    # 用来向ck发送请求的时候查询参数的列表,会覆盖ck本身的参数
    # Optional group of params name to send to ClickHouse with each proxied request from <param_groups_config>
    # # By default no additional params are sent to ClickHouse.
    params: "default_param_setting" 
    # 缓存的名称
    # Response cache config name to use.
    # By default responses aren't cached
    #cache: "longterm"

# Configs for ClickHouse clusters.
    # The cluster name is used in `to_cluster`.
  - name: "my_cluster"

    # Protocol to use for communicating with cluster nodes.
    # Currently supported values are `http` or `https`.
    # By default `http` is used.
    scheme: "http"
    - name: "replica1"
      nodes: ["", ""]
    - name: "replica2"
      nodes: ["", ""]

    # User configuration for heart beat requests.
    # Credentials of the first user in clusters.users will be used for heart beat requests to clickhouse.
      # 检查所有集群节点可用性的时间间隔
      # An interval for checking all cluster nodes for availability
      # By default each node is checked for every 5 seconds.
      interval: 5s

      # 集群节点等待响应超时
      # A timeout of wait response from cluster nodes
      # By default 3s
      timeout: 10s

      # 设置在健康检查中请求的 URI 的参数 
      # The parameter to set the URI to request in a health check
      # By default "/?query=SELECT%201"
      request: "/?query=SELECT%201%2B1"

      # clickhouse 对健康检查请求的参考响应
      # Reference response from clickhouse on health check request
      # By default "1n"
      response: "2n"

    # 使用此用法会终止超时查询
    # Timed out queries are killed using this user.
    # By default `default` user is used.
      name: "default"
      password: "123456"

    # Configuration for cluster users.
        # The user name is used in `to_user`.
      - name: "default"
        password: "123456"
        # 用户最大并发查询数
        #max_concurrent_queries: 1
        # 用户查询执行的最大持续时间
        #max_execution_time: 5s
        # 用户每分钟的最大请求数
        # 如果<users> 配置了,取最小的生效 
        #requests_per_minute: 5
        # 队列中等待执行的最大请求数。
        max_queue_size: 1
        # 请求在队列中等待的最大持续时间。
        max_queue_time: 10s


/opt/module/chproxy/chproxy -config=/opt/module/chproxy/cofig.yml

启动命令包装 start.sh

baseDir=$(cd `dirname $0`;pwd;)
nohup $baseDir/chproxy -config=$baseDir/cofig.yml > $baseDir/logs/chproxy.log 2>&1 & echo $!> $baseDir/pid

停止命令包装 shutdown.sh

baseDir=$(cd `dirname $0`;pwd;)
kill -9  `cat $baseDir/pid`

重启命令包装 restart.sh

baseDir=$(cd `dirname $0`;pwd;)
kill -9  `cat $baseDir/pid`
nohup $baseDir/chproxy -config=$baseDir/cofig.yml > $baseDir/logs/chproxy.log 2>&1 & echo $!> $baseDir/pid


tail -f /opt/module/chproxy/logs/chproxy.log


以上就是温柔板栗最近收集整理的关于Clickhouse 代理 Chproxy 实战介绍如何安装官网的全部内容,更多相关Clickhouse内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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