我是靠谱客的博主 陶醉马里奥,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍揭秘家用路由器0day漏洞挖掘技术----环境搭建----等等等等,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


1.vmware tools
2.apt-get install sudo
3.install develop tools with: sudo apt-get install build-essential
4.download wine from web:https://www.tecmint.com/install-wine-on-ubuntu-and-linux-mint/
$ wget  https://dl.winehq.org/wine/source/3.0/wine-3.0.tar.xz
$ tar -xvf wine-3.0.tar.xz
$ cd wine-3.0/
$ sudo ./configure 
$ sudo ./configure --enable-win64   [For 64-bit platform]  ----do not run this
$ sudo make && sudo make install
**when ./configure, a lot of pkg should be install: 
sudo apt-get install xxxxxx, before that replace source(/etc/apt/sources.list) with 163 source is good
sudo apt-get install flex bison
sudo apt install libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt install xxxxxx-dev, to reduce WARNNING and so on.

**packet name could be found at http://packages.ubuntu.com/

5.copy ida6.8 to /opt/ida68
6.check the path of python(2.7): $ whereis python / which python
maybe it is /usr/bin/python2.7
7.sudo cp python27.dll /opt/ida68/
8.sudo apt-get install git
9.git clone https://github.com/devttys0/ida.git
10. if Enter "python" fail, try:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/plat-*/_sysconfigdata_nd.py /usr/lib/python2.7/
11.install ida.git's script into ida6.8:
cd ida/plugins/
python install.py <path of ida6.8>

zhy@localhost:~/Downloads/ida/plugins$ sudo python install.py /opt/ida68/
Installing plugins from /home/zhy/Downloads/ida/plugins to /opt/ida68/plugins...
Installing codatify...
Installing alleycat...
Installing mipslocalvars...
Installing rizzo...
Installing leafblower...
Installing localxrefs...
Installing funcprofiler...
Installing fluorescence...
Installing mipsrop...

to old ida.git,run:
find ida/plugins -iname "*.py" -exec sudo cp {} /opt/ida68/plugins/ ;

12.write "export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.7 && wine /opt/ida68/idaq.exe" into ida.sh
13.sudo chmod 777 ida.sh
14."sudo sh ida.sh" to test ida run OK

OK, ida6.8 is ready

install binwalk
1.git clone https://github.com/devttys0/binwalk
2.enter the dictionary of binwalk
3."sudo python setup.py install" to install binwalk
4.still some dependencies to install and follow the "https://github.com/devttys0/binwalk/blob/master/INSTALL.md":
$ sudo apt-get install python-lzma
$ sudo pip install nose coverage
$ sudo apt-get install python-crypto
$ sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl python-opengl python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-numpy python-scipy python-pip
$ sudo pip install pyqtgraph
5.install ida plugins:
$ sudo python setup.py idainstall --idadir=/opt/ida68

install qemu
1.sudo apt-get install qemu

6.install Buildroot
1.get linux kernel source
a.enter /usr/source
b.sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev
c."sudo apt-get install linux-source" to download source code
d.sudo xz -d linux-source-4.9.tar.xz
e.sudo tar -xvf linux-source-4.9.ta r
2.download Latest stable / long term support release from https://buildroot.org/download.html and unzip
such as "buildroot-2018.02.2.tar.bz2"
unzip to /opt/
rename the dir name to buildroot
3.config the buildroot
make clean
sudo make menuconfig
Target options  --->Target Architecture (MIPS (little endian))
Target options  --->Target Architecture Variant (Generic MIPS32)
Toolchain  --->Kernel Headers (Linux 4.9.x kernel headers)  --->
sudo make

the mips build tools will be create at /opt/buildroot/output/host/usr/bin/
run "./mips-linux-gcc --version" or "./mipsel-linux-gcc --version" to show version information
4.test buildroot
copy example "hello.c" to home
run "mips-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c -static" to build the example C code
and a file "hello" should be created
we can use cmd "file hello" to show the information
we also can use qemu to run the "hello" with cmd <qemu-mips hello "hello world">





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