1、使用MDK编写程序时,在有些函数没有返回值或者函数返回语句得不到执行的时候,编译器会提示将此函数声明为noreturn属性,否则会报如下warning :
main.c(11): warning: function 'vTaskCode' could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' [-Wmissing-noreturn]
2、此warning 的消除方法是在声明vTaskCode函数时,加入__attribute__((noreturn)),具体如下:
static void vTaskCode(void *pvParameter); // warning
static void vTaskCode(void *pvParameter)__attribute__((noreturn));//no warning
(1)This attribute tells the compiler that the function won't ever return, and this can be used to suppress errors about code paths not being reached. The C library functions abort() and exit() are both declared with this attribute.
extern void exit(int) __attribute__((noreturn));
extern void abort(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
(2)A few standard library functions, such as abort and exit, cannot return. GCC knows this automatically. Some programs define their own functions that never return. You can declare them noreturn to tell the compiler this fact. For example:
void Test_No_Return () __attribute__ ((noreturn));
以上就是怕孤独火车为你收集整理的编译告警之warning: function **** could be declared with attribute 'norereturn'及_attribute__((noreturn))属性的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决编译告警之warning: function **** could be declared with attribute 'norereturn'及_attribute__((noreturn))属性所遇到的程序开发问题。
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