我是靠谱客的博主 纯情可乐,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍[NR][UE][RF] Transmitter Characteristics [NR5G 终端射频(发射机)指标,最大发射功率,最大功率回退值,额外最大功率回退值]Transmitter Characteristics,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Transmitter Characteristics

1. Transmitter power

1.1 UE maximum output power


1.2 UE maximum output power reduction (MPR)

1. General

Before talking about specifc MPR values in different PCs, let us classify RB types based on RB location.
(1) Firstly, some mathematics operations,

  • max() is the largest value of all arguments
  • floor(x) is the greatest integer less than or equal to x.
  • ceil(x) is the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.

(2) Secondly, some RB locations,

  • NRB is the maximum number of RBs for a given Channel bandwidth and sub-carrier spacing.
  • LCRB is transmission bandwidth which represents the length of a contiguous resource block allocation expressed in units of resources blocks
  • RBStart,Low = max(1, floor(LCRB/2))
  • RBStart,High = NRB – RBStart,Low – LCRB

(3) Lastly, Inner/Edge/Outer RB definition,

  • Inner RB allocation
    RBStart,Low ≤ RBStart ≤ RBStart,High, and
    LCRB ≤ ceil(NRB/2)

  • Edge RB allocation
    An Edge RB allocation is the one for which the RB(s) is (are) allocated at the lowermost or uppermost edge of the channel with
    LCRB ≤ 4 RBs for power class 1.5 and
    LCRB ≤ 2 RBs for other power classes.

  • Outer RB allocation
    The RB allocation is an Outer RB allocation for all other allocations which are not an Inner RB allocation or Edge RB allocation.

2. MPR values in different PCs

For channel bandwidths ≤ 100 MHz,

  • MPR of power class 3 — Table 6.2.2-1

  • MPR of power class 2 — Table 6.2.2-2

  • ∆MPR

    • ∆MPR — Table 6.2.2-3
      if the relative channel bandwidth > 4% for TDD bands or > 3% for FDD bands

    • ∆MPR = 0
      if the relative channel bandwidth ≤ 4% for TDD bands or ≤ 3% for FDD band, the ∆MPR is set to zero

      Where relative channel bandwidth = 2*BWChannel / (FUL_low + FUL_high)

  • MPR of power class 1.5— Table 6.2.2-4 and Table 6.2.2-4a

  • MPR of power class 1 in n14 — Table 6.2.2-5



1.3 UE additional maximum output power reduction (AMPR)

Each additional emission requirement is associated with a unique network signalling (NS) value indicated in RRC signalling by an NR frequency band number of the applicable operating band and an associated value in the field additionalSpectrumEmission.

the total reduction to UE maximum output power is max(MPR, A-MPR)

1. A-MPR for NS_04

For NS_04, A-MPR is not added to MPR. Also, when NS_04 is signalled, MPR shall be set to zero in the PCMAX equations to avoid double counting MPR. Allowed maximum power reduction is defined as A-MPR = max(MPR, A-MPR’), Note that A-MPR’ = 0 dB means only MPR is applied, where A-MPR’ is defined as

  • if
    RBstart ≤ fstart,max,IMD3 / (12SCS) and
    LCRB ≤ AWmax,IMD3 / (12SCS) and
    FC - BWChannel/2 < FUL_low + offsetIMD3,
    the A-MPR’ is defined according to Table
    PC3_A2 relative to 23 dBm for power class 3,
    PC2_A4 relative to 26 dBm for power class 2,
    and PC1.5_A6 relative to 29 dBm for power class 1.5,
  • else,if
    RBstart ≤ LCRB/2 + deltastart / (12SCS) and
    LCRB ≤ AWmax,regrowth / (12SCS) and
    FC - BWChannel/2 < FUL_low + offsetregrowth,
    the A-MPR’ is defined according to Table
    PC3_A1 relative to 23 dBm for power class 3,
    PC2_A3 relative to 26 dBm for power class 2,
    and PC1.5_A5 relative to 29 dBm for power class 1.5,
  • else
    A-MPR’ = 0 dB and apply MPR.

With the parameters defined in Table

1.4 Configured transmitted power

The UE is allowed to set its configured maximum output power PCMAX,f,c for carrier f of serving cell c in each slot. The configured maximum output power PCMAX,f,c is set within the following bounds:
PCMAX_L,f,c ≤ PCMAX,f,c ≤ PCMAX_H,f,c with


[1] 3GPP TS 38.101-1 V17.4.0 (2021-12)


以上就是纯情可乐为你收集整理的[NR][UE][RF] Transmitter Characteristics [NR5G 终端射频(发射机)指标,最大发射功率,最大功率回退值,额外最大功率回退值]Transmitter Characteristics的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[NR][UE][RF] Transmitter Characteristics [NR5G 终端射频(发射机)指标,最大发射功率,最大功率回退值,额外最大功率回退值]Transmitter Characteristics所遇到的程序开发问题。



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