Object 1016h: Consumer heartbeat time
The consumer heartbeat time object shall indicate the expected heartbeat cycle times. Monitoring of the heartbeat producer shall start after the reception of the first heartbeat.
NOTE: The consumer heartbeat time should be higher than the corresponding producer heartbeat time.
NOTE: Before the reception of the first heartbeat the status of the heartbeat producer is unknown.
消费者心跳时间结构,23-16位表示生产者的node id,15-0位表示消费心跳时间
0x602 0x23 0x16 0x10 0x01 0x2c 0x01 0x7f 0x00 0x08 Standard Data
0x582 0x60 0x16 0x10 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 Standard Data
主站给2号节点写SDO,监听127(0x007f)节点,心跳时间 0x012c
If the heartbeat time is 0 or the node-ID is 0 or greater than 127 the corresponding object entry
shall be not used. The heartbeat time shall be given in multiples of 1ms.
An attempt to configure several heartbeat times unequal 0 for the same node-ID the CANopen
device shall be responded with the SDO abort transfer service (abort code: 0604 0043h).
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