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微软的云计算服务 Azure 与亚马逊的 AWS 有什么区别?

(2014-03-12 09:53:51)







微软的云计算服务 Azure 与亚马逊的

AWS 有什么区别?

5 Key Differences:Azure VS AWS

1. Focus on PaaS vs. IaaS

Azure can be classified as Platform as a Service (PaaS): a cloud

model that offers hardware, operating systems and

application-support, effectively offering a virtual server on which

to load software, which can be accessed and managed through a Web

browser. Microsoft last week blurred the boundaries between IaaS and PaaS by

adding the ability for developers to run Windows Server 2008 R2

instances on Azure, theoretically making applications portable

between the customer data center and Microsoft cloud

platform. Amazon's EC2 is infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), providing all

that PaaS does, plus the ability to multiply VMs into virtual grids

or clusters with integrated storage, networking and

systems-management software. Effectively PaaS is designed to serve

the function of one or more application servers; IaaS is designed

to act as a portion of the entire data center and offer capacity

on-demand. 2. Application support

While both Azure and EC2 heavily market applications that ISVs make

available through their services, EC2 tends to attract

resource-intensive software typically classified as enterprise

applications, while Azure tends to feature applications that

typically serve LAN- or workgroup-sized user

groups. Both platforms are designed to be easily resizable and are being

developed quickly; for now at least, that minimizes but doesn't

eliminate the difference between IaaS and PaaS, Golden says.

3. Application portability

Because it's a Microsoft environment and supports commonly used

x86-based computing technologies such as .NET and Visual Studio,

Azure is more accessible to developers accustomed to those

environments, according to Gary Chen, IDC server virtualization

analyst. The benefit and drawback to that is that Azure only offers

Microsoft operating systems, which makes things simpler for Windows

developers, but limits the applications they can build on or port

to Azure, Hackett says. The new Windows Server capability is designed to make applications

even more portable between data center and cloud, but only when

both are closely equivalent Windows Server

environments. Amazon offers Linux, Mac OS X or Windows support, but has some

specific storage requirements and also requires developers to take

into account the amount of bandwidth and computing time that the

application will require. 4. Scalability

Both Azure and EC2 are designed to be scalable, but the way they

achieve this is different. On Azure users have the choice of scaling up the number of VMs on

which an application runs, or by increasing the power of the

virtual machine they use, according to .NET development consultant

Jason Haley. It offers storage as varying blocks of Binary Large

Object (BLOB) service and virtual NTFS

drives. Pay-as-you-go on Azure means defining the number of VM nodes that

an application requires and the ability to change that number using

a management console.

EC2 is far more flexible now than two or three years ago, Golden

says. It still scales in blocks called Elastic Compute Units (ECU)

that include a specific number of Amazon Machine Images (AMI) and

storage volumes called Elastic Block Stores

(EBS). ECUs include varying amounts of storage, I/O, memory, performance

equating to specific 32- or 64-bit processors, and a variety of

networking and higher-level systems or application-management


At one time Amazon offered only small, medium and large-sized

resource blocks and price points. Then in September, it introduced

micro instances that require as little as 613MB of memory, and cost

as little as two cents per hour of use. An Amazon feature called

autoscaling automates changes in resource levels to respond to

demand. 5. Price

Because Amazon's service is designed to be more comprehensive, its

pricing is more complex than Microsoft's, though neither pricing

plan is simple. Amazon's service is reputed to cost more in general, but developers

and analysts also complain about the rigidity and surprisingly high

cost of Microsoft Azure, often finding EC2 cost-effective even for

small projects when comparing the two. Microsoft's analysis of

price differences is much different. Amazon has been more aggressive about dividing both its technology

and prices into smaller pieces to appeal to a wider variety of

customers, Hackett says. Demand from users has apparently not grown

intensive enough for Microsoft to follow suit, but it almost

certainly will as both PaaS and IaaS become more widely adopted, he

says. Most recently, Amazon announced a new offering to give customers a

free taste of EC2. As of November 1, customers can get one year of

free access to a micro-instance on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud,

plus a limited amount of storage and data transfers. This free

ticket to the Amazon cloud can be used for enterprise apps or for

test and dev purposes.








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