我是靠谱客的博主 直率钻石,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍【WCN685X】WCN6856 hostapd配置5G 802.11a/n/ac/ax 20M/40M/80M/160Mhostapd默认配置,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。
##### hostapd configuration file ##############################################
# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored
# AP netdevice name (without 'ap' postfix, i.e., wlan0 uses wlan0ap for
# management frames); ath0 for madwifi
# In case of madwifi, atheros, and nl80211 driver interfaces, an additional
# configuration parameter, bridge, may be used to notify hostapd if the
# interface is included in a bridge. This parameter is not used with Host AP
# driver. If the bridge parameter is not set, the drivers will automatically
# figure out the bridge interface (assuming sysfs is enabled and mounted to
# /sys) and this parameter may not be needed.
# For nl80211, this parameter can be used to request the AP interface to be
# added to the bridge automatically (brctl may refuse to do this before hostapd
# has been started to change the interface mode). If needed, the bridge
# interface is also created
以上就是直率钻石为你收集整理的【WCN685X】WCN6856 hostapd配置5G 802.11a/n/ac/ax 20M/40M/80M/160Mhostapd默认配置的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决【WCN685X】WCN6856 hostapd配置5G 802.11a/n/ac/ax 20M/40M/80M/160Mhostapd默认配置所遇到的程序开发问题。
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