// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:James Wallace
// thanks-to:Chris Wren, Tony Friery, MFME
/* Notes 17/07/11 DH
added most other MPU3 sets
most fail to boot, giving the CPU a 'WAIT' instruction then sitting there
some complain about Characterizer (protection) and then do the same
a few boot to show light displays with no LED text
some display misaligned LED text
many run VERY slowly, even when the CPU is inactive (inefficient MAME timer system overhead?)
Barcrest MPU3 highly preliminary driver
based on MPU4 driver (see mpu4.cpp for credits)
Thanks to Chris Wren and MFME for documentation, particularly of meters and characteriser.
--- Board Setup ---
This original board uses a ~1.Mh
以上就是欣慰舞蹈为你收集整理的signature=6f5e2c2ca9ff7789e7ace6a5cd40e4d0,mame/mpu3.cpp at 6e46aed3ef86b87e02dbd13f00949ed020548c28...的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决signature=6f5e2c2ca9ff7789e7ace6a5cd40e4d0,mame/mpu3.cpp at 6e46aed3ef86b87e02dbd13f00949ed020548c28...所遇到的程序开发问题。
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