我是靠谱客的博主 美好电灯胆,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍MT6735调试s5k3m2摄像头isp timout,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


现在调试MT6735平台s5k3m2,每次开关机打开相机之后 sensor id 可以读到,但是预览画面是黑屏,一直卡在那里,可以退出,再打开相机就会出现无法连接到相机,请关闭占用程序什么的,读log发现id可以读到,提示isp timeout什么的,大家有遇到过么。
FAQ 里面找到这个,只找到第一步的ISP寄存器,bit0不是0,第二步的寄存器找不到。。。。有没有大神帮忙分析下

[FAQ08684][CAMERA Drv] Image sensor ID was
correct, but show black forever until the
occur error
Image sensor ID was correct, power on reopen the cell was correct also,
but that will be show black forever until the system occur error.
Analyzed as follows:
We can analyze the log after the error occurred, the log will dump out a
lot of register of ISP. Some register should focus as following:
If the bit0 of 0x15008100 is 0, indicating the CSI2 was not open. Usually,
the search process happened some error. For example, take the main sensor
like a sub or take a sub sensor like a main sensor in the search process.
To lead this phenomenon usually on account of that pwdn/reset pin
configuration was incorrect.
If step1 ok, Then we can analyze 0x1500802C/0x15008024 (ex. 0x0CC00990)
which indicates pass 1 of Width = 0xCC0, Height = 0x990, if the value was
0, or the value was not expected, which indicated the sensor pass 1 does
not receive data.
If step2 ok, Then we can analyze 0x150080AC/0x150080A4 (ex. 0x0CC00990)
(ex. 0x0CC00990) which indicates pass2 of Width = 0xCC0, Height = 0x990,
if the value was 0, or the value was not expected, which indicated the
sensor pass2 does not receive data.
In fact, We can use adb shell to down load bin to the T card, and used the
imagebrowser.exe to analyze the data. The adb command as following,
adb shell setprop camera.vss.dumpbuffer.enable 1
Some cases of occured black screen
Case 1.
The command of sensor’s initialize which have some bug, some initialize
source code not only have 8bit also have 16bit, In this condition, we need
used the difference command to approach the require. If not, May be the
sensor can output data but it is incorrect.
Case 2.
The occur a incorrect during the sensor match process, maybe the main
sensor and sub sensor was swapped.

sub sensor haredware layout connect to the main2 or main pin.

资料来源:一牛网论坛 MT6735


以上就是美好电灯胆为你收集整理的MT6735调试s5k3m2摄像头isp timout的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决MT6735调试s5k3m2摄像头isp timout所遇到的程序开发问题。



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