我是靠谱客的博主 满意帅哥,这篇文章主要介绍1、matlab帮助命令的调用方法,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

三种常用常用的调用方法:help命令、doc命令、look for命令。


调用格式为:‘help 函数名’,如调用正弦函数的意义和用法:输入‘help sin’。


调用格式为:‘doc 函数名’,如调用正弦函数的意义和用法:输入‘doc sin’。



>> lookfor draw
drawnow                        - Update figure windows and process callbacks
ribbon                         - Draw 2-D lines as ribbons in 3-D.
dee4plt                        - Draw a two mass, two spring system.
dee4plti                       - Initialize the draw_spring figure window.
featuresmap                    - draws the map with the features of a GenBank structure.
featureview                    - draws the map with the features of a GenBank structure.
rnaplot                        - draws RNA secondary structure
traceplot                      - draws a nucleotide trace plot.
customnodedraw                 - User function example to draw customized nodes.
commblktcmdec_drawicon         - Draw icon for TCM decoder blocks.
loopstruct                     - Draws feedback loop configuration.
NDD_figs                       - Draws feedback loop
rlc_figs                       - Draws a parallel bandpass RLC circuit
pctdemo_taskfin_callback2_setup - Prepare a figure for drawing a graph.
drawgsmmask                    - Utility to draw a GSM mask for the DDC filter chain demo:
priv_drawrlsdemo               - Draws the schematic block diagram for the RLS adaptive
emaxdrawdown                   - Compute expected maximum drawdown for a Brownian motion.
maxdrawdown                    - Calculate maximum drawdown for one or more price series.
draw_modsimrand_fig            - Function to draw figure window for modsimrand function
drawSudoku                     - Function for drawing the Sudoku board
pdecirc                        - Draw circle, update Geometry Description matrix.
pdeellip                       - Draw ellipse, update Geometry Description matrix.
pdepoly                        - Draw polygon, update Geometry Description matrix.
pderect                        - Draw rectangle, update Geometry Description matrix.
drawacc                        - Script that draws the ACC Benchmark Schematic.
wheel                          - Draw a car wheel for the ACC Benchmark schematic.
drawmag                        - function [sysout,pts] = drawmag(in,init_pts)
drawpznumbers                  - Draw the PZNumbers
info2mask                      - (S) Draws a filter mask specified in the structure S
vrdrawnow                      - Flush pending virtual reality scene events.
gline                          - Draw a line in a figure interactively.
vipblkdrawmarkers              - VIPBLKCROSSHAIRS Mask dynamic dialog function for Draw Cross-hairs block
vipblkdrawshapes               - VIPBLKROIDISPLAY Mask dynamic dialog function for Draw Shapes blocku
cw1dmngr                       - Continuous wavelet 1-D drawing manager.
drawtree                       - Draw wavelet packet decomposition tree.
wp1ddraw                       - Wavelet packets 1-D drawing manager. 
wp2ddraw                       - Wavelet packets 2-D drawing manager.




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