Filename of file containing raw measurements.
-rfft (resetFFTscale)
Resets FFTscale and DataCorrection for each coil
to 1.
-r1 (readOneCoil)
Read measurement data from from individual coil.
-rp (readPhaseCorInfo)
-rn (readNavigator)
-skipts (skip readTimeStamp)
-nnavek (nNavEK)
-ros (removeOS)
Flag to remove oversampling (OS) in the x
direction. removeOS=True is more efficient as it
processes each readout line independently,
reducing the required memory space to keep all
measured data.
-rosa (removeOSafter)
Flag to remove oversampling (OS) in the x
direction. This works in image space, cutting FOV.
Not likely a good idea for radial.
-I (transformToImageSpace)
Produce image space representation. Note that
there is no correction for partial Fourier or
parallel imaging k-space undersampling. The given
version of code only uses numpy's FFT operation.
-w (writeToFile)
Save k-space or image space volume. Currently the
output filename is auto generated.
-npz (npz)
Save k-space or image space volume using the .npz
file extension. Default is to use hdf5 file
-h (help)
Displays this documentation.
以上就是等待猎豹最近收集整理的关于python raw data_Python RawDatarInator包_程序模块 - PyPI - Python中文网的全部内容,更多相关python内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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