我是靠谱客的博主 小巧裙子,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍CCF推荐网络流量分析分类论文汇总Network traffic analysis and classificationNetwork traffic analysis and classification,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Network traffic analysis and classification




INFOCOM 2019(IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)B

A large-scale analysis of deployed traffic differentiation practices


SIGCOMM '19 Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication

Pages 130-144
Beijing, China — August 19 - 23, 2019



Fangfan Li

Northeastern University


Arian Akhavan Niaki

University of Massachusetts Amherst


David Choffnes

Northeastern University


Phillipa Gill

University of Massachusetts Amherst


Alan Mislove

Northeastern University



Net neutrality has been the subject of considerable public debate over the past decade. Despite the potential impact on content providers and users, there is currently a lack of tools or data for stakeholders to independently audit the net neutrality policies of network providers. In this work, we address this issue by conducting a one-year study of content-based traffic differentiation policies deployed in operational networks, using results from 1,045,413 crowdsourced measurements conducted by 126,249 users across 2,735 ISPs in 183 countries/regions. We develop and evaluate a methodology that combines individual per-device measurements to form high-confidence, statistically significant inferences of differentiation practices, including fixed-rate bandwidth limits (i.e., throttling) and delayed throttling practices. Using this approach, we identify differentiation in both cellular and WiFi networks, comprising 30 ISPs in 7 countries. We also investigate the impact of throttling practices on video streaming resolution for several popular video streaming providers.








INFOCOM 2019(IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)B

Transaction Clustering Using Network Traffic Analysis for Bitcoin and Derived Blockchains


IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)

Date of Conference: 29 April-2 May 2019

Conference Location: Paris, France, France


IEEE Keywords

Peer-to-peer computing,Bitcoin,Blockchain,IP networks,Privacy,Clustering algorithms


Alex Biryukov University of Luxembourg

Sergei Tikhomirov University of Luxembourg



Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency introduced in 2008 and launched in 2009. Bitcoin provides a way to transact without any trusted intermediary, but its privacy guarantees are questionable, and multiple deanonymization attacks have been proposed. Cryptocurrency privacy research has been mostly focused on blockchain analysis, i.e., extracting information from the transaction graph. We focus on another vector for privacy attacks: network analysis. We describe the message propagation mechanics in Bitcoin and propose a novel technique for transaction clustering based on network traffic analysis. We show that timings of transaction messages leak information about their origin, which can be exploited by a well connected adversarial node. We implement and evaluate our method in the Bitcoin testnet with a high level of accuracy, deanonymizing our own transactions issued from a desktop wallet (Bitcoin Core) and from a mobile (Mycelium) wallet. Compared to existing approaches, we leverage the propagation information from multiple peers, which allows us to overcome an anti-deanonymization technique (“diffusion”) used in Bitcoin.


比特币是一种分散的数字货币,于2008年推出并于2009年推出。比特币提供了一种无需任何可信任的中介机构即可进行交易的方式,但其隐私保证存在问题,并且已经提出了多种去匿名化攻击。加密货币隐私研究主要集中在区块链分析上,即从交易图中提取信息。我们专注于隐私攻击的另一种媒介:网络分析。我们描述了比特币中的消息传播机制,并提出了一种基于网络流量分析的交易聚类新技术。我们证明了交易消息的计时泄露了有关其起源的信息,可以由一个连接良好的对抗节点来利用。我们在比特币测试网中高度准确地实施和评估我们的方法,对从台式机钱包(Bitcoin Core)和移动(Mycelium)钱包发出的交易进行匿名处理。与现有方法相比,我们利用了来自多个对等方的传播信息,这使我们能够克服比特币中使用的反去匿名化技术(扩散)。




INFOCOM 2019(IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)B

Early Online Classification of Encrypted Traffic Streams using Multi-fractal Features


 IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)


IEEE Keywords

Feature extraction,Mathematical model,Time series,analysis,Cryptography,Fractals,

Quality of experience,Streaming media



Erik Areström ; Niklas Carlsson


Timely and accurate flow classification is important for identifying flows with different service requirements, optimized network management, and for helping network operators simultaneously operate networks at higher utilization while providing end users good quality of experience (QoE). With most services starting to use end-to-end encryption (HTTPS and QUIC), traditional Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and port-based approaches are no longer applicable. Furthermore, most flow-level-based approaches ignore the complex non-linear characteristics of internet traffic (e.g., self similarity). To address this challenge, in this paper, we present and evaluate a classification framework that combines multi-fractal feature extraction based on time series data (which captures these non-linear characteristics), principal component analysis (PCA) based feature selection, and man-in-the-middle (MITM) based flow labeling. Our detailed evaluation shows that the method is able to quickly and effectively classify traffic belonging to the six most popular traffic types (video streaming, web browsing, social networking, audio communication, text communication, and bulk download) and to distinguish between video-on-demand (VoD) and live streaming sessions delivered from the same services. Our results show that good accuracy can be achieved with only information about the timing of the packets within a flow.






INFOCOM 2018(IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)B

Analysis of malicious flows via SIS epidemic model in CCN



IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)

Conference Location: Honolulu, HI, USA


IEEE Keywords

Mathematical model,Conferences,Computational modeling,Floods,Edge computing,

Next generation networking,Analytical models



Weihong Yang Yang Qin Yuanyuan Yang



Content Centric Networking (CCN) is a novel network architecture that attempts to overcome the limitations of today's network. Security is supported fundamentally by CCN. In this paper, the spreading of malicious flows is modelled via a modified N-intertwined epidemic model. We consider three types of malicious flows: Interest flooding attack flow, content poisoning flow, and rumor. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is a first attempt to apply epidemic model to flow analysis in CCN. We introduce a forwarding matrix to the original epidemic model, which can characterize the forwarding strategy chosen by nodes. Based on modified epidemic model, we derive the upper bound for the number of nodes that affected by malicious flows, and conclude that forwarding strategy can affect the spreading of malicious flows. Matlab-based study and packet-level simulation are performed to verify our model, and the results show that spreading of malicious flows is related to forwarding strategy, and our epidemic model can better characterize malicious flows than original model.





INFOCOM 2018(IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)B

Mining Long-Term Stealthy User Behaviors on High Speed Links


IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications

Conference Location: Honolulu, HI, USA


IEEE Keywords

Monitoring,IP networks,Data collection,Probabilistic logic,Conferences,

Information filtering



Pinghui Wang Peng Jia Jing Tao Xiaohong Guan

View All Authors



Mining user behaviors over high speed links is important for applications such as network anomaly detection. Previous work focuses on monitoring anomalies such as extremely frequent users occurring in a short timeslot such as 1 minute. Little attention has been paid to detect users with stealthy behaviors such as persistent frequent and co-occurrence behaviors over a long period of time at the timeslot granularity (e.g., 1 minute granularity level). Unlike frequent users, persistent users do not necessarily occur more frequently than other users in a single timeslot, but persist and occur in a larger number of timeslots. Due to limited computation and storage resources on routers, it is prohibitive to collect massive network traffic in a long period of time. We develop an end-to-end method for solving challenges in both long-term online traffic collection and offline user behavior analysis. To achieve this goal, we design a user embedding (UE) method to fast build compact sketches of user-occurrence events over time. To reduce the estimation error introduced by Bloom Filter, we model UE as a sampling method and propose methods to accurately mine a variety of user behaviors from user-occurrence events rebuilt from UE sketches. In addition, we introduce another new embedding method reversible UE (RUE) to detect persistent frequent behaviors when monitored users' IDs are not given in advance for offline analysis. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world traffic, and the results demonstrate that our methods significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods.


通过高速链路挖掘用户行为对于诸如网络异常检测之类的应用很重要。先前的工作重点是监视异常,例如在短时间段(例如1分钟)内发生的非常频繁的用户。在时隙粒度(例如1分钟粒度级别)上,很少注意检测具有隐身行为(例如,长时间持续存在的频繁出现的行为和共现行为)的用户。与频繁用户不同,持久性用户不一定在单个时隙中比其他用户更频繁地出现,而是在多个时隙中持续存在。由于路由器上的计算和存储资源有限,因此禁止长时间收集大量网络流量。我们开发了一种端到端方法来解决长期在线流量收集和离线用户行为分析中的挑战。为了实现此目标,我们设计了一种用户嵌入(UE)方法,以快速构建随时间推移的用户发生事件的紧凑草图。为减少Bloom Filter引入的估计误差,我们将UE建模为一种采样方法,并提出了从UE草图重建的用户出现事件中准确挖掘各种用户行为的方法。此外,我们引入了另一种新的嵌入方法可逆UERUE),以在未预先提供受监视用户ID进行脱机分析时检测持久性频繁行为。我们对现实世界的流量进行了广泛的实验,结果表明,我们的方法明显优于最新方法。




INFOCOM2018(IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)A

Can We Learn what People are Doing from Raw DNS Queries?


IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications


IEEE Keywords



Jianfeng Li

MOE KLINNS Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China

Xiaobo Ma

MOE KLINNS Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China

Li Guodong

MOE KLINNS Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China

Xiapu Luo

Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Junjie Zhang

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, USA

Wei Li

MOE KLINNS Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China

Xiaohong Guan

MOE KLINNS Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China


Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the pillars of today's Internet. Due to its appealing properties such as low data volume, wide-ranging applications and encryption free, DNS traffic has been extensively utilized for network monitoring. Most existing studies of DNS traffic, however, focus on domain name reputation. Little attention has been paid to understanding and profiling what people are doing from DNS traffic, a fundamental problem in the areas including Internet demographics and network behavior analysis. Consequently, simple questions like “How to determine whether a DNS query for www.google.com means searching or any other behaviors?” cannot be answered by existing studies. In this paper, we take the first step to identify user activities from raw DNS queries. We advance a multiscale hierarchical framework to tackle two practical challenges, i.e., behavior ambiguity and behavior polymorphism. Under this framework, a series of novel methods, such as pattern upward mapping and multi-scale random forest classifier, are proposed to characterize and identify user activities of interest. Evaluation using both synthetic and real-world DNS traces demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.






IMC2017(Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference)B

Detection, classification, and analysis of inter-domain traffic with spoofed source IP addresses



IMC '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference

Pages 86-99

London, United Kingdom — November 01 - 03, 2017



Franziska LichtblauTU Berlin,Florian StreibeltTU BerlinThorben KrügerTU BerlinPhilipp RichterTU BerlinAnja FeldmannTU Berlin


IP traffic with forged source addresses (i.e., spoofed traffic) enables a series of threats ranging from the impersonation of remote hosts to massive denial-of-service attacks. Consequently, IP address spoofing received considerable attention with efforts to either suppress spoofing, to mitigate its consequences, or to actively measure the ability to spoof in individual networks. However, as of today, we still lack a comprehensive understanding both of the prevalence and the characteristics of spoofed traffic "in the wild" as well as of the networks that inject spoofed traffic into the Internet.

In this paper, we propose and evaluate a method to passively detect spoofed packets in traffic exchanged between networks in the inter-domain Internet. Our detection mechanism identifies both source IP addresses that should never be visible in the inter-domain Internet (i.e., unrouted and bogon sources) as well as source addresses that should not be sourced by individual networks, as inferred from BGP routing information. We apply our method to classify the traffic exchanged between more than 700 networks at a large European IXP. We find that the majority of connected networks do not, or not consistently, filter their outgoing traffic. Filtering strategies and contributions of spoofed traffic vary heavily across networks of different types and sizes. Finally, we study qualitative characteristics of spoofed traffic, regarding both application popularity as well as structural properties of addresses. Combining our observations, we identify and study dominant attack patterns.







ICNP2017(International Conference on Network Protocols)B

Spatio-temporal analysis and prediction of cellular traffic in metropolis



2017 IEEE 25th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)

Date of Conference: 10-13 Oct. 2017

Conference Location: Toronto, ON, Canada


IEEE Keywords

Poles and towers,Mobile communication,Urban areas,

Computer architecture,Monitoring,Predictive models,Mobile handsets



Xu Wang

School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University

Zimu Zhou

Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich

Zheng Yang

School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University

Yunhao Liu

School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University

Chunyi Peng

Dept. CSE, The Ohio State University

Xu Wang

School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University

Zimu Zhou

Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich

Zheng Yang

School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University

Yunhao Liu

School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University

Chunyi Peng

Dept. CSE, The Ohio State University


Understanding and predicting cellular traffic at large-scale and fine-granularity is beneficial and valuable to mobile users, wireless carriers and city authorities. Predicting cellular traffic in modern metropolis is particularly challenging because of the tremendous temporal and spatial dynamics introduced by diverse user Internet behaviours and frequent user mobility citywide. In this paper, we characterize and investigate the root causes of such dynamics in cellular traffic through a big cellular usage dataset covering 1.5 million users and 5,929 cell towers in a major city of China. We reveal intensive spatio-temporal dependency even among distant cell towers, which is largely overlooked in previous works. To explicitly characterize and effectively model the spatio-temporal dependency of urban cellular traffic, we propose a novel decomposition of in-cell and inter-cell data traffic, and apply a graph-based deep learning approach to accurate cellular traffic prediction. Experimental results demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art time-series based approaches and we also show through an example study how the decomposition of cellular traffic can be used for event inference.






以上就是小巧裙子为你收集整理的CCF推荐网络流量分析分类论文汇总Network traffic analysis and classificationNetwork traffic analysis and classification的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决CCF推荐网络流量分析分类论文汇总Network traffic analysis and classificationNetwork traffic analysis and classification所遇到的程序开发问题。



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