我是靠谱客的博主 激昂睫毛,这篇文章主要介绍使用jQuery播放/暂停 HTML5视频,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


    $( '#playMovie1' ).click(function(){
    $( '#movie1' ).play();


$( 'video' ).trigger( 'play' );
$( 'video' ).trigger( 'pause' );


$( "video" ).trigger( "play" ); //for auto play
$( "video" ).addClass( 'pause' ); //for check pause or play add a class
$( 'video' ).click(function() {
if  ($( this ).hasClass( 'pause' )) {
$( "video" ).trigger( "play" );
$( this ).removeClass( 'pause' );
$( this ).addClass( 'play' );
else  {
$( "video" ).trigger( "pause" );
$( this ).removeClass( 'play' );
$( this ).addClass( 'pause' );
$( 'body' ).find( "video" ).attr( 'id' 'video' )
var myVid = document.getElementById( "video" );
$( '.sound-icon' ).click(function() {
//here "sound-icon" is a anchor class.
var sta = myVid.muted;
if  (sta ==  true ) {
myVid.muted =  false ;
else  {
myVid.muted =  true ;
HTML 5中播放视频的方法:
<video width= "640"  height= "360"  src= "http://www.youtube.com/demo/google_main.mp4"  controls autobuffer>
<p> Try  this  page in Safari  4 ! Or you can
<a href= "http://www.youtube.com/demo/google_main.mp4" >download the video</a> instead.</p>
<video src= "abc.mov"  autoplay>

<video width= "640"  height= "360"  src= "http://www.youtube.com/demo/google_main.mp"  autobuffer controls poster= "whale.png" >
<p>Try  this  page in Safari  4 ! Or you can <a href= "http://www.youtube.com/demo/google_main.mp4" >download the video</a> instead.</p>

<script type= "text/javascript" >
function vidplay() {
var video = document.getElementById( "Video1" );
var button = document.getElementById( "play" );
if  (video.paused) {
button.textContent =  "||" ;
else  {
button.textContent =  ">" ;
function restart() {
var video = document.getElementById( "Video1" );
video.currentTime =  0 ;
function skip(value) {
var video = document.getElementById( "Video1" );
video.currentTime += value;
<video id= "Video1"  >
// Replace these with your own video files.
<source src= "demo.mp4"  type= "video/mp4"  />
<source src= "demo.ogv"  type= "video/ogg"  />
HTML5 Video is required  for  this  example.
<a href= "demo.mp4" >Download the video</a> file.
<div id= "buttonbar" >
<button id= "restart"  onclick= "restart();" >[]</button>
<button id= "rew"  onclick= "skip(-10)" >&lt;&lt;</button>
<button id= "play"  onclick= "vidplay()" >&gt;</button>
<button id= "fastFwd"  onclick= "skip(10)" >&gt;&gt;</button>
<html >
<title>Full player example</title>
<!-- Uncomment the following meta tag  if  you have issues rendering  this  page on an intranet or local site. -->
<!-- <meta http-equiv= "X-UA-Compatible"  content= "IE=edge" /> -->
<script type= "text/javascript" >
function init() {  // Master function, encapsulates all functions
var video = document.getElementById( "Video1" );
if  (video.canPlayType) {  // tests that we have HTML5 video support
// if successful, display buttons and set up events
document.getElementById( "buttonbar" ).style.display =  "block" ;
document.getElementById( "inputField" ).style.display =  "block" ;
// helper functions
// play video
function vidplay(evt) {
if  (video.src ==  "" ) {  // inital source load
button = evt.target;  // get the button id to swap the text based on the state
if  (video.paused) {  // play the file, and display pause symbol
button.textContent =  "||" ;
else  // pause the file, and display play symbol
button.textContent =  ">" ;
// load video file from input field
function getVideo() {
var fileURL = document.getElementById( "videoFile" ).value;  // get input field
if  (fileURL !=  "" ) {
video.src = fileURL;
video.load();  // if HTML source element is used
document.getElementById( "play" ).click();  // start play
else  {
errMessage( "Enter a valid video URL" );  // fail silently
// button helper functions
// skip forward, backward, or restart
function setTime(tValue) {
// if no video is loaded, this throws an exception
try  {
if  (tValue ==  0 ) {
video.currentTime = tValue;
else  {
video.currentTime += tValue;
catch  (err) {
// errMessage(err) // show exception
errMessage( "Video content might not be loaded" );
// display an error message
function errMessage(msg) {
// displays an error message for 5 seconds then clears it
document.getElementById( "errorMsg" ).textContent = msg;
setTimeout( "document.getElementById('errorMsg').textContent=''" 5000 );
// change volume based on incoming value
function setVol(value) {
var vol = video.volume;
vol += value;
// test for range 0 - 1 to avoid exceptions
if  (vol >=  0  && vol <=  1 ) {
// if valid value, use it
video.volume = vol;
else  {
// otherwise substitute a 0 or 1
video.volume = (vol <  0 ) ?  0  1 ;
// button events
// Play
document.getElementById( "play" ).addEventListener( "click" , vidplay,  false );
// Restart
document.getElementById( "restart" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
setTime( 0 );
},  false );
// Skip backward 10 seconds
document.getElementById( "rew" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
setTime(- 10 );
},  false );
// Skip forward 10 seconds
document.getElementById( "fwd" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
setTime( 10 );
},  false );
// set src == latest video file URL
document.getElementById( "loadVideo" ).addEventListener( "click" , getVideo,  false );
// fail with message
video.addEventListener( "error" , function (err) {
},  true );
// volume buttons
document.getElementById( "volDn" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
setVol(-. 1 );  // down by 10%
},  false );
document.getElementById( "volUp" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
setVol(. 1 );  // up by 10%
},  false );
// playback speed buttons
document.getElementById( "slower" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
video.playbackRate -= . 25 ;
},  false );
document.getElementById( "faster" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
video.playbackRate += . 25 ;
},  false );
document.getElementById( "normal" ).addEventListener( "click" , function () {
video.playbackRate =  1 ;
},  false );
document.getElementById( "mute" ).addEventListener( "click" , function (evt) {
if  (video.muted) {
video.muted =  false ;
evt.target.innerHTML =  "<img alt='volume on button' src='vol2.png' />"
else  {
video.muted =  true ;
evt.target.innerHTML =  "<img alt='volume off button' src='mute2.png' />"
},  false );
// end of runtime
} // end of master
<body onload= "init();"  >
<video id= "Video1"  controls style= "border: 1px solid blue;"  height= "240"  width= "320"  title= "video element" >
HTML5 Video is required  for  this  example
<div id= "buttonbar"  style= "display: none;" )>
<button id= "restart"  title= "Restart button" >[]</button>
<button id= "slower"  title= "Slower playback button" >-</button>
<button id= "rew"  title= "Rewind button"  >&lt;&lt;</button>
<button id= "play"  title= "Play button" >&gt;</button>
<button id= "fwd"  title= "Forward button"  >&gt;&gt;</button>
<button id= "faster"  title= "Faster playback button" >+</button>
<button id= "Button2"  title= "Mute button"  ><img alt= "Volume on button"  src= "vol2.png"  /></button>
<br />
<label>Playback </label>
<label>Reset playback rate: </label><button id= "normal"  title= "Reset playback rate button" >=</button>
<label> Volume </label>
<button id= "volDn"  title= "Volume down button" >-</button>
<button id= "volUp"  title= "Volume up button" >+</button>
<button id= "mute"  title= "Mute button"  ><img alt= "Volume on button"  src= "vol2.png"  /></button>
<div id=  "inputField"  style= "display:none;"  >
<label>Type or paste a video URL: <br/>
<input type= "text"  id= "videoFile"  style= "width: 300px;"  title= "video file input field"  value= "http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/ieblog/2011/nov/pp4_blog_demo.mp4"  />
<button id= "loadVideo"  title= "Load video button"  >Load</button>
<div title= "Error message area"  id= "errorMsg"  style= "color:Red;" ></div>


以上就是激昂睫毛最近收集整理的关于使用jQuery播放/暂停 HTML5视频的全部内容,更多相关使用jQuery播放/暂停内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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