我是靠谱客的博主 年轻草莓,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍【Matlab】Matlab公式转换为LaTeX公式 ,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




Table of Contents

  • 1 将Matlab中公式转化为LaTeX公式
    • 1.1 已知公式的转换
    • 1.2 未知公式的转换
  • 2 将Matlab运行结果的公式显示为适合阅读形式
    • 2.1 text函数各个属性
  • 3 在线转换网址
  • 4 实践

1 将Matlab中公式转化为LaTeX公式


1.1 已知公式的转换


'$$int_0^x!int_y dF(u,v)$$'

1.2 未知公式的转换


latex(taylor(sin(t), 16))



>> latex(taylor(sin(t),16))
ans =
- frac{t^{15}}{1307674368000} + frac{t^{13}}{6227020800} - frac{t^{11}}{39916800} + frac{t^9}{362880} - frac{t^7}{5040} + frac{t^5}{120} - frac{t^3}{6} + t


2 将Matlab运行结果的公式显示为适合阅读形式



'String','$$int_0^x!int_y dF(u,v)$$',...
'position',[.5 .5],...
text(.1,.5,['fontsize{16}black {color{magenta}magenta '...
'color[rgb]{0 .5 .5}teal color{red}red} black again'])
text(0.05,0.2,['$$',latex(taylor(sin(t), 16)),'$$'],'interpreter','latex','fontsize',12);

2.1 text函数各个属性

  1. fontsize 字体大小
  2. positin 后跟坐标位置
  3. string 后跟要显示的latex字符串
    • 几乎所有的latex命令在此都可在此使用,包括字体大小fontsize,颜色color,字体 …
      fontname,各种字体属性:黑体bf 斜体it 罗马字体rm等
  4. interpreter 后跟编译选项,此处用latex或者tex

3 在线转换网址

如果本机安装latex编译器(CTeX或者Texlive)可以本地编译生成公式,也可以利用在线latex公式编译网站来编译:codecogs …
选择Equation Editor ->Integrated …
Editor,然后把刚才生成的latex字符串粘贴到公式框中,会自动在输入框下面动态生成相应地公式,然后单击下面的Download Image即可保存到本地。


- frac{t^{15}}{1307674368000} + frac{t^{13}}{6227020800} - frac{t^{11}}{39916800} + frac{t^9}{362880} - frac{t^7}{5040} + frac{t^5}{120} - frac{t^3}{6} + t


4 实践


Example ― Using LaTeX to Format Math Equations
The LaTeX markup language evolved from TEX, and has a superset of its capabilities. LaTeX gives you more elaborate control over specifying and styling mathematical symbols.
The following example illustrates some LaTeX typesetting capabilities when used with the text function. Because the default interpreter is for TEX, you need to specify the parameter-value pair 'interpreter','latex' when typesetting equations such as are contained in the following script:
%% LaTeX Examples--Some well known equations rendered in LaTeX
figure('color','white','units','inches','position',[2 2 4 6.5]);
axis off
%% A matrix; LaTeX code is
% hbox {magic(3) is } left( {matrix{ 8 & 1 & 6 cr
% 3 & 5 & 7 cr 4 & 9 & 2 } } right)
h(1) = text('units','inch', 'position',[.2 5], ...
'fontsize',14, 'interpreter','latex', 'string',...
['$$hbox {magic(3) is } left( {matrix{ 8 & 1 & 6 cr'...
'3 & 5 & 7 cr 4 & 9 & 2 } } right)$$']);
%% A 2-D rotation transform; LaTeX code is
left[ {matrix{cos(phi) & -sin(phi) cr
sin(phi) & cos(phi) cr}}
right] left[ matrix{x cr y} right]
$$ left[ {matrix{cos(phi)
& -sin(phi) cr sin(phi) & cos(phi)
% cr}}
right] left[ matrix{x cr y} right] $$
h(2) = text('units','inch', 'position',[.2 4], ...
'fontsize',14, 'interpreter','latex', 'string',...
['$$left[ {matrix{cos(phi) & -sin(phi) cr'...
'sin(phi) & cos(phi) cr}} right]'...
'left[ matrix{x cr y} right]$$']);
%% The Laplace transform; LaTeX code is
F(s) = int_0^infty!!{e^{-st}f(t)dt}
$$ L{f(t)} equiv
F(s) = int_0^infty!!{e^{-st}f(t)dt} $$
The Initial Value Theorem for the Laplace transform:
lim_{s rightarrow infty} sF(s) = lim_{t rightarrow 0} f(t)
$$ lim_{s rightarrow infty} sF(s) = lim_{t rightarrow 0}
f(t) $$
h(3) = text('units','inch', 'position',[.2 3], ...
'fontsize',14, 'interpreter','latex', 'string',...
F(s) = int_0^infty!!{e^{-st}'...
%% The definition of e; LaTeX code is
e = sum_{k=0}^infty {1 over {k!} }
$$ e = sum_{k=0}^infty {1 over {k!} } $$
h(4) = text('units','inch', 'position',[.2 2], ...
'fontsize',14, 'interpreter','latex', 'string',...
'$$e = sum_{k=0}^infty {1 over {k!} } $$');
%% Differential equation
% The equation for motion of a falling body with air resistance
% LaTeX code is
m ddot y = -m g + C_D cdot {1 over 2} rho {dot y}^2 cdot A
$$ m ddot y = -m g + C_D cdot {1 over 2} rho {dot y}^2
cdot A
h(5) = text('units','inch', 'position',[.2 1], ...
'fontsize',14, 'interpreter','latex', 'string',...
['$$m ddot y = -m g + C_D cdot {1 over 2}'...
'rho {dot y}^2 cdot A$$']);
%% Integral Equation; LaTeX code is
int_{0}^{infty} x^2 e^{-x^2} dx = frac{sqrt{pi}}{4}
$$ int_{0}^{infty} x^2 e^{-x^2} dx = frac{sqrt{pi}}{4} $$
h(6) = text('units','inch', 'position',[.2 0], ...
'fontsize',14, 'interpreter','latex', 'string',...
'$$int_{0}^{infty} x^2 e^{-x^2} dx = frac{sqrt{pi}}{4}$$');

Author: visaya fan <visayafan[AT]gmail.com>

Date: 2012-05-17 22:13:32

HTML generated by org-mode 6.33x in emacs 23


以上就是年轻草莓为你收集整理的【Matlab】Matlab公式转换为LaTeX公式 的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决【Matlab】Matlab公式转换为LaTeX公式 所遇到的程序开发问题。



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