我是靠谱客的博主 能干电灯胆,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍los信道 matlab,莱斯信道 - 木头弯弯的小窝 - 与非博客 - 与非网,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



Rician信道参数k才是实质重要的参数,tau和pdb是根据信道的profile delay可得的









Quote the explaination from Matlab help as follow:

chan =ricianchan(ts,fd,k,tau,pdb) constructs a frequency-selective ("multiple path" fading channel object that models the first discrete path as a Rician fading process and each of the remaining discrete paths as an independent Rayleigh fading process. tau is a vector of path delays, each specified in seconds. pdb is a vector of average path gains, each specified in dB.

函数channel = ricianchan(ts,fd,k,tau,pdg)生成一个多径衰落信道,信道的第一径服从rician分布,其余径服从rayleigh分布。其中ts为采样间隔,单位是s;fd为最大多普勒频移,单位是Hz;k是表示rician衰落中固定分量和发散分量的线性比值;tau是个数组,每个元素对应多径的时延;pdg与tau对应,表示每条径的功率,单位是dB。将发送的数据x经过滤波函数y= filter(channel,x)即可得到经过信道后的数据

chan = ricianchan(ts,fd,k)constructs a frequency-flat (single path) Rician fading-channel object. ts is the sample time of the input signal, in seconds. fd is the maximum Doppler shift, in hertz. k is the Rician K-factor in linear scale. You can model the effect of the channel chan on a signal x by using the syntax y = filter(chan,x). See filter (channel) for more information.单径莱斯,平坦

chan = ricianchan(ts,fd,k,tau,pdb)constructs a frequency-selective(multiple paths) fading-channel object. If k is a scalar, then the first discrete path is a Rician fading process (it contains a line-of-sight component) with a K-factor of k, while the remaining discrete paths are independent Rayleigh fading processes (no line-of-sight component). If k is a vector of the same size as tau, then each discrete path is a Rician fading process with a K-factor given by the corresponding element of the vector k. tau is a vector of path delays, each specified in seconds. pdb is a vector of average path gains, each specified in dB.多径,频率选择,可以有多条莱斯径

chan = ricianchan(ts,fd,k,tau,pdb,fdLOS) specifies fdlos as the Doppler shift(s) of the line-of-sight component(s) of the discrete path(s), in hertz. fdlos must be the same size as k. If k and fdlos are scalars, the line-of-sight component of the first discrete path has a Doppler shift of fdlos, while the remaining discrete paths are independent Rayleigh fading processes. If fdlos is a vector of the same size as k, the line-of-sight component of each discrete path has a Doppler shift given by the corresponding element of the vector fdlos. By default, fdlos is 0. The initial phase(s) of the line-of-sight component(s) can be set through the property DirectPathInitPhase.每条莱斯径都能有fd

chan = ricianchan sets the maximumDoppler shiftto 0, the Rician K-factor to 1, and the Doppler shift and initial phase of the line-of-sight component to 0. This syntax models a

If Doppler shift =0 thenit’s called Static channel, else dynamic channel

If Path number=1 then it’s called frequency-flat else ,frequency-selective : path number

The toolbox implements a baseband channel model for multipath propagation scenarios that include:

N discrete fading paths, each with its own delay and average power gain. A channel for which N = 1 is called a frequency-flat fading channel. A channel for which N > 1 is experienced as a frequency-selective fading channelby a signal of sufficiently wide bandwidth.

A Rayleigh or Rician model for each path.

By default, each path of the channel is modeled with a Jakes Doppler spectrum, with a maximum Doppler shift that can be specified. Other types of Doppler spectra are allowed (identical or different for all paths): flat, restricted Jakes, asymmetrical Jakes, Gaussian, bi-Gaussian, and rounded.

If the maximum Doppler shift is set to 0or omitted during the construction of a channel object, then the channel is modeled as static (i.e., the fading does not evolve with time), and the Doppler spectrum specified has no effect on the fading process.




PI PO TU6等信道是指定了多少条径以及每条径的分布特性以及tau, pdb等各种参数的信道,其中某些径可能服从让rayleigh或rician分布




To model a channel that involves both fading and additive white Gaussian noise, use a fading channel block connected in series with the AWGN Channel block, where the fading channel block comes first.先加fading后加AWGN

Communication channels introduce noise, fading, interference, and other distortions into the signals that they transmit。噪声,衰落,干扰

Some useful topics in Matlab:

doppler.ajakes, doppler.bigaussian, doppler.jakes, doppler.rjakes, doppler.flat, doppler.gaussian, and doppler.rounded.




Multipath Rician Fading Channel

Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel

Rayleigh Noise Generator

Rayleigh Distribution


Gaussian Noise Generator

AWGN Channel

channel visualization tool





以上就是能干电灯胆为你收集整理的los信道 matlab,莱斯信道 - 木头弯弯的小窝 - 与非博客 - 与非网的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决los信道 matlab,莱斯信道 - 木头弯弯的小窝 - 与非博客 - 与非网所遇到的程序开发问题。



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