我是靠谱客的博主 酷酷唇膏,这篇文章主要介绍REDCap 使用技巧,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

REDCap 提供了强大的功能,用于在线调查问卷。

1. Survey settings

Project>Instrument> Use enhanced radio buttons and checkboxes? (Yes) Question Numbering? (No) Question Display Format? One section per page (multiple pages) > Display page numbers at top of survey page (Yes) > Hide the 'Previous Page' button (i.e., Back button) on the survey page (Yes) For 'Required' fields, display the red 'must provide value' text on the survey page? (No)

‌Survey Termination Options: Auto-continue to next survey: > Redirect to a URL > Survey Completion Text

2. [Calculated Field] 改变公式时,会出现错误, 修复:到 Applications/Data Quality, Execute Rule#H 或其他。 View->[Fix calcs now]

3. 开始和结束可以加 @HIDDEN @NOW, 收集客户端时间。

4. Data Collection -> Survey Distribution Tools -> get URL

5. Export and Import data

Backup - export data

  1. Project Home and Design -> Data Dictionary

  2. Download the current Data Dictionary (.csv)

  3. Print Codebook (.pdf)

  4. Application -> Data Exports, Reports, and Stats

  5. All data -> Export Data -> CSV / Microsoft Excel (raw data) -> Download

  6. Stats & Charts -> Print Page

Recover - import data

  1. Create a New Project

  2. Project Home and Design -> Project Setup ->Enable surveys

  3. Data Dictionary -> Upload File (from the backup Data Dictionary) -> Commit Changes ???? [data structure]

  4. Designer -> Online Designer -> Enable Survey ->Survey settings ???? [change setting] (1)Enhanced radio buttons and checkboxes (2)Custom Numbered (3)One section per page(multiplepages),select: --)Display page numbers at top of survey page --)select Hide the 'Previous Page' button (4)select No for 'Required' fields, display the red 'must provide value' (5)Redirect to a URL (may need filling)

  5. Applications -> Data Import Tool -> Upload File (from the backup Export Data) -> Import data (Maybe need to wait a few minutes) ???? [import data]


以上就是酷酷唇膏最近收集整理的关于REDCap 使用技巧的全部内容,更多相关REDCap内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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