802.11ax MCS Table | 802.11ax MCS Rates
This page mentions 802.11ax MCS Table which mentions various 802.11ax MCS rates.This 802.11ax MCS table includes MCS0,MCS1,MCS2,MCS3,MCS4,MCS5,MCS6,MCS7,MCS8,MCS9,MCS10 and MCS11.
What is WLAN 802.11ax ?
• IEEE 802.11ax technology is 6th generation of WiFi and hence it is known as Wifi-6. Due to its high efficiency performance, it is also known as HEW (High Efficiency WLAN).
• It is developed to overcome limitations of 802.11ac such as contention based uplink access etc.
• 802.11ax offers better efficiency, network capacity, performance and user experience at reduced latency.
Following are the features of 802.11ax.
• Higher modulation scheme such as 1024-QAM
• More number of OFDM subcarriers in a symbol or long OFDM symbol
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