# Add groups to the system # The following example adds the ubuntu group with members foo and bar and # the group cloud-users. groups: - ubuntu: [foo,bar] - cloud-users # Add users to the system. Users are added after groups are added. users: - default - name: foobar gecos: Foo B. Bar primary-group: foobar groups: users selinux-user: staff_u expiredate: 2012-09-01 ssh-import-id: foobar lock_passwd: false passwd: $6$j212wezy$7H/1LT4f9/N3wpgNunhsIqtMj62OKiS3nyNwuizouQc3u7MbYCarYeAHWYPYb2FT.lbioDm2RrkJPb9BZMN1O/ - name: barfoo gecos: Bar B. Foo sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL groups: users, admin ssh-import-id: None lock_passwd: true ssh-authorized-keys: - <ssh pub key 1> - <ssh pub key 2> - name: cloudy gecos: Magic Cloud App Daemon User inactive: true system: true # Valid Values: # name: The user's login name # gecos: The user name's real name, i.e. "Bob B. Smith" # homedir: Optional. Set to the local path you want to use. Defaults to # /home/<username> # primary-group: define the primary group. Defaults to a new group created # named after the user. # groups: Optional. Additional groups to add the user to. Defaults to none # selinux-user: Optional. The SELinux user for the user's login, such as # "staff_u". When this is omitted the system will select the default # SELinux user. # lock_passwd: Defaults to true. Lock the password to disable password login # inactive: Create the user as inactive # passwd: The hash -- not the password itself -- of the password you want # to use for this user. You can generate a safe hash via: # mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=4096 # (the above command would create from stdin an SHA-512 password hash # with 4096 salt rounds) # # Please note: while the use of a hashed password is better than # plain text, the use of this feature is not ideal. Also, # using a high number of salting rounds will help, but it should # not be relied upon. # # To highlight this risk, running John the Ripper against the # example hash above, with a readily available wordlist, revealed # the true password in 12 seconds on a i7-2620QM. # # In other words, this feature is a potential security risk and is # provided for your convenience only. If you do not fully trust the # medium over which your cloud-config will be transmitted, then you # should use SSH authentication only. # # You have thus been warned. # no-create-home: When set to true, do not create home directory. # no-user-group: When set to true, do not create a group named after the user. # no-log-init: When set to true, do not initialize lastlog and faillog database. # ssh-import-id: Optional. Import SSH ids # ssh-authorized-keys: Optional. [list] Add keys to user's authorized keys file # sudo: Defaults to none. Set to the sudo string you want to use, i.e. # ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL. To add multiple rules, use the following # format. # sudo: # - ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/mysql # - ALL=(ALL) ALL # Note: Please double check your syntax and make sure it is valid. # cloud-init does not parse/check the syntax of the sudo # directive. # system: Create the user as a system user. This means no home directory. # # Default user creation: # # Unless you define users, you will get a 'ubuntu' user on ubuntu systems with the # legacy permission (no password sudo, locked user, etc). If however, you want # to have the 'ubuntu' user in addition to other users, you need to instruct # cloud-init that you also want the default user. To do this use the following # syntax: # users: # - default # - bob # - .... # foobar: ... # # users[0] (the first user in users) overrides the user directive. # # The 'default' user above references the distro's config: # system_info: # default_user: # name: Ubuntu # plain_text_passwd: 'ubuntu' # home: /home/ubuntu # shell: /bin/bash # lock_passwd: True # gecos: Ubuntu # groups: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, dip, netdev]
#cloud-config # vim: syntax=yaml # # This is the configuration syntax that the write_files module # will know how to understand. encoding can be given b64 or gzip or (gz+b64). # The content will be decoded accordingly and then written to the path that is # provided. # # Note: Content strings here are truncated for example purposes. write_files: - encoding: b64 content: CiMgVGhpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRyb2xzIHRoZSBzdGF0ZSBvZiBTRUxpbnV4... owner: root:root path: /etc/sysconfig/selinux permissions: '0644' - content: | # My new /etc/sysconfig/samba file SMBDOPTIONS="-D" path: /etc/sysconfig/samba - content: !!binary | f0VMRgIBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAIAPgABAAAAwARAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAJAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAOAAI AEAAHgAdAAYAAAAFAAAAQAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAAAAAEAAQAAAAAAAwAEAAAAAAADAAQAAAAAAAAgA AAAAAAAAAwAAAAQAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAACQAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAABwAAAAAAAAAAQAA .... path: /bin/arch permissions: '0555' - encoding: gzip content: !!binary | H4sIAIDb/U8C/1NW1E/KzNMvzuBKTc7IV8hIzcnJVyjPL8pJ4QIA6N+MVxsAAAA= path: /usr/bin/hello permissions: '0755'
#cloud-config # vim: syntax=yaml # # Add yum repository configuration to the system # # The following example adds the file /etc/yum.repos.d/epel_testing.repo # which can then subsequently be used by yum for later operations. yum_repos: # The name of the repository epel-testing: # Any repository configuration options # See: man yum.conf # # This one is required! baseurl: http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/testing/5/$basearch enabled: false failovermethod: priority gpgcheck: true gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL name: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - Testing
# This is an example file to automatically configure resolv.conf when the
# instance boots for the first time.
# Ensure that your yaml is valid and pass this as user-data when starting
# the instance. Also be sure that your cloud.cfg file includes this
# configuration module in the appropirate section.
manage-resolv-conf: true
nameservers: ['', '']
- foo.example.com
- bar.example.com
domain: example.com
rotate: true
timeout: 1
#cloud-config # # This is an example file to automatically install chef-client and run a # list of recipes when the instance boots for the first time. # Make sure that this file is valid yaml before starting instances. # It should be passed as user-data when starting the instance. # # This example assumes the instance is 12.04 (precise) # The default is to install from packages. # Key from http://apt.opscode.com/packages@opscode.com.gpg.key apt_sources: - source: "deb http://apt.opscode.com/ $RELEASE-0.10 main" key: | -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEppC7QRBADfsOkZU6KZK+YmKw4wev5mjKJEkVGlus+NxW8wItX5sGa6kdUu twAyj7Yr92rF+ICFEP3gGU6+lGo0Nve7KxkN/1W7/m3G4zuk+ccIKmjp8KS3qn99 dxy64vcji9jIllVa+XXOGIp0G8GEaj7mbkixL/bMeGfdMlv8Gf2XPpp9vwCgn/GC JKacfnw7MpLKUHOYSlb//JsEAJqao3ViNfav83jJKEkD8cf59Y8xKia5OpZqTK5W ShVnNWS3U5IVQk10ZDH97Qn/YrK387H4CyhLE9mxPXs/ul18ioiaars/q2MEKU2I XKfV21eMLO9LYd6Ny/Kqj8o5WQK2J6+NAhSwvthZcIEphcFignIuobP+B5wNFQpe DbKfA/0WvN2OwFeWRcmmd3Hz7nHTpcnSF+4QX6yHRF/5BgxkG6IqBIACQbzPn6Hm sMtm/SVf11izmDqSsQptCrOZILfLX/mE+YOl+CwWSHhl+YsFts1WOuh1EhQD26aO Z84HuHV5HFRWjDLw9LriltBVQcXbpfSrRP5bdr7Wh8vhqJTPjrQnT3BzY29kZSBQ YWNrYWdlcyA8cGFja2FnZXNAb3BzY29kZS5jb20+iGAEExECACAFAkppC7QCGwMG CwkIBwMCBBUCCAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRApQKupg++Caj8sAKCOXmdG36gWji/K +o+XtBfvdMnFYQCfTCEWxRy2BnzLoBBFCjDSK6sJqCu5Ag0ESmkLtBAIAIO2SwlR lU5i6gTOp42RHWW7/pmW78CwUqJnYqnXROrt3h9F9xrsGkH0Fh1FRtsnncgzIhvh DLQnRHnkXm0ws0jV0PF74ttoUT6BLAUsFi2SPP1zYNJ9H9fhhK/pjijtAcQwdgxu wwNJ5xCEscBZCjhSRXm0d30bK1o49Cow8ZIbHtnXVP41c9QWOzX/LaGZsKQZnaMx EzDk8dyyctR2f03vRSVyTFGgdpUcpbr9eTFVgikCa6ODEBv+0BnCH6yGTXwBid9g w0o1e/2DviKUWCC+AlAUOubLmOIGFBuI4UR+rux9affbHcLIOTiKQXv79lW3P7W8 AAfniSQKfPWXrrcAAwUH/2XBqD4Uxhbs25HDUUiM/m6Gnlj6EsStg8n0nMggLhuN QmPfoNByMPUqvA7sULyfr6xCYzbzRNxABHSpf85FzGQ29RF4xsA4vOOU8RDIYQ9X Q8NqqR6pydprRFqWe47hsAN7BoYuhWqTtOLSBmnAnzTR5pURoqcquWYiiEavZixJ 3ZRAq/HMGioJEtMFrvsZjGXuzef7f0ytfR1zYeLVWnL9Bd32CueBlI7dhYwkFe+V Ep5jWOCj02C1wHcwt+uIRDJV6TdtbIiBYAdOMPk15+VBdweBXwMuYXr76+A7VeDL zIhi7tKFo6WiwjKZq0dzctsJJjtIfr4K4vbiD9Ojg1iISQQYEQIACQUCSmkLtAIb DAAKCRApQKupg++CauISAJ9CxYPOKhOxalBnVTLeNUkAHGg2gACeIsbobtaD4ZHG 0GLl8EkfA8uhluM= =zKAm -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- chef: # Valid values are 'gems' and 'packages' and 'omnibus' install_type: "packages" # Boolean: run 'install_type' code even if chef-client # appears already installed. force_install: false # Chef settings server_url: "https://chef.yourorg.com:4000" # Node Name # Defaults to the instance-id if not present node_name: "your-node-name" # Environment # Defaults to '_default' if not present environment: "production" # Default validation name is chef-validator validation_name: "yourorg-validator" # if validation_cert's value is "system" then it is expected # that the file already exists on the system. validation_cert: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- YOUR-ORGS-VALIDATION-KEY-HERE -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # A run list for a first boot json run_list: - "recipe[apache2]" - "role[db]" # Specify a list of initial attributes used by the cookbooks initial_attributes: apache: prefork: maxclients: 100 keepalive: "off" # if install_type is 'omnibus', change the url to download omnibus_url: "https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh" # Capture all subprocess output into a logfile # Useful for troubleshooting cloud-init issues output: {all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}
- source:是yum源
#cloud-config # # This is an example file to automatically setup and run puppetd # when the instance boots for the first time. # Make sure that this file is valid yaml before starting instances. # It should be passed as user-data when starting the instance. puppet: # Every key present in the conf object will be added to puppet.conf: # [name] # subkey=value # # For example the configuration below will have the following section # added to puppet.conf: # [puppetd] # server=puppetmaster.example.org # certname=i-0123456.ip-X-Y-Z.cloud.internal # # The puppmaster ca certificate will be available in # /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem conf: agent: server: "puppetmaster.example.org" # certname supports substitutions at runtime: # %i: instanceid # Example: i-0123456 # %f: fqdn of the machine # Example: ip-X-Y-Z.cloud.internal # # NB: the certname will automatically be lowercased as required by puppet certname: "%i.%f" # ca_cert is a special case. It won't be added to puppet.conf. # It holds the puppetmaster certificate in pem format. # It should be a multi-line string (using the | yaml notation for # multi-line strings). # The puppetmaster certificate is located in # /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem on the puppetmaster host. # ca_cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICCTCCAXKgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADANMQswCQYDVQQDDAJjYTAe Fw0xMDAyMTUxNzI5MjFaFw0xNTAyMTQxNzI5MjFaMA0xCzAJBgNVBAMMAmNhMIGf MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCu7Q40sm47/E1Pf+r8AYb/V/FWGPgc b014OmNoX7dgCxTDvps/h8Vw555PdAFsW5+QhsGr31IJNI3kSYprFQcYf7A8tNWu 1MASW2CfaEiOEi9F1R3R4Qlz4ix+iNoHiUDTjazw/tZwEdxaQXQVLwgTGRwVa+aA qbutJKi93MILLwIDAQABo3kwdzA4BglghkgBhvhCAQ0EKxYpUHVwcGV0IFJ1Ynkv T3BlblNTTCBHZW5lcmF0ZWQgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAd BgNVHQ4EFgQUu4+jHB+GYE5Vxo+ol1OAhevspjAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAH/rxlUIjwNb3n7TXJcDJ6MMHUlwjr03BDJXKb34Ulndkpaf +GAlzPXWa7bO908M9I8RnPfvtKnteLbvgTK+h+zX1XCty+S2EQWk29i2AdoqOTxb hppiGMp0tT5Havu4aceCXiy2crVcudj3NFciy8X66SoECemW9UYDCb9T5D0d -----END CERTIFICATE-----
#cloud-config # Add apt repositories # # Default: auto select based on cloud metadata # in ec2, the default is <region>.archive.ubuntu.com # apt_mirror: # use the provided mirror # apt_mirror_search: # search the list for the first mirror. # this is currently very limited, only verifying that # the mirror is dns resolvable or an IP address # # if neither apt_mirror nor apt_mirror search is set (the default) # then use the mirror provided by the DataSource found. # In EC2, that means using <region>.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com # # if no mirror is provided by the DataSource, and 'apt_mirror_search_dns' is # true, then search for dns names '<distro>-mirror' in each of # - fqdn of this host per cloud metadata # - localdomain # - no domain (which would search domains listed in /etc/resolv.conf) # If there is a dns entry for <distro>-mirror, then it is assumed that there # is a distro mirror at http://<distro>-mirror.<domain>/<distro> # # That gives the cloud provider the opportunity to set mirrors of a distro # up and expose them only by creating dns entries. # # if none of that is found, then the default distro mirror is used apt_mirror: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ apt_mirror_search: - http://local-mirror.mydomain - http://archive.ubuntu.com apt_mirror_search_dns: False
#cloud-config # boot commands # default: none # this is very similar to runcmd, but commands run very early # in the boot process, only slightly after a 'boothook' would run. # bootcmd should really only be used for things that could not be # done later in the boot process. bootcmd is very much like # boothook, but possibly with more friendly. # - bootcmd will run on every boot # - the INSTANCE_ID variable will be set to the current instance id. # - you can use 'cloud-init-boot-per' command to help only run once bootcmd: - echo us.archive.ubuntu.com > /etc/hosts - [ cloud-init-per, once, mymkfs, mkfs, /dev/vdb ]
bootcmd与runcmd相似,bootcmd会在每次boot的时候运行,除非加参数“cloud-init-per, once”
#cloud-config # run commands # default: none # runcmd contains a list of either lists or a string # each item will be executed in order at rc.local like level with # output to the console # - runcmd only runs during the first boot # - if the item is a list, the items will be properly executed as if # passed to execve(3) (with the first arg as the command). # - if the item is a string, it will be simply written to the file and # will be interpreted by 'sh' # # Note, that the list has to be proper yaml, so you have to quote # any characters yaml would eat (':' can be problematic) runcmd: - [ ls, -l, / ] - [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ] - [ sh, -c, echo "=========hello world'=========" ] - ls -l /root - [ wget, "http://slashdot.org", -O, /tmp/index.html ]
#cloud-config # final_message # default: cloud-init boot finished at $TIMESTAMP. Up $UPTIME seconds # this message is written by cloud-final when the system is finished # its first boot final_message: "The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"
#cloud-config # Install additional packages on first boot # # Default: none # # if packages are specified, this apt_update will be set to true # # packages may be supplied as a single package name or as a list # with the format [<package>, <version>] wherein the specifc # package version will be installed. packages: - pwgen - pastebinit - [libpython2.7, 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1]
#cloud-config # Upgrade the instance on first boot # (ie run apt-get upgrade) # # Default: false # Aliases: apt_upgrade package_upgrade: true
就是apt-get upgrade
#cloud-config # set up mount points # 'mounts' contains a list of lists # the inner list are entries for an /etc/fstab line # ie : [ fs_spec, fs_file, fs_vfstype, fs_mntops, fs-freq, fs_passno ] # # default: # mounts: # - [ ephemeral0, /mnt ] # - [ swap, none, swap, sw, 0, 0 ] # # in order to remove a previously listed mount (ie, one from defaults) # list only the fs_spec. For example, to override the default, of # mounting swap: # - [ swap ] # or # - [ swap, null ] # # - if a device does not exist at the time, an entry will still be # written to /etc/fstab. # - '/dev' can be ommitted for device names that begin with: xvd, sd, hd, vd # - if an entry does not have all 6 fields, they will be filled in # with values from 'mount_default_fields' below. # # Note, that you should set 'nobootwait' (see man fstab) for volumes that may # not be attached at instance boot (or reboot) # mounts: - [ ephemeral0, /mnt, auto, "defaults,noexec" ] - [ sdc, /opt/data ] - [ xvdh, /opt/data, "auto", "defaults,nobootwait", "0", "0" ] - [ dd, /dev/zero ] # mount_default_fields # These values are used to fill in any entries in 'mounts' that are not # complete. This must be an array, and must have 7 fields. mount_default_fields: [ None, None, "auto", "defaults,nobootwait", "0", "2" ] # swap can also be set up by the 'mounts' module # default is to not create any swap files, because 'size' is set to 0 swap: filename: /swap.img size: "auto" # or size in bytes maxsize: size in bytes
#cloud-config # phone_home: if this dictionary is present, then the phone_home # cloud-config module will post specified data back to the given # url # default: none # phone_home: # url: http://my.foo.bar/$INSTANCE/ # post: all # tries: 10 # phone_home: url: http://my.example.com/$INSTANCE_ID/ post: [ pub_key_dsa, pub_key_rsa, pub_key_ecdsa, instance_id ]
#cloud-config ## poweroff or reboot system after finished # default: none # # power_state can be used to make the system shutdown, reboot or # halt after boot is finished. This same thing can be acheived by # user-data scripts or by runcmd by simply invoking 'shutdown'. # # Doing it this way ensures that cloud-init is entirely finished with # modules that would be executed, and avoids any error/log messages # that may go to the console as a result of system services like # syslog being taken down while cloud-init is running. # # If you delay '+5' (5 minutes) and have a timeout of # 120 (2 minutes), then the max time until shutdown will be 7 minutes. # cloud-init will invoke 'shutdown +5' after the process finishes, or # when 'timeout' seconds have elapsed. # # delay: form accepted by shutdown. default is 'now'. other format # accepted is +m (m in minutes) # mode: required. must be one of 'poweroff', 'halt', 'reboot' # message: provided as the message argument to 'shutdown'. default is none. # timeout: the amount of time to give the cloud-init process to finish # before executing shutdown. # condition: apply state change only if condition is met. # May be boolean True (always met), or False (never met), # or a command string or list to be executed. # command's exit code indicates: # 0: condition met # 1: condition not met # other exit codes will result in 'not met', but are reserved # for future use. # power_state: delay: "+30" mode: poweroff message: Bye Bye timeout: 30 condition: True
condition:true or false
#cloud-config # add each entry to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the configured user or the # first user defined in the user definition directive. ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEA3FSyQwBI6Z+nCSjUUk8EEAnnkhXlukKoUPND/RRClWz2s5TCzIkd3Ou5+Cyz71X0XmazM3l5WgeErvtIwQMyT1KjNoMhoJMrJnWqQPOt5Q8zWd9qG7PBl9+eiH5qV7NZ mykey@host - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3I7VUf2l5gSn5uavROsc5HRDpZdQueUq5ozemNSj8T7enqKHOEaFoU2VoPgGEWC9RyzSQVeyD6s7APMcE82EtmW4skVEgEGSbDc1pvxzxtchBj78hJP6Cf5TCMFSXw+Fz5rF1dR23QDbN1mkHs7adr8GW4kSWqU7Q7NDwfIrJJtO7Hi42GyXtvEONHbiRPOe8stqUly7MvUoN+5kfjBM8Qqpfl2+FNhTYWpMfYdPUnE7u536WqzFmsaqJctz3gBxH9Ex7dFtrxR4qiqEr9Qtlu3xGn7Bw07/+i1D+ey3ONkZLN+LQ714cgj8fRS4Hj29SCmXp5Kt5/82cD/VN3NtHw== smoser@brickies # Send pre-generated ssh private keys to the server # If these are present, they will be written to /etc/ssh and # new random keys will not be generated # in addition to 'rsa' and 'dsa' as shown below, 'ecdsa' is also supported ssh_keys: rsa_private: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBxwIBAAJhAKD0YSHy73nUgysO13XsJmd4fHiFyQ+00R7VVu2iV9Qcon2LZS/x 1cydPZ4pQpfjEha6WxZ6o8ci/Ea/w0n+0HGPwaxlEG2Z9inNtj3pgFrYcRztfECb 1j6HCibZbAzYtwIBIwJgO8h72WjcmvcpZ8OvHSvTwAguO2TkR6mPgHsgSaKy6GJo PUJnaZRWuba/HX0KGyhz19nPzLpzG5f0fYahlMJAyc13FV7K6kMBPXTRR6FxgHEg L0MPC7cdqAwOVNcPY6A7AjEA1bNaIjOzFN2sfZX0j7OMhQuc4zP7r80zaGc5oy6W p58hRAncFKEvnEq2CeL3vtuZAjEAwNBHpbNsBYTRPCHM7rZuG/iBtwp8Rxhc9I5w ixvzMgi+HpGLWzUIBS+P/XhekIjPAjA285rVmEP+DR255Ls65QbgYhJmTzIXQ2T9 luLvcmFBC6l35Uc4gTgg4ALsmXLn71MCMGMpSWspEvuGInayTCL+vEjmNBT+FAdO W7D4zCpI43jRS9U06JVOeSc9CDk2lwiA3wIwCTB/6uc8Cq85D9YqpM10FuHjKpnP REPPOyrAspdeOAV+6VKRavstea7+2DZmSUgE -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- rsa_public: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEAoPRhIfLvedSDKw7XdewmZ3h8eIXJD7TRHtVW7aJX1ByifYtlL/HVzJ09nilCl+MSFrpbFnqjxyL8Rr/DSf7QcY/BrGUQbZn2Kc22PemAWthxHO18QJvWPocKJtlsDNi3 smoser@localhost dsa_private: | -----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBuwIBAAKBgQDP2HLu7pTExL89USyM0264RCyWX/CMLmukxX0Jdbm29ax8FBJT pLrO8TIXVY5rPAJm1dTHnpuyJhOvU9G7M8tPUABtzSJh4GVSHlwaCfycwcpLv9TX DgWIpSj+6EiHCyaRlB1/CBp9RiaB+10QcFbm+lapuET+/Au6vSDp9IRtlQIVAIMR 8KucvUYbOEI+yv+5LW9u3z/BAoGBAI0q6JP+JvJmwZFaeCMMVxXUbqiSko/P1lsa LNNBHZ5/8MOUIm8rB2FC6ziidfueJpqTMqeQmSAlEBCwnwreUnGfRrKoJpyPNENY d15MG6N5J+z81sEcHFeprryZ+D3Ge9VjPq3Tf3NhKKwCDQ0240aPezbnjPeFm4mH bYxxcZ9GAoGAXmLIFSQgiAPu459rCKxT46tHJtM0QfnNiEnQLbFluefZ/yiI4DI3 8UzTCOXLhUA7ybmZha+D/csj15Y9/BNFuO7unzVhikCQV9DTeXX46pG4s1o23JKC /QaYWNMZ7kTRv+wWow9MhGiVdML4ZN4XnifuO5krqAybngIy66PMEoQCFEIsKKWv 99iziAH0KBMVbxy03Trz -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY----- dsa_public: ssh-dss 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 smoser@localhost
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