
In the previous article, we discussed the most important languages for app localization. Soon afterward we received several requests to share our perspective on the key languages for game localization. That’s why we came up with this new post.
在上一篇文章中 ,我们讨论了应用本地化最重要的语言。 不久之后,我们收到了一些要求,以分享我们对游戏本地化主要语言的看法。 这就是为什么我们提出了这个新职位。
我们已经从投资回报率的角度分析了本地化语言。 (We’ve analyzed localization languages from the perspective of return on investment.)
There are numerous case studies, research projects, and forecasts regarding the most promising countries and languages for game localization. In this article, we’re going to examine the game language issue from the perspective of the most efficient allocation of your localization budget.
关于最有前途的国家和游戏本地化语言,有大量的案例研究,研究项目和预测。 在本文中,我们将从最有效地分配本地化预算的角度研究游戏语言问题。
游戏本地化的最高和最低优先目标是什么? (What are the highest- and lowest-priority objectives when it comes to game localization?)
We suggest raising this question first before selecting localization languages. Why? Because, depending on the type of game you’re localizing, your business objectives, and your audience’s expectations, there are several levels of localization.
我们建议在选择本地化语言之前先提出这个问题。 为什么? 因为根据您要本地化的游戏类型,您的业务目标以及受众的期望,本地化有多个级别。
您可以进行最少的操作并停在第一层,也可以逐步进行本地化以扩大覆盖范围。 (You can do the minimum required and stop at the first level, or you can go further with a step-by-step localization and maximize outreach.)
The first thing to start with is the localization of keywords and game description for app stores. This alone might work perfectly well if your game has little to no text or voice and its interface design is fully compatible with the standards of the country you are targeting.
首先要进行的是应用商店的关键字和游戏说明的本地化。 如果您的游戏几乎没有文字或声音,并且其界面设计与您所针对的国家/地区的标准完全兼容,那么仅此一项就可以很好地发挥作用。
Next, if your game contains text-based instructions, you have no choice but to translate them. In addition, other design choices will also need adjustments in terms of colors, numbers, and other local standards.
接下来,如果您的游戏包含基于文本的说明,则别无选择,只能翻译它们。 此外,其他设计选择也将需要在颜色,数字和其他本地标准方面进行调整。
Finally, voice-over, if present in the game, must be translated as well, or at least subtitled. Or you can fully complete the localization process by rerecording voice-over in your target languages, thereby providing the perfect user experience.
最后,画外音(如果存在于游戏中)也必须翻译,或者至少要加字幕。 或者,您可以通过以目标语言重新录制画外音来完全完成本地化过程,从而提供完美的用户体验。
由Alconost撰写 (Written by Alconost)
Our holistic judgment is that for some games such as, say, retro arcade-type games, the first level of localization is enough. However, for dynamic games involving lots of complex dialogs, instructions, and high-speed commands, full localization is the only acceptable option. In the end, it’s entirely up to you to decide how far to go with localization, but keep in mind that it will ultimately be the user experience that determines your project’s success.
我们的整体判断是,对于某些游戏,例如复古街机类游戏,第一级本地化就足够了。 但是,对于涉及大量复杂对话框,指令和高速命令的动态游戏,完全本地化是唯一可接受的选项。 最后,完全取决于您来决定本地化的程度,但是请记住,最终取决于用户体验的是决定项目成功的关键。
游戏行业最赚钱的语言是什么? (What are the most profitable languages for the games industry?)
An overview of the segmentation of the games industry by profitability as of June 2019 was provided in a statistical report by Newzoo. However, when suggesting where to start with game localization, we shouldn’t just rush ahead and start at the top of the list, then work our way down. First of all, this is because Newzoo’s analysis is based on population, including internet users, and revenue from games. However, it doesn’t cover perspective markets, namely high-growth markets that represent the future of gaming and, as such, make every localization investment well-founded.
Newzoo在统计报告中提供了截至2019年6月按赢利划分的游戏行业细分概述。 但是,在建议从何处着手进行游戏本地化时,我们不应该只是匆匆忙忙地从列表的顶部开始,然后再逐步走下坡路。 首先,这是因为Newzoo的分析基于人口(包括互联网用户)和游戏收入。 但是,它不包括透视市场,即代表游戏未来的高增长市场,因此,每个本地化投资都具有充分的基础。

那么,游戏行业中增长最快的市场是什么? (So what are the fastest-growing markets in the games industry?)
According to another study by Newzoo, the fastest-growing region for games in 2018 was South Asia and the Pacific (+16.8% as of 2017), followed by Latin America (+13.5%). In addition, Globenewswire anticipates the fastest growth in South Asia and the Pacific region, particularly Indonesia and Thailand, with Vietnam and China (Taiwan) at the top for now. As for Latin America, according to Bizztech, the front-runners are Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.
根据Newzoo的另一项研究 ,2018年游戏增长最快的地区是南亚和太平洋地区(截至2017年为16.8%),其次是拉丁美洲(+ 13.5%)。 此外, Globenewswire预计南亚和太平洋地区,尤其是印度尼西亚和泰国,增长最快,越南和中国(台湾)目前居首位。 根据Bizztech的说法 ,对于拉丁美洲, 领先者是阿根廷,巴西和墨西哥。
手机游戏有望领先 (Mobile games are expected to lead the race)
One remarkable observation is that the mobile-first approach that is widespread in the tech world is undoubtedly applicable to the games industry as well. For example, in 2018 the mobile games segment accounted for over 50% of the market’s 25.5% annual growth. This far outstrips the industry’s average of 13.5%. To make a long story short, this trend makes it clear that the focus of game localization should be shifted from Web to mobile applications.
一个非凡的观察结果是,在技术领域广泛使用的“移动优先”方法无疑也适用于游戏行业。 例如,2018年,移动游戏市场占市场25.5%的年增长率的50%以上。 这远远超过了行业平均水平的13.5%。 长话短说,这种趋势表明,游戏本地化的重点应该从Web转移到移动应用程序。
Another notable and alarming fact is the restriction of the game localization process in China due to internal regulations. In fact, at the beginning of this year, the Chinese government introduced a new process for submitting games for review. Consequently, the release of localized games in China may become even more tedious and problematic. However, China will still remain a major contributor to the games market for the next couple of years, accounting for over a quarter of global games revenue.
另一个值得注意的事实是,由于内部法规的限制,中国的游戏本地化进程受到限制。 实际上,今年年初,中国政府引入了一种新的游戏提交程序,以供审核。 因此,在中国发布本地化游戏可能会变得更加乏味且成问题。 但是,未来几年,中国仍将是游戏市场的主要贡献者,占全球游戏收入的四分之一以上。
目前,最流行的游戏本地化语言是什么? (What are the most popular languages for game localization right now?)
Right now the most frequently-selected languages for game localization at Alconost are Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Simplified Chinese, Italian, English, Portuguese (Brazil), Korean, and Turkish.
目前, Alconost在游戏本地化中最常用的语言是日语,西班牙语,法语,德语,简体中文,意大利语,英语,葡萄牙语(巴西),韩语和土耳其语。
However, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, and Malay are swiftly gaining ground, and we expect these languages to appear even more regularly on our order lists within the next three years given the growth perspectives for the games market in South Asia and the Pacific.
As for Chinese, despite the recent snag pertaining to the approval of games by the country’s authorities, the market still shares the dominant position with the US. For example, take the success story of a client of ours and their game Punch Club. Just two weeks after being localized into Chinese, the game had already earned a Chinese market share equal to its existing share in the US.
至于中国人,尽管最近与该国当局批准游戏有关,但该市场仍与美国保持着主导地位。 例如,以我们客户及其游戏Punch Club的成功案例为例。 在将游戏本地化为中文后仅两周,该游戏已在中国赢得了与其在美国现有份额相同的市场份额。
游戏本地化的主要语言和国家/地区是什么? (What are the key languages and countries for game localization?)
We’re getting close to sharing our recommendations for the best way to allocate your game localization budget. We definitely want to look at localization as a fair investment in the future of every game-related business and the industry in general.
我们即将分享有关分配游戏本地化预算的最佳方法的建议。 我们绝对希望将本地化视为所有游戏相关业务以及整个行业未来的一项公平投资。
To this end, we summed up the current status quo of key market players, trends, and forecasts, as well as case studies of over 1,500 of our clients. Then we drew up a list prioritizing the ten most essential languages that will drive the games market over the next couple of years:
为此,我们总结了主要市场参与者,趋势和预测的现状,以及对1,500多个客户的案例研究。 然后,我们草拟了一份清单,列出了将在未来几年推动游戏市场的十种最重要的语言的优先顺序:
- English — USA, UK 英文—美国,英国
- Chinese, traditional and simplified — Taiwan, China 中文(繁体和简体)-中国台湾
- Japanese — Japan 日语-日本
- Korean — South Korea 韩文—韩国
- German — Germany 德语-德国
- Spanish — Argentina, Mexico 西班牙语-阿根廷,墨西哥
- Portuguese — Brazil 葡萄牙语-巴西
- French — France, Canada 法语-法国,加拿大
- Vietnamese — Vietnam 越南语—越南
- Indonesian — Indonesia 印尼文-印尼
Our best judgment is that you can never do wrong by localizing your game for one of these markets — your investment will always pay off. Good luck out there, and get ready for the gaming boom.
我们最好的判断是,通过针对这些市场之一进行游戏本地化,您永远不会做错事–您的投资将永远有回报。 祝您好运,并为游戏热潮做好准备。
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Games localization case studies 游戏本地化案例研究 Games localization success stories 游戏本地化成功案例 Top 10 languages for app localization 应用程式本地化的十大语言This article was contributed by Alconost, a global provider of product localization services for applications, games, videos, and websites into 70+ languages.
本文由Alconost贡献, Alconost是产品本地化服务的全球提供商,提供应用程序 , 游戏 ,视频和网站70多种语言的版本。
We offer native-speaking translators, linguistic testing, a cloud platform with API, continuous localization, 24/7 project managers, and any format for string resources.
We also make advertising and educational videos and images, teasers, explainers, and trailers for Google Play and the App Store.
我们还为Google Play和App Store制作广告和教育视频和图像,预告片,解释器和预告片。
翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/alconost/blog/470680/
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