我是靠谱客的博主 喜悦翅膀,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍[读书笔记]《如何阅读一本书》How to Read a Book 01Contents of the bookPrefacePart One: The Dimensions of Reading,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Title: How to Read a Book-The Classic Guide To Intelligent Reading
Author: Mortimer J.Adler & Charles Van Doren


  • Contents of the book
  • Preface
  • Part One: The Dimensions of Reading
    • 1. The Activity and Art of Reading
      • 1.1 Active Reading
      • 1.2 The Goals of Reading: Reading for Information and Reading for Understanding
      • 1.3 Reading as Learning: The Difference Between Learning by Instruction and Learning by Discovery
      • 1.4 Present and Absent Teachers
      • 章节总结

Contents of the book


  1. The dimensions of reading
  2. The third level of reading: analytical reading
  3. Approaches to different kinds of reading matter
  4. The ultimate goals of reading


  1. 怎么理解dimensions呢?字典查询dimensions的结果
    其中,对于dimension的第三个释义最为合适。这个标题的命名暗示了对于reading有多种看待方式,而整本书的第一部分就是对不同的“看待方式”进行解释。所以,可以总结说,第一部分是关于In what ways should we think about reading?

  2. Analytical reading
    整个第二部分的命名就是 the third level of reading。这里不仅暗示了reading有多个不同的level,而且其中的第三个level是最重要的,或者说是整本书的重点。

  3. approaches
    这里名字说明对于不同种类的书籍,有不同的 approach 来阅读。那么如果这本书是关于approaches of reading,那就不只有一种approach,又或者说是approach应该是可以随机应变的。

  4. 第四个标题值得玩味的地方在于“Goals”。阅读不仅有终极目标,而且还不止一个。



  • Speed-reading is not always appropriate
  • The need to raise our reading skills beyond elementary level


  • New in­ sights into the problems of learning how to read;
  • A much more comprehensive and better-ordered analysis of the complex art of reading;
  • The flexible application of the basic rules to dif­ferent types of reading, in fact to every variety of reading matter;
  • The discovery and formulation of new rules of read­ ing;
  • The conception of a pyramid of books to read, broad at the bottom and tapering at the top


Part One: The Dimensions of Reading

1. The Activity and Art of Reading

For readers (readers of books not newspaper, magazine etc.) whose purpose in reading books is to gain increased understanding.


  • 知识并不是理解能力的必要条件。We do not have to know everything about something in order to understand it.
  • Radio and television 虽然在传播信息上有效便捷,但因其简化了人们的思考,实际上对理解力并没有帮助。在这种情形中 too much information is actual detrimental to understanding.
  • 最终表达了__“阅读依旧是有必要的”__这一观点。

1.1 Active Reading


  • Reading can be more or less active
  • The more active the reading is the better

大家在直觉上认为阅读 in its nature 就是一种被动的信息获取方式,那么何来active reading 一说呢?作者作了以下解释:

  • Active reading is like catching a baseball.
  • The art of reading is thus defined as the skill of catching every sort of communication as well as possible.

棒球运动需要好的接球手,需要好的击球手,两者互相配合,才能传递球。这和 writer 还有 reader的关系是非常像的。但是有一点阅读和棒球有重大的区别:

  • 棒球只有接住和没有接住两种情况,但是对于作者想要传递的知识,读者可能接收到了一点,也有可能接收到很多。Receiving knowledge is not a binary choice, in fact it is more like a continuous variable.

怎么才能做到 active reading 呢?这就是本书主要的想要讨论的问题。

  1. reading a book can be performed better by reading it more actively
  2. reading it more actively means performing related reading tasks more skilfully.

1.2 The Goals of Reading: Reading for Information and Reading for Understanding

在目录部分我们提到,第四部分主要内容就是 the goals of reading。那么在这个地方也出现了同样的说法,那么两者是不是一样的呢?是不是指的同样的goal呢?我猜测应该不是,这里的是更加宏观的目标。(Anyway 在读到第四部分的时候我回再回来验证我的说法。)

书中接着对the art of reading 有了更清楚的定义(我个人觉得这里的the art of reading是指作者认为,真正正确、充满艺术感的阅读到底是怎么样的):

The process whereby a mind, with nothing to operate on but the symbols of the readable matter, and with no help from outside, elevates itself by the power of its own operations. The mind passes from understanding less to understanding more. The skilled operations that cause this to happen are the various acts that constitute the art of reading.

这里我的理解是这样的:如何判断你在阅读这一项任务中获得了成功?并不是像上一小节中所说的那样:catching every sort of communication 就完了。如果你阅读一本书,而且完全理解了他的内容,那么那样的阅读只是增加了你的信息量。因为你对这个世上理解的事的总量没有变。阅读的成功可以简单的定义为通过自己的努力增加了理解力。


The two senses of reading:

  • Increase our store of information.
  • Communication of unequals, it involves the reader learning from the author.

什么时候reading for understanding 会发生呢?

  • initial inequality in understanding
  • the reader must be able to overcome this inequality in some degree

1.3 Reading as Learning: The Difference Between Learning by Instruction and Learning by Discovery

从章节名字来看,至少有两种学习的方式。一种是在别人的教导之下,一种是通过 disvoery。那么Reading又是属于哪一种学习方式呢?

To be informed vs To be enlightened:

  • to be informed is to know simply that something is the case.
  • to the enlightened is to know in addition, what it is all about: why it is the case, what its connections are with other facts, in what respects it is the same, in what respects it is different, and so forth.


Learning by Instruction and Learning by discovery:
从某种层度上说,这两种学习都是一样的。Learning by instruction is better called: aided discovery. 两者的不同主要在与学习的材料不同。


我的问题在于,即便是明白了不同学习方式之间的不同,还是无法看出,怎么这样就可以避免读得多就是读得好的错误了。可能作者想要说明的是:from different types of learning we can see that reading is a type of aided discovery. Being Widely read does not necessarily mean you have achieved significant discovery. Being well read involves thinking, keen observation, good use of memory, wide range of imagination and trained analysis and reflection.

1.4 Present and Absent Teachers

学习无非有两种方式:Aided discovery and unaided discovery.
在 aided discovery 当中,又有 listening 和 reading 两种方式。

后续作者又说两者要求的技巧在很多层面是相似的。所以我觉得这本书与其说讨论 the art of reading 不如说在讨论 the art of being taught.


Reading vs Listening:

  • 倾听的时候,有问题可以问老师。阅读的时候,有问题就必须自己找出答案。


  • 阅读的时候,除了书本身的文字以外,没有人会引导你去理解一本书。


  1. 读者阅读的时候可能有许多的目的,他阅读的方式决定了他最终朝哪个方向前进。
  2. 阅读的效果取决于他阅读时付出的努力和技巧。
  3. 学习有两种:aided discovery 和 unaided discovery。我们所要讨论的阅读技巧就是因为阅读是一种没有老师在场的 aided discovery。


以上就是喜悦翅膀为你收集整理的[读书笔记]《如何阅读一本书》How to Read a Book 01Contents of the bookPrefacePart One: The Dimensions of Reading的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[读书笔记]《如何阅读一本书》How to Read a Book 01Contents of the bookPrefacePart One: The Dimensions of Reading所遇到的程序开发问题。



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