假定有一个数据库,有10张表,每张表都有inputuser和createtime,modifyuser,modifytime 4个字段用来记录数据库记录的变动
表 FieldModifyLog 为修改的字段信息 包括字段名,修改前的值,修改后的值
表 LogRecords 包含字段 被修改的表名 inputuser createtime modifyuser modifytime 被修改的列(即为表FieldModifyLog)
1 declare @count int ,---表的个数 2 @i int ,---控制循环的次数 3 @tName nvarchar(50),----表名 4 @sql nvarchar(max),---用于插入的触发器语句 5 @sqlUpdate nvarchar(max),---用于更新的触发器语句 6 @sqlDropTriggerUpdate nvarchar(max), ---删除已存在触发器 for update 7 @sqlDropTrigger nvarchar(max)----删除已存在触发器 for insert 8 9 set @i=0 10 ---得到表的个数 11 select @count= count(*) from dbo.sysobjects where type='u' and name like 'Table_Log_%' 12 13 14 ----循环为每个表创建触发器 15 while @i<@count 16 begin 17 set @i=@i+1 18 ---获得当前的表名 19 select @tName=[name] from (select row_number()over(order by [name]) as hanghao, name from dbo.sysobjects where type='u' and name like 'Table_Log_%') as tt where hanghao=@i 20 21 22 ---判断insert触发器是否存在,若存在删掉 23 if exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where Name ='Log_'+ @tName +'_Insert' AND type = 'TR') 24 begin 25 set @sqlDropTrigger='drop trigger Log_'+@tName+'_Insert' 26 exec(@sqldropTrigger) 27 end 28 29 30 ---拼接创建触发器for insert 语句 31 set @sql='create trigger Log_'+@tName+'_Insert on '+ @tName+' 32 for insert 33 as 34 begin 35 declare @InputUser nvarchar(50),@CreateTime datetime 36 select @InputUser=[InputUser], @CreateTime=[CreateTime] from inserted 37 insert into LogRecords(TableName,InputUser,CreateTime) values('''+@tName+''',@InputUser,@CreateTime) 38 end' 39 40 41 ---判断update触发器是否存在,若存在删掉 42 if exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where Name ='Log_'+@tName+'_Update' AND type = 'TR') 43 begin 44 set @sqlDropTriggerUpdate='drop trigger Log_'+@tName+'_Update' 45 exec(@sqlDropTriggerUpdate) 46 end 47 48 49 --拼接创建触发器for update 语句 50 set @sqlUpdate=' 51 ----创建触发器 52 create trigger Log_'+@tName+'_Update on '+ @tName +' 53 for update 54 as 55 begin 56 declare @UpdateUser nvarchar(50), 57 @ModifyTime datetime , 58 @fieldCount int,---字段个数 59 @BeforeModifyValue nvarchar(50), 60 @AfterModifyValue nvarchar(50), 61 @currentFieldID int ,----当前刚刚插入到FieldModifyLog里的id 62 @fieldName nvarchar(50),----列名 63 @InputUser nvarchar(50), 64 @CreateTime datetime 65 ----获得列名 66 select @fieldCount=count(*) from syscolumns where id=object_id('''+@tName+''') 67 68 ---循环每列 69 while @fieldCount>0 70 begin 71 72 ---1.首先判断是否有更新, 73 if substring( columns_updated() , (@fieldCount-1)/8+1 , 1 ) & power( 2, (@fieldCount-1)%8 ) > 0 74 begin 75 ---2.若有更新,获得列名 76 set @fieldName=(select col_name(object_id('''+@tName+'''),@fieldCount)) 77 78 ---3.判断被修改的列是不是''ModifyUser'',''ModifyTime'',若不是则向日志表中插入相关记录 79 if(@fieldName not in(''ModifyUser'',''ModifyTime'')) 80 begin 81 82 --3.1.1 判断关于deleted的临时表是否存在,若存在删除 83 if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''tempdb..#backDel'') and type=''U'') 84 begin 85 drop table #backDel 86 end 87 88 89 --3.1.2填充deleted临时表 90 select * into #backDel from deleted 91 92 --3.1.3得到更新前的值 93 declare @sqlBeforeModify nvarchar(max),@outPutBefore nvarchar(50) 94 set @sqlBeforeModify=N''select @BeforeModifyValue=''+@fieldName+N'' from #backDel'' 95 exec sp_executesql @sqlBeforeModify,N''@BeforeModifyValue nvarchar(50) output'',@outPutBefore output 96 97 98 --3.2.1 判断关于inserted临时表是否存在,若存在,则删除 99 if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N''tempdb..#backInsert'') and type=''U'') 100 begin 101 drop table #backInsert 102 end 103 104 105 --3.2.2填充临时表 106 select * into #backInsert from inserted 107 108 --3.2.3得到更新后的值 109 declare @sqlAfterModify nvarchar(max),@outPutAfter nvarchar(50) 110 set @sqlAfterModify=''select @AfterModifyValue=''+@fieldName+'' from #backInsert'' 111 exec sp_executesql @sqlAfterModify,N''@AfterModifyValue nvarchar(50) output'',@outPutAfter output 112 113 select @UpdateUser=ModifyUser,@ModifyTime=ModifyTime,@InputUser=InputUser,@CreateTime=CreateTime from '+@tName+' 114 115 --3.3向日志表中插入 116 insert into FieldModifyLog values(@fieldName,@outPutBefore,@outPutAfter) 117 set @currentFieldID=IDENT_CURRENT(''FieldModifyLog'') 118 insert into LogRecords(TableName,ModifyUser,ModifyTime,ModifyField,InputUser,CreateTime) values('''+@tName+''',@UpdateUser,@ModifyTime,@currentFieldID,@InputUser,@CreateTime) 119 end------end注释3. 120 121 end----end注释1. 122 set @fieldCount=@fieldCount-1 123 124 end---end循环列的while循环 125 126 end ---end触发器的创建 127 ' 128 129 exec(@sqlUpdate) 130 131 ----执行创建语句 132 133 134 exec(@sql) 135 end 136 137 138
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