- 相关术语
AV(authentication vector)认证向量
FN-RG(Fixed Network RG)固定网络 RG
RG (Residential Gateway)家庭网关
SUCI (Subscription Concealed Identifier)订阅隐藏标识符
SUPI (Subscription Permanent Identifier)订阅永久标识符
HSS(Home Subscriber Server,归属签约用户服务器)
NSSAI(Network Slice Selection Assistance Information)网络切片 :为一组单一网络切片辅助信息S-NSSAI的集合
PLMN-ID 公众陆地移动网的地址
DNN(data network name) UE 上线时携带的标识
AKA(Authentication and Key Agreement) 认证与密钥协商
supi (UE’s identity)
The Unified Data Management (UDM) includes support for the following functionality:
- Generation of 3GPP AKA Authentication Credentials.
- User Identification Handling (e.g. storage and management of SUPI for each subscriber in the 5G system).
- Support of de-concealment of privacy-protected subscription identifier (SUCI).
- Access authorization based on subscription data (e.g. roaming restrictions).
- UE’s Serving NF Registration Management (e.g. storing serving AMF for UE, storing serving SMF for UE’s PDU Session).
- Support to service/session continuity e.g. by keeping SMF/DNN assignment of ongoing sessions.
- MT-SMS delivery support.
- Lawful Intercept Functionality (especially in outbound roaming case where UDM is the only point of contact for LI).
- Subscription management.
- SMS management.
- 5G-VN group management handling.
- Support of external parameter provisioning (Expected UE Behaviour parameters or Network Configuration parameters).
To provide this functionality, the UDM uses subscription data (including authentication data) that may be stored in UDR, in which case a UDM implements the application logic and does not require an internal user data storage and then several different UDMs may serve the same user in different transactions.
- Nudm_SubscriberDataManagement Service
数据签约管理服务- Nudm_UEContextManagement Service
- Nudm_UEAuthentication Service
UE身份验证服务- Nudm_EventExposure Service
- Nudm_ParameterProvision Service
- Nudm_NIDDAuthorization Service
- Nudm_MT Service
- Nudm_ServiceSpecificAuthorization Service
Nudm_SDM 数据签约管理服务
- Nudm_SDM_Get
NF(AMF,SMF,SMSF)通过get 获取UE签约数据- Nudm_SDM_Subscribe
NF通过订阅服务,订阅UE签约数据更改通知- Nudm_SDM_ModifySubsc
NF修改现有订阅- Nudm_SDM_Unsubscribe
NF取消现有订阅- Nudm_SDM_Notification
订阅过的NF在UDM修改签约数据时,会收到UDM的通知- Nudm_SDM_Info
Nudm_UECM UE上下文管理服务
- Nudm_UECM_Registration
NF在UDM中注册UE上下文 UDM将上下文信息更新- Nudm_UECM_DeregistrationNotification
UDM要注销某NF的注册时,通过此服务通知NF old AMF- Nudm_UECM_Deregistration
NF通过此服务在UDM注销注册- Nudm_UECM_Get
NF通过此服务检索UE上下文- Nudm_UECM_Update
NF更新UE注册信息- Nudm_UECM_P-CSCF-RestorationNotification
- Nudm_UECM_P-CSCF-RestorationTrigger
- Nudm_UECM_AMFDeregistration
- Nudm_UECM_PEI-Update
Nudm_UEAU UE鉴权
- Nudm_UEAU_Get
AUSF 使用此服务请求UDM计算鉴权向量- Nudm_UEAU_GetHssAv
Hss 向UDM获取鉴权向量 为EPS 和 IMS生成向量- Nudm_UEAU_ResultConfirmationInform
Nudm_EE 事件提醒
- Nudm_EE_Subscribe
NF(NEF)订阅事件发生通知- Nudm_EE_Unsubscribe
NF取消订阅- Nudm_EE_Notify
UDM通知NF事件发生- Nudm_EE_ModifySubscription
Nudm_PP 参数规定服务
- Nudm_PP_Update
NF(NEF,AMF)更新UE的订阅数据 ,sor 信息,5gvn group修改- Nudm_PP_Create
NF请求创建5GVN group- Nudm_PP_Delete
NF请求删除5GVN group
Nudm_NIDDAU NIDD授权 非ip数据传输
- Nudm_NIDDAU_get
NEF用来通过Get服务操作从UDM检索与消费者NF相关的NIDD配置的UE授权- Nudm_NIDDAU_Notification
- Nudm_MT_ProvideUeInfo
HSS从UDM中检索域选择信息和/或用户状态和/或5GSRVCCInfo。该请求包含UE的标识(supi)。- Nudm_Network_ProvideLocationInfo
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