###if循环 money=1000 mrmb=int(input('输入取款金额:')) if money>=mrmb: money=money-mrmb print('取款成功,余额为:',money) else: money = money - mrmb print('取款失败',money) #90-100 A #80-89 B #70-79 C #60-69 D #0-59 E score=int(input('请输入一个数字0-100:')) if score>=90 and score<=100: #if 90<=score<=100: print('A') elif score>=80 and score<=89: # if 80<=score<=89: print('B') elif score>=70 and score<=79: # if 70<=score<=79: print('C') elif score>=60 and score<=69: # if 60<=score<=69: print('D') elif score>0 and score<=59: # if 0=score<=59: print('E') else: print('成绩不合格') ans=input('是会员吗:') #是 money=float(input('请输入你的金额:')) #200 if ans=='yes': print('会员') if money>=200: print('8%',money*0.8) #160 elif money>=100: print('7%',money*0.7) else: print('9%',money*0.9) else: if money>500: print('ok',money*0.98) else: print('no会员',money) #整合版if a=int(input('nub1:')) #10 b=int(input('nub2:')) #20 print(str(a)+'>='+str(b) if a>=b else str(a)+'<'+str(b)) #10<20 ##pass语句,什么都不用做,只是一个占位符,用到需要写语句的地方 money=1000 if money>=222: pass else: pass
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