Load the sample data.
load lightbulb.mat
The first column of the data contains the lifetime (in hours) of two types of light bulbs. The second column contains information about the type of light bulb. 1 indicates fluorescent bulbs, and 0 indicates the incandescent bulb. The third column contains censoring information. 1 indicates censored data, and 0 indicates the exact failure time. This is simulated data.
Open the Distribution Fitter app using the first column of lightbulb as the input data, and the third column as the censoring data. Name the data lifetime.
To open the Data dialog box, click Data. In the Manage data sets pane, click to highlight the lifetime data set row. Finally, to open the View Data Set dialog, click View. The lifetime data appears in the second column and the corresponding censoring indicator appears in the third column.
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