我是靠谱客的博主 多情大炮,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍日本爱好者制作的微型寻线小车Desktop Line Following Robot,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。






Desktop Line Following Robot

Recently many kind of robot contests have being opened and some interesting reports of the challenge are found on the web. The Line Following is one of the robot contests to vie running speed on the line. I build a tiny line following robot which can run on the desk. It is for only a personal toy reduced its size to less than one fifth compared to typical line following robots, not in formula. But I believe that it is suitable for in-door use in the small Japanese houses said that rabbit burrow...(^_^;. Of course I have no time to appear the robot contests :-  


About Line Follower

The line follower is one of the self operating robot that follows a line that drawn on the floor. The basic operations of the line following are as follows:




Right image shows bottom view and side view of the built line following robot. All mechanical and electrical parts are mounted on a proto board, and it also constitutes the chassis.vibration motors that used for cellular phone, pager or any mobile equipment are used. Its shaft is pressed onto the tire with a spring plate, the output torque is transferred to the wheels.differential method that steer the robot by difference in rotation speed between the left wheel and the right wheel. It does not require any additional actuator, only controlling the wheel speed will do.




An Amtel ATmega8 is used for the controller and it is powered by a lithium coin cell. The other lithium coin cell is for only motors. Separating the power supply into two cells is to avoid accidental reset of the microcontroller due to voltage dip by motor current. Six photo-reflectors are mounted at front end of the chassis. They sense reflection rate of the floor under them. Motors are driven in PWM to control rotation speed linearly. The latest circuit diagram is.

ControllerATmega8 (Atmel)
Line sensorSix photo-reflectors
Power supplyTwo CR2032 lithium cells(One is for controller, the other is for motors)
MotorTwo micromotors for left wheel and right wheel
Dimensions45(L), 33(W), 12.5(H) [mm]
Weight15 grams (Including two cells)
Performance53 centimeter per second at oval course



Using photo-reflectors

To detect a line to be followed, most contestants are using two or more number of photo-reflectors. Its output current that proportional to reflection rate of the floor is converted to voltage with a resister and tested it if the line is detected or not. However the threshold voltage cannot be fixed to any level because optical current by ambient light is added to the output current like the image shown right.


Signal processing of line detection

Above image shows the actual line position vs detected line position in center value of 640. The microcontroller scans six sensors and calculates the line position by output ratio of two sensors near the line. Thus the line position can be detected linearly with only six sensors. All the sensor outputs are captured as analog value that proportioning to reflection ratio, and the sensitivity have variety between each one of them. In this system, to remove the variations from the outputs, calibration parameters for each sensor can be held into non-volatile memory. This can be done with online mode.


Tracking control

The line position is compared to the center value to be tracked, the position error is processed with Proportional/Integral/Difference filters to generate steering command. The line following robot tracks the line in PID control that the most popular algorithm for servo control.


以上就是多情大炮为你收集整理的日本爱好者制作的微型寻线小车Desktop Line Following Robot的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决日本爱好者制作的微型寻线小车Desktop Line Following Robot所遇到的程序开发问题。



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