% Version 1.3 17-Jan-2003
% Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
% University of Sheffield, England
% Creating populations
% crtbase - create a base vector
% crtbp - create a binary population
% crtrp - create a real-valued population
% Fitness assignment
% ranking - rank-based fitness assignment
% scaling - proportional fitness-scaling
% Selection and reinsertion
% reins - uniform random and fitness-based reinsertion
% rws - roulette wheel selection
% select - high-level selection routine
% sus - stochastic universal sampling
% Mutation operators
% mut - discrete mutation
% mutate - high-level mutation function
% mutbga - real-value mutation
% Crossover operators
% recdis - discrete recombination
% recint - intermediate recombination
% reclin - line recombination
% recmut - line recombination with mutation features
% recombin - high-level recombination function
% xovdp - double-point crossover
% xovdprs - double-point reduced surrogate crossover
% xovmp - general multi-point crossover
% xovsh - shuffle crossover
% xovshrs - shuffle reduced surrogate crossover
% xovsp - single-point crossover
% xovsprs - single-point reduced surrogate crossover
% Subpopulation support
% migrate - exchange individuals between subpopulations
% Utility functions
% bs2rv - binary string to real-value conversion
% rep - matrix replication
% Demonstration and other functions
% mpga - multi-population genetic algorithm demonstration
% objfun1 - De Jongs first test function (used by sga)
% objharv - harvest function (used in mpga)
% resplot - result plotting (used in mpga)
% sga - simple genetic algorithm demonstration
以上就是文静水池为你收集整理的matlab trirep函数,MATLAB中遗传算法如何处理REP等函数的未识别的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决matlab trirep函数,MATLAB中遗传算法如何处理REP等函数的未识别所遇到的程序开发问题。
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