一、sturct json tag的使用
struct json tag主要在struct与json数据转换的过程(Marshal/Unmarshal)中使用。
Key type `json:"name,opt1,opt2,opts..."`
- 变量必须是可导出的(Key首字母必须大写),否则会被忽略处理。
- 没有json tag或者tag中name省略(但不能少了","),默认使用字段名。
- name要注意命名的有效性。
- opt1、opt2等项为可选项,必须使用有限的几个限定的opt的一个或组合,如"omitempty"、"string",使用非限定的opt会发生错误。
Field int // “Filed”:0
Field int json:"-" //注意:必须为"-",不能带有opts
Field int json:"myName" // “myName”:0
Field int json:",omitempty"
Field int json:"myName,omitempty"
Field int json:"-," // “-”:0
(7)“string” opt
仅且仅有"string",没有int、number之类的opt。即带"string" opt的字段,编码时仅能将字符串、浮点、整数或布尔类型转换为string类型,反之则不然;解码时可以将string转换为其他类型,反之不然。因为"string"有限制。
Int64String int64 json:",string" // “Int64String”:“0”
“string” opt的使用可以在Marshal/Unmarshal时自动进行数据类型的转换,减少了手动数据转换的麻烦,但是一定要注意使用的范围,对不满足的类型使用,是会报错的。
猜下对string使用"string" opt的结果会是如何呢?
Int64String string json:",string"
// typeFields returns a list of fields that JSON should recognize for the given type. // The algorithm is breadth-first search over the set of structs to include - the top struct // and then any reachable anonymous structs. func typeFields(t reflect.Type) structFields { // Anonymous fields to explore at the current level and the next. current := []field{} next := []field{{typ: t}} // Count of queued names for current level and the next. var count, nextCount map[reflect.Type]int // Types already visited at an earlier level. visited := map[reflect.Type]bool{} // Fields found. var fields []field // Buffer to run HTMLEscape on field names. var nameEscBuf bytes.Buffer for len(next) > 0 { current, next = next, current[:0] count, nextCount = nextCount, map[reflect.Type]int{} for _, f := range current { if visited[f.typ] {//已处理的过类型跳过 continue } visited[f.typ] = true // Scan f.typ for fields to include. for i := 0; i < f.typ.NumField(); i++ { sf := f.typ.Field(i) isUnexported := sf.PkgPath != "" if sf.Anonymous {//内嵌类型的处理 t := sf.Type if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { t = t.Elem() } if isUnexported && t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { // Ignore embedded fields of unexported non-struct types. continue//非struct结构的不能导出的key直接跳过 } // Do not ignore embedded fields of unexported struct types // since they may have exported fields. } else if isUnexported { // Ignore unexported non-embedded fields. continue//不能导出的key直接跳过 } tag := sf.Tag.Get("json") if tag == "-" { continue//tag为"-"直接跳过 } name, opts := parseTag(tag) if !isValidTag(name) { name = ""//包含特殊字符的无效name } index := make([]int, len(f.index)+1) copy(index, f.index) index[len(f.index)] = i ft := sf.Type if ft.Name() == "" && ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { // Follow pointer. ft = ft.Elem() } // Only strings, floats, integers, and booleans can be quoted. quoted := false if opts.Contains("string") {//此处为"string" opt的特殊处理,支持的类型如下: switch ft.Kind() { case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: quoted = true } } // Record found field and index sequence. if name != "" || !sf.Anonymous || ft.Kind() != reflect.Struct { tagged := name != "" if name == "" { name = sf.Name//未指定或者指定name无效的使用原field的name } field := field{ name: name, tag: tagged, index: index, typ: ft, omitEmpty: opts.Contains("omitempty"),//omitempty确认 quoted: quoted,//是否支持"string" opt } field.nameBytes = []byte(field.name) field.equalFold = foldFunc(field.nameBytes) // Build nameEscHTML and nameNonEsc ahead of time. //两种格式的构建 nameEscBuf.Reset() nameEscBuf.WriteString(`"`) HTMLEscape(&nameEscBuf, field.nameBytes) nameEscBuf.WriteString(`":`) field.nameEscHTML = nameEscBuf.String() field.nameNonEsc = `"` + field.name + `":` fields = append(fields, field)//存入fields if count[f.typ] > 1 { // If there were multiple instances, add a second, // so that the annihilation code will see a duplicate. // It only cares about the distinction between 1 or 2, // so don't bother generating any more copies. fields = append(fields, fields[len(fields)-1]) } continue } // Record new anonymous struct to explore in next round. nextCount[ft]++ if nextCount[ft] == 1 { next = append(next, field{name: ft.Name(), index: index, typ: ft}) } } } } ... for i := range fields { f := &fields[i] f.encoder = typeEncoder(typeByIndex(t, f.index))//设置fields的encoder } nameIndex := make(map[string]int, len(fields)) for i, field := range fields { nameIndex[field.name] = i } return structFields{fields, nameIndex} }
func newStructEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc { se := structEncoder{fields: cachedTypeFields(t)} return se.encode } func (se structEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, opts encOpts) { next := byte('{') FieldLoop: for i := range se.fields.list { f := &se.fields.list[i] // Find the nested struct field by following f.index. fv := v for _, i := range f.index { if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if fv.IsNil() { continue FieldLoop } fv = fv.Elem() } fv = fv.Field(i) } if f.omitEmpty && isEmptyValue(fv) {//"omitempty"的忽略处理,需要值为零值 continue } e.WriteByte(next) next = ',' if opts.escapeHTML { e.WriteString(f.nameEscHTML) } else { e.WriteString(f.nameNonEsc) } opts.quoted = f.quoted f.encoder(e, fv, opts)//根据具体类型的编码处理 } if next == '{' { e.WriteString("{}") } else { e.WriteByte('}') } }
func intEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, opts encOpts) { b := strconv.AppendInt(e.scratch[:0], v.Int(), 10) if opts.quoted {//带有"string" opt添加引号 e.WriteByte('"') } e.Write(b) if opts.quoted { e.WriteByte('"') } }
func stringEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, opts encOpts) { if v.Type() == numberType { numStr := v.String() // In Go1.5 the empty string encodes to "0", while this is not a valid number literal // we keep compatibility so check validity after this. if numStr == "" { numStr = "0" // Number's zero-val } if !isValidNumber(numStr) { e.error(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid number literal %q", numStr)) } e.WriteString(numStr) return } if opts.quoted { sb, err := Marshal(v.String())//注意此处处理 if err != nil { e.error(err) } e.string(string(sb), opts.escapeHTML) } else { e.string(v.String(), opts.escapeHTML) } } func (e *encodeState) string(s string, escapeHTML bool) { e.WriteByte('"')//添加引号 start := 0 for i := 0; i < len(s); { if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {//字符串中存在特殊的字符时的转义处理 if htmlSafeSet[b] || (!escapeHTML && safeSet[b]) { i++ continue } if start < i { e.WriteString(s[start:i]) } e.WriteByte('\') switch b { case '\', '"': e.WriteByte(b) case 'n': e.WriteByte('n') case 'r': e.WriteByte('r') case 't': e.WriteByte('t') default: // This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for t, n and r. // If escapeHTML is set, it also escapes <, >, and & // because they can lead to security holes when // user-controlled strings are rendered into JSON // and served to some browsers. e.WriteString(`u00`) e.WriteByte(hex[b>>4]) e.WriteByte(hex[b&0xF]) } i++ start = i continue } c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:]) if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 { if start < i { e.WriteString(s[start:i]) } e.WriteString(`ufffd`) i += size start = i continue } // U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR. // U+2029 is PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR. // They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings, // but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript, // and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to // escape them, so we do so unconditionally. // See http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset for discussion. if c == 'u2028' || c == 'u2029' { if start < i { e.WriteString(s[start:i]) } e.WriteString(`u202`) e.WriteByte(hex[c&0xF]) i += size start = i continue } i += size } if start < len(s) { e.WriteString(s[start:]) } e.WriteByte('"') }
在了解完源码的处理过程后,我们对之前提到的问题做个解答。对string类型的字段添加"string" opt,得到的是:
Int64String string json:",string" // “Int64String”: "“1234"”
本文主要从源码的角度说明struct json tag的为什么这么使用,以及使用时需要注意的地方。最后重复下重要的几点:
- 字段必须可导出,tag才有意义
- 忽略必须使用json:"-",不得带有opts,否则key将会变成"-"
- "string" opt仅适用于字符串、浮点、整数及布尔类型,意思是可以将这些类型的数据Marshal为string类型,或者将string类型的数据Unmarshal为这些类型。
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以上就是时尚老虎为你收集整理的golang struct json tag的使用以及深入讲解的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决golang struct json tag的使用以及深入讲解所遇到的程序开发问题。
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