我是靠谱客的博主 负责小馒头,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍V2X技术周 | V2X地图数据结构介绍和梳理,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


V2X 地图

定义:地图消息。由路侧单元广播,向车辆传递局部区域的地图信息。包括局部区域的路口信息、路段信息、车道信息,道路之间的连接关系等。单个地图消息可以包含多个路口或区域的地图数据。路口处的信号灯信息则在 SPAT 消息中详细定义。

MAP 消息的主体结构,是一个层层嵌套的形式。其中实线框为必有项,虚线框为可选项。 


"msgCnt": "1",
// MsgCount
"nodes": {
"Node": [ // NodeList
// Node
"name": "YiZhuang-QuanQu", // DescriptiveName
"id": { //NodeReferenceID
"region": "10", // RoadRegulatorID
"id": "19" // NodeID
"refPos": { // Position3D
"lat": "397870006", // Latitude
"long": "1165119042", // Longitude
"elevation": "0" // Elevation
"inLinks": {
"Link": [ //LinkList
// Link
"name": "18-19", // DescriptiveName
"upstreamNodeId": { // NodeReferenceID
"region": "10",
"id": "18"
"speedLimits": {
"RegulatorySpeedLimit": [ // SpeedLimitList,
// RegulatorySpeedLimit
"type": { // SpeedLimitType
"vehicleMaxSpeed": null
"speed": "833" // Speed
"linkWidth": "660", // LaneWidth
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [ // PointList
// RoadPoint
"posOffset": { // PositionOffsetLLV
"offsetLL": { //PositionOffsetLL
"position-LatLon": { // Position-LLmD-64b
"lon": "1165142774", // Longitude
"lat": "397841165" // Latitude
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165129744",
"lat": "397857197"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165120283",
"lat": "397868872"
"lanes": {
"Lane": [ // LaneList
// Lane
"laneID": "1", // LaneID
"laneWidth": "330", // LaneWidth
"laneAttributes": { // LaneAttributes
"shareWith": "0000000000", // LaneSharing
"laneType": { // LaneTypeAttributes
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "110000000000", // AllowedManeuvers
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": [ // ConnectsToList
// Connection
"remoteIntersection": { // NodeReferenceID
"region": "10",
"id": "12"
"connectingLane": { // ConnectingLane
"lane": "1", // LaneID
"maneuver": "010000000000" // AllowedManeuvers
"phaseId": "7" // PhaseID
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "20"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "100000000000"
"phaseId": "6"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165142774",
"lat": "397841165"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165129744",
"lat": "397857197"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165120283",
"lat": "397868872"
"laneID": "2",
"laneWidth": "330",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "001000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": {
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "29"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "001000000000"
"phaseId": "8"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165142774",
"lat": "397841165"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165129744",
"lat": "397857197"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165120622",
"lat": "397869034"
"name": "12-19",
"upstreamNodeId": {
"region": "10",
"id": "12"
"speedLimits": {
"RegulatorySpeedLimit": {
"type": {
"vehicleMaxSpeed": null
"speed": "833"
"linkWidth": "800",
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165093456",
"lat": "397857496"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165102631",
"lat": "397862082"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165117219",
"lat": "397869139"
"lanes": {
"Lane": [
"laneID": "1",
"laneWidth": "400",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "110000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": [
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "20"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "010000000000"
"phaseId": "17"
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "29"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "100000000000"
"phaseId": "16"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165093456",
"lat": "397857496"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165102631",
"lat": "397862082"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165117219",
"lat": "397869139"
"laneID": "2",
"laneWidth": "400",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "101000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": [
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "29"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "100000000000"
"phaseId": "16"
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "18"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "001000000000"
"phaseId": "18"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165093858",
"lat": "397856990"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165102839",
"lat": "397861774"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165117469",
"lat": "397868830"
"name": "20-19",
"upstreamNodeId": {
"region": "10",
"id": "20"
"speedLimits": {
"RegulatorySpeedLimit": {
"type": {
"vehicleMaxSpeed": null
"speed": "833"
"linkWidth": "660",
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165095240",
"lat": "397899027"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165105845",
"lat": "397885982"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165117636",
"lat": "397871423"
"lanes": {
"Lane": [
"laneID": "1",
"laneWidth": "330",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "110000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": [
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "29"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "010000000000"
"phaseId": "27"
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "18"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "100000000000"
"phaseId": "26"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165095240",
"lat": "397899027"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165105845",
"lat": "397885982"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165117636",
"lat": "397871423"
"laneID": "2",
"laneWidth": "330",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "001000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": {
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "12"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "001000000000"
"phaseId": "28"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165095240",
"lat": "397899027"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165105845",
"lat": "397885982"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165117292",
"lat": "397871274"
"name": "129-19",
"upstreamNodeId": {
"region": "10",
"id": "29"
"speedLimits": {
"RegulatorySpeedLimit": {
"type": {
"vehicleMaxSpeed": null
"speed": "833"
"linkWidth": "780",
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165153657",
"lat": "397887241"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165136723",
"lat": "397878978"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165120695",
"lat": "397871234"
"lanes": {
"Lane": [
"laneID": "1",
"laneWidth": "390",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "110000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": [
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "18"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "010000000000"
"phaseId": "37"
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "12"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "100000000000"
"phaseId": "36"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165153657",
"lat": "397887241"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165136723",
"lat": "397878978"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165120695",
"lat": "397871234"
"laneID": "2",
"laneWidth": "390",
"laneAttributes": {
"shareWith": "0000000000",
"laneType": {
"vehicle": "00000000"
"maneuvers": "101000000000",
"connectsTo": {
"Connection": [
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "12"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "100000000000"
"phaseId": "36"
"remoteIntersection": {
"region": "10",
"id": "20"
"connectingLane": {
"lane": "1",
"maneuver": "001000000000"
"phaseId": "38"
"points": {
"RoadPoint": [
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165153184",
"lat": "397887780"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165136426",
"lat": "397879247"
"posOffset": {
"offsetLL": {
"position-LatLon": {
"lon": "1165120459",
"lat": "397871540"
  • 上述示例中注释为数据类型,参考下述数据帧、数据元素。

  • 根据示例,初步画出路口图为:

  • 问题:目前根据标准无法确定如何画出弧形路口。


  • MinuteOfTheYear


MinuteOfTheYear ::= INTEGER (0..527040)
-- the value 527040 shall be used for invalid
  • DSecond

定义1分钟内的毫秒级时刻。分辨率为1 ms,有效范围是0~59999。60000及以上表示未知或无效数值。

DSecond ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
-- units of milliseconds
  • MsgCount


MsgCount ::= INTEGER (0..127)
  • NodeList


NodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..63)) OF Node
  • Node


Node ::= SEQUENCE {
-- Node can be an intersection, or a road endpoint
name DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
-- Node name
id NodeReferenceID,
-- A globally unique value set,
-- consisting of a regionID and
-- node ID assignment
refPos Position3D,
-- 3D position of the center of this Node.
-- This position is also the reference position for the elements inside
inLinks LinkList OPTIONAL,
-- all the links enter this Node
  • DescriptiveName


DescriptiveName ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..63))
  • NodeReferenceID


NodeReferenceID ::= SEQUENCE {
region RoadRegulatorID OPTIONAL,
-- a globally unique regional assignment value
-- typical assigned to a regional DOT authority
-- the value zero shall be used for testing needs
id NodeID
-- a unique mapping to the node
-- in question within the above region of use
  • RoadRegulatorID


RoadRegulatorID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
-- The value zero shall be used for testing only
  • NodeID


NodeID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
-- The values zero through 255 are allocated for testing purposes
-- Note that the value assigned to a node will be
-- unique within a given regional ID only
  • Position3D


Position3D ::= SEQUENCE {
lat Latitude,
-- in 1/10th micro degrees
long Longitude,
-- in 1/10th micro degrees
elevation Elevation OPTIONAL
-- in 10 cm units
  • Latitude


Latitude ::= INTEGER (-900000000..900000001)
-- Units of 1/10 micro degree
-- Providing a range of plus-minus 90 degrees
  • Longitude


Longitude ::= INTEGER (-1799999999..1800000001)
-- Units of 1/10 micro degree
-- Providing a range of plus-minus 180 degrees
  • Elevation

定义车辆海拔高程。分辨率为0.1 m。数值-4096表示无效数值。

Elevation ::= INTEGER (-4096..61439)
-- In units of 10 cm steps above or below the reference ellipsoid
-- Providing a range of -409.5 to + 6143.9 meters
-- The value -4096 shall be used when Unknown is to be sent
  • LinkList


LinkList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Link
  • Link


Link ::= SEQUENCE {
name DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
-- Link name
upstreamNodeId NodeReferenceID,
-- this link is from upstreamNode to the Node it belongs to
speedLimits SpeedLimitList OPTIONAL,
-- List all the speed limits
linkWidth LaneWidth OPTIONAL,
-- Width of this link
points PointList OPTIONAL,
-- Define road points along the center of this link
movements MovementList OPTIONAL,
-- Define movements at intersection
lanes LaneList,
-- Lanes belong to this link
  • SpeedLimitList


SpeedLimitList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..9)) OF RegulatorySpeedLimit
  • RegulatorySpeedLimit


RegulatorySpeedLimit ::= SEQUENCE {
type SpeedLimitType,
-- The type of regulatory speed which follows
speed Speed
-- The speed in units of 0.02 m/s
-- See Section 11 for converting and translating
-- speed expressed in mph into units of m/s
  • SpeedLimitType


SpeedLimitType ::= ENUMERATED {
unknown, -- Speed limit type not available
maxSpeedInSchoolZone, -- Only sent when the limit is active
maxSpeedInSchoolZoneWhenChildrenArePresent, -- Sent at any time
maxSpeedInConstructionZone, -- Used for work zones, incident zones, etc.
-- where a reduced speed is present
vehicleMaxSpeed, -- Regulatory speed limit for general traffic
  • Speed

车辆或其他交通参与者的速度大小。分辨率为0.02 m/s。数值8191表示无效数值。

Speed ::= INTEGER (0..8191)
-- Units of 0.02 m/s
-- The value 8191 indicates that
-- speed is unavailable
  • LaneWidth

定义车道宽度。分辨率为1 cm。

LaneWidth ::= INTEGER (0..32767)
-- units of 1 cm
  • PointList


PointList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(2..31)) OF RoadPoint
-- At least 2 points of 1 lane
-- entry line and exit line
-- points need to be listed sequentially
-- from upstream to downstream
  • RoadPoint


RoadPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
posOffset PositionOffsetLLV,
-- Position offset to the reference position
  • PositionOffsetLLV


PositionOffsetLLV ::= SEQUENCE {
offsetLL PositionOffsetLL,
-- offset in lon/lat
offsetV VerticalOffset OPTIONAL
-- offset in elevation
  • PositionOffsetLL

经纬度偏差,来描述一个坐标点的相对位置。约定偏差值等于真实值减去参考值。提供了 7 种尺度的描述方式。

PositionOffsetLL ::= CHOICE {
-- Locations with LL content Span at the equator when using a zoom of
position-LL1 Position-LL-24B,
-- within +- 22.634554 meters of the reference position
position-LL2 Position-LL-28B,
-- within +- 90.571389 meters of the reference position
position-LL3 Position-LL-32B,
-- within +- 362.31873 meters of the reference position
position-LL4 Position-LL-36B,
-- within +- 01.449308 Kmeters of the reference position
position-LL5 Position-LL-44B,
-- within +- 23.189096 Kmeters of the reference position
position-LL6 Position-LL-48B,
-- within +- 92.756481 Kmeters of the reference position
position-LatLon Position-LLmD-64b
-- node is a Lat/Lon absolute coordinates
-- not a reference position
  • Position-LL-24B


Position-LL-24B ::= SEQUENCE {
-- ranges of +- 0.0002047 degrees
-- ranges of +- 22.634554 meters at the equator
lon OffsetLL-B12,
lat OffsetLL-B12
  • OffsetLL-B12


OffsetLL-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047)
-- A range of +- 0.0002047 degrees
-- Units of 0.1 microdegrees
  • Position-LL-28B


Position-LL-28B ::= SEQUENCE {
-- ranges of +- 0.0008191 degrees
-- ranges of +- 90.571389 meters at the equator
lon OffsetLL-B14,
lat OffsetLL-B14
  • OffsetLL-B14


OffsetLL-B14 ::= INTEGER (-8192..8191)
-- A range of +- 0.0008191 degrees
-- Units of 0.1 microdegrees
  • Position-LL-32B


Position-LL-32B ::= SEQUENCE {
-- ranges of +- 0.0032767 degrees
-- ranges of +- 362.31873 meters at the equator
lon OffsetLL-B16,
lat OffsetLL-B16
  • OffsetLL-B16


OffsetLL-B16 ::= INTEGER (-32768..32767)
-- A range of +- 0.0032767 degrees
-- Units of 0.1 microdegrees
  • Position-LL-36B


Position-LL-36B ::= SEQUENCE {
-- ranges of +- 0.0131071 degrees
-- ranges of +- 01.449308 Kmeters at the equator
lon OffsetLL-B18,
lat OffsetLL-B18
  • OffsetLL-B18


OffsetLL-B18 ::= INTEGER (-131072..131071)
-- A range of +- 0.0131071 degrees
-- Units of 0.1 microdegrees
  • Position-LL-44B


Position-LL-44B ::= SEQUENCE {
-- ranges of +- 0.2097151 degrees
-- ranges of +- 23.189096 Kmeters at the equator
lon OffsetLL-B22,
lat OffsetLL-B22
  • OffsetLL-B22


OffsetLL-B22 ::= INTEGER (-2097152..2097151)
-- A range of +- 0.2097151 degrees
-- Units of 0.1 microdegrees
  • Position-LL-48B


Position-LL-48B ::= SEQUENCE {
-- ranges of +- 0.8388607 degrees
-- ranges of +- 92.756481 Kmeters at the equator
lon OffsetLL-B24,
lat OffsetLL-B24
  • OffsetLL-B24


OffsetLL-B24 ::= INTEGER (-8388608..8388607)
-- A range of +- 0.8388607 degrees
-- Units of 0.1 microdegrees
  • Position-LLmD-64b


Position-LLmD-64b ::= SEQUENCE {
-- a full 32b Lat/Lon range
lon Longitude,
lat Latitude
  • VerticalOffset


VerticalOffset ::= CHOICE {
-- Vertical Offset
-- All below in steps of 10cm above or below the reference ellipsoid
offset1 VertOffset-B07, -- with a range of +- 6.3 meters vertical
offset2 VertOffset-B08, -- with a range of +- 12.7 meters vertical
offset3 VertOffset-B09, -- with a range of +- 25.5 meters vertical
offset4 VertOffset-B10, -- with a range of +- 51.1 meters vertical
offset5 VertOffset-B11, -- with a range of +- 102.3 meters vertical
offset6 VertOffset-B12, -- with a range of +- 204.7 meters vertical
elevation Elevation -- with a range of -409.5 to + 6143.9 meters
  • MovementList


MovementList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Movement
  • Movement


Movement ::= SEQUENCE {
remoteIntersection NodeReferenceID,
-- This entry indicates the downstream intersection of the link this lane connects to.
-- This provides a means to create meshes of lanes
phaseId PhaseID OPTIONAL
-- The matching signal group send by
-- the SPAT message for this lane/maneuver.
-- Shall be present unless the connectingLane
-- has no signal group (is un-signalized)
  • LaneList


LaneList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Lane
  • Lane


Lane ::= SEQUENCE {
laneID LaneID,
-- The unique ID number assigned
-- to this lane object
laneWidth LaneWidth OPTIONAL,
laneAttributes LaneAttributes OPTIONAL,
-- Define basic attribute of lane
maneuvers AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL,
-- the permitted maneuvers for this lane
connectsTo ConnectsToList OPTIONAL,
-- connection to downsteam lanes
speedLimits SpeedLimitList OPTIONAL,
-- List all the speed limits
points PointList OPTIONAL,
-- Define road points and segments
  • LaneWidth

定义车道宽度。分辨率为1 cm。

LaneWidth ::= INTEGER (0..32767)
-- units of 1 cm
  • LaneAttributes


LaneAttributes ::= SEQUENCE {
shareWith LaneSharing OPTIONAL,
laneType LaneTypeAttributes
  • LaneSharing


LaneSharing ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
overlappingLaneDescriptionProvided (0),
-- Assert when another lane object is present to describe the
-- path of the overlapping shared lane
-- this construct is not used for lane objects which simply cross
multipleLanesTreatedAsOneLane (1),
-- Assert if the lane object path and width details represents
-- multiple lanes within it that are not further described
-- Various modes and type of traffic that may share this lane:
otherNonMotorizedTrafficTypes (2), -- horse drawn etc.
individualMotorizedVehicleTraffic (3),
busVehicleTraffic (4),
taxiVehicleTraffic (5),
pedestriansTraffic (6),
cyclistVehicleTraffic (7),
trackedVehicleTraffic (8),
pedestrianTraffic (9)
} (SIZE (10))
-- All zeros would indicate 'not shared' and 'not overlapping
  • LaneTypeAttributes


LaneTypeAttributes ::= CHOICE {
vehicle LaneAttributes-Vehicle, -- motor vehicle lanes
crosswalk LaneAttributes-Crosswalk, -- pedestrian crosswalks
bikeLane LaneAttributes-Bike, -- bike lanes
sidewalk LaneAttributes-Sidewalk, -- pedestrian sidewalk paths
median LaneAttributes-Barrier, -- medians & channelization
striping LaneAttributes-Striping, -- roadway markings
trackedVehicle LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle, -- trains and trolleys
parking LaneAttributes-Parking, -- parking and stopping lanes
  • LaneAttributes-Vehicle


LaneAttributes-Vehicle ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
isVehicleRevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
isVehicleFlyOverLane (1),
-- path of lane is not at grade
hovLaneUseOnly (2),
restrictedToBusUse (3),
restrictedToTaxiUse (4),
restrictedFromPublicUse (5),
hasIRbeaconCoverage (6),
permissionOnRequest (7) -- e.g. to inform about a lane for e-cars
} (SIZE (8,...))
  • LaneAttributes-Crosswalk


LaneAttributes-Crosswalk ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
-- MUTCD provides no suitable "types" to use here
crosswalkRevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
bicyleUseAllowed (1),
-- The path allows bicycle traffic,
-- if not set, this mode is prohibited
isXwalkFlyOverLane (2),
-- path of lane is not at grade
fixedCycleTime (3),
-- ped walk phases use preset times
-- i.e. there is not a 'push to cross' button
biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
-- ped walk phases use different SignalGroupID
-- for each direction. The first SignalGroupID
-- in the first Connection represents 'inbound'
-- flow (the direction of travel towards the first
-- node point) while second SignalGroupID in the
-- next Connection entry represents the 'outbound'
-- flow. And use of RestrictionClassID entries
-- in the Connect follow this same pattern in pairs.
hasPushToWalkButton (5),
-- Has a demand input
audioSupport (6),
-- audio crossing cues present
rfSignalRequestPresent (7),
-- Supports RF push to walk technologies
unsignalizedSegmentsPresent (8)
-- The lane path consists of one of more segments
-- which are not part of a signal group ID
-- Bits 9~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • LaneAttributes-Bike


LaneAttributes-Bike ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
bikeRevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
pedestrianUseAllowed (1),
-- The path allows pedestrian traffic,
-- if not set, this mode is prohibited
isBikeFlyOverLane (2),
-- path of lane is not at grade
fixedCycleTime (3),
-- the phases use preset times
-- i.e. there is not a 'push to cross' button
biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
-- ped walk phases use different SignalGroupID
-- for each direction. The first SignalGroupID
-- in the first Connection represents 'inbound'
-- flow (the direction of travel towards the first
-- node point) while second SignalGroupID in the
-- next Connection entry represents the 'outbound'
-- flow. And use of RestrictionClassID entries
-- in the Connect follow this same pattern in pairs.
isolatedByBarrier (5),
unsignalizedSegmentsPresent (6)
-- The lane path consists of one of more segments
-- which are not part of a signal group ID
-- Bits 7~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • LaneAttributes-Sidewalk


LaneAttributes-Sidewalk ::= BIT STRING { -- With bits as defined:
sidewalk-RevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
bicyleUseAllowed (1),
-- The path allows bicycle traffic,
-- if not set, this mode is prohibited
isSidewalkFlyOverLane (2),
-- path of lane is not at grade
walkBikes (3)
-- bike traffic must dismount and walk
-- Bits 4~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • LaneAttributes-Barrier


LaneAttributes-Barrier ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
median-RevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
median (1),
whiteLineHashing (2),
stripedLines (3),
doubleStripedLines (4),
trafficCones (5),
constructionBarrier (6),
trafficChannels (7),
lowCurbs (8),
highCurbs (9) -- Bits 10~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • LaneAttributes-Striping


LaneAttributes-Striping ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not activated based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
stripeDrawOnLeft (1),
stripeDrawOnRight (2),
-- which side of lane to mark
stripeToConnectingLanesLeft (3),
stripeToConnectingLanesRight (4),
stripeToConnectingLanesAhead (5)
-- the stripe type should be
-- presented to the user visually
-- to reflect stripes in the
-- intersection for the type of
-- movement indicated
-- Bits 6~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle


LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
spec-RevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
spec-commuterRailRoadTrack (1),
spec-lightRailRoadTrack (2),
spec-heavyRailRoadTrack (3),
spec-otherRailType (4) -- Bits 5~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • LaneAttributes-Parking


LaneAttributes-Parking ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
-- Parking use details, note that detailed restrictions such as
-- allowed hours are sent by way of ITIS codes in the TIM message
parkingRevocableLane (0),
-- this lane may be activated or not based
-- on the current SPAT message contents
-- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
parallelParkingInUse (1),
headInParkingInUse (2),
doNotParkZone (3),
-- used to denote fire hydrants as well as
-- short disruptions in a parking zone
parkingForBusUse (4),
parkingForTaxiUse (5),
noPublicParkingUse (6)
-- private parking, as in front of
-- private property
-- Bits 7~15 reserved and set to zero
} (SIZE (16))
  • AllowedManeuvers


AllowedManeuvers ::= BIT STRING {
-- With bits as defined:
-- Allowed maneuvers at path end (stop line)
-- All maneuvers with bits not set are therefore prohibited
-- A value of zero shall be used for unknown, indicating no Maneuver
T/CSAE 53—2020
maneuverStraightAllowed (0),
-- a Straight movement is allowed in this lane
maneuverLeftAllowed (1),
-- a Left Turn movement is allowed in this lane
maneuverRightAllowed (2),
-- a Right Turn movement is allowed in this lane
maneuverUTurnAllowed (3),
-- a U turn movement is allowed in this lane
maneuverLeftTurnOnRedAllowed (4),
-- a Stop, and then proceed when safe movement
-- is allowed in this lane
maneuverRightTurnOnRedAllowed (5),
-- a Stop, and then proceed when safe movement
-- is allowed in this lane
maneuverLaneChangeAllowed (6),
-- a movement which changes to an outer lane
-- on the egress side is allowed in this lane
-- (example: left into either outbound lane)
maneuverNoStoppingAllowed (7),
-- the vehicle should not stop at the stop line
-- (example: a flashing green arrow)
yieldAllwaysRequired (8),
-- the allowed movements above are not protected
-- (example: an permanent yellow condition)
goWithHalt (9),
-- after making a full stop, may proceed
caution (10),
-- proceed past stop line with caution
reserved1 (11)
-- used to align to 12 Bit Field
} (SIZE(12))
  • ConnectsToList


ConnectsToList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF Connection
  • Connection


Connection::= SEQUENCE {
remoteIntersection NodeReferenceID,
-- This entry indicates the downstream intersection of the link this lane connects to.
-- This provides a means to create meshes of lanes
connectingLane ConnectingLane OPTIONAL,
-- The index of the connecting lane and also
-- the maneuver from the current lane to it
-- When we want to list the allowed lanes of the next link
-- this lane can lead to, we use this entry
phaseId PhaseID OPTIONAL
-- The matching signal group send by
-- the SPAT message for this lane/maneuver.
-- Shall be present unless the connectingLane
-- has no signal group (is un-signalized)
  • ConnectingLane


ConnectingLane ::= SEQUENCE {
lane LaneID,
-- Index of the connecting lane
maneuver AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL
-- The Maneuver between
-- the enclosing lane and this lane
-- at the stop line to connect them
  • PhaseID


PhaseID ::= INTEGER (0..255)
-- The value 0 shall be used when the ID is not available or not known

*参考标准:CSAE 53-2020 合作式智能运输系统 车用通信系统应用层及应用数据交互标准(第一阶段)。


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