串口,即COM口,在.NET中使用 SerialPort 类进行操作。串口开启与关闭,是涉及慢速硬件的IO操作,频繁打开或关闭会影响整体处理速度,甚至导致打开或关闭串口失败。非特殊情况,串口一次性打开后,在退出程序时关闭串口即可。在打开串口前,可以设置一些常用的参数。常用的参数如下:
(2) 串口的接受/发送缓存区大小:ReadBufferSize/WriteBufferSize。
// Open Com _serialPort = new SerialPort(com, baud); if (_serialPort.IsOpen) _serialPort.Close(); // Set the read / write timeouts _serialPort.ReadTimeout = 500; _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 500; // Set read / write buffer Size,the default of value is 1MB _serialPort.ReadBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; _serialPort.WriteBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; _serialPort.Open(); // Discard Buffer _serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); _serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer();
SerialPort 类发送支持二进制发送与文本发送,需要注意的是文本发送时,需要知道转换的规则,一般常用的是ASCII、UTF7、UTF-8、UNICODE、UTF32。具体代码如下:
#region Send /// <summary> /// 发送消息(byte数组) /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> /// <param name="offset"></param> /// <param name="count"></param> public void Send(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { lock (_mux) { _serialPort.Write(buffer, offset, count); _sendCount += (count - offset); } } /// <summary> /// 发送消息(字符串) /// </summary> /// <param name="encoding">字符串编码方式,具体方式见<see cref="Encoding"/></param> /// <param name="message"></param> public void Send(Encoding encoding , string message) { lock (_mux) { var buffer = encoding.GetBytes(message); _serialPort.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); _sendCount += buffer.Length; } } #endregion
串口接受需要注意,消息接受与消息处理要代码分离。不能把流程处理的代码放入信息接受处,因为消息处理或多或少会有耗时,这会造成当发送方发送过快时,接受方的接受缓冲区会缓存多条消息。我们可以把接受到的消息放入队列中,然后在外部线程中,尝试去拿出该条消息进行消费。采用 “生产-消费”模式。具体代码如下:
#region Receive private void PushMessage() { _serialPort.DataReceived += (sender, e) => { lock (_mux) { if (_serialPort.IsOpen == false) return; int length = _serialPort.BytesToRead; byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; _serialPort.Read(buffer, 0, length); _receiveCount += length; _messageQueue.Enqueue(buffer); _messageWaitHandle.Set(); } }; } /// <summary> /// 获取串口接受到的内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="millisecondsToTimeout">取消息的超时时间</param> /// <returns>返回byte数组</returns> public byte[] TryMessage(int millisecondsToTimeout = -1) { if (_messageQueue.TryDequeue(out var message)) { return message; } if (_messageWaitHandle.WaitOne(millisecondsToTimeout)) { if (_messageQueue.TryDequeue(out message)) { return message; } } return default; } #endregion
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SerialportDemo { public class SSerialPort { private SerialPort _serialPort; private readonly ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> _messageQueue; private readonly EventWaitHandle _messageWaitHandle; private int _receiveCount, _sendCount; private readonly object _mux; public int ReceiveCount { get => _receiveCount; } public int SendCount { get => _sendCount; } public SSerialPort(string com, int baud ) { // initialized _mux=new object(); _receiveCount = 0; _sendCount = 0; _messageQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>(); _messageWaitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); // Open Com OpenCom(com.ToUpper(),baud); // Receive byte PushMessage(); } private void OpenCom(string com, int baud) { // Open Com _serialPort = new SerialPort(com, baud); if (_serialPort.IsOpen) _serialPort.Close(); // Set the read / write timeouts _serialPort.ReadTimeout = 500; _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 500; // Set read / write buffer Size,the default of value is 1MB _serialPort.ReadBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; _serialPort.WriteBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; _serialPort.Open(); // Discard Buffer _serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); _serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer(); } #region Static /// <summary> /// 获取当前计算机的串行端口名的数组 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string[] GetPortNames() { return SerialPort.GetPortNames(); } #endregion #region Receive private void PushMessage() { _serialPort.DataReceived += (sender, e) => { lock (_mux) { if (_serialPort.IsOpen == false) return; int length = _serialPort.BytesToRead; byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; _serialPort.Read(buffer, 0, length); _receiveCount += length; _messageQueue.Enqueue(buffer); _messageWaitHandle.Set(); } }; } /// <summary> /// 获取串口接受到的内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="millisecondsToTimeout">取消息的超时时间</param> /// <returns>返回byte数组</returns> public byte[] TryMessage(int millisecondsToTimeout = -1) { if (_messageQueue.TryDequeue(out var message)) { return message; } if (_messageWaitHandle.WaitOne(millisecondsToTimeout)) { if (_messageQueue.TryDequeue(out message)) { return message; } } return default; } #endregion #region Send /// <summary> /// 发送消息(byte数组) /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> /// <param name="offset"></param> /// <param name="count"></param> public void Send(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { lock (_mux) { _serialPort.Write(buffer, offset, count); _sendCount += (count - offset); } } /// <summary> /// 发送消息(字符串) /// </summary> /// <param name="encoding">字符串编码方式,具体方式见<see cref="Encoding"/></param> /// <param name="message"></param> public void Send(Encoding encoding , string message) { lock (_mux) { var buffer = encoding.GetBytes(message); _serialPort.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); _sendCount += buffer.Length; } } #endregion /// <summary> /// 清空接受/发送总数统计 /// </summary> public void ClearCount() { lock (_mux) { _sendCount = 0; _receiveCount = 0; } } /// <summary> /// 关闭串口 /// </summary> public void Close() { _serialPort.Close(); } } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine($"该计算机可使用的串口列表:{string.Join(",", SSerialPort.GetPortNames())}"); Console.Write("请输入需要打开的串口:"); string port = Console.ReadLine(); SSerialPort com = new SSerialPort(port, 57600); Console.WriteLine($"串口 {port} 打开成功..."); Console.Write("请输入需要打开的串口发送的消息:"); string text = Console.ReadLine(); while (true) { com.Send(Encoding.Default, text); Console.WriteLine($"总共发送 {com.SendCount}"); var message = com.TryMessage(); if (message != null) { Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss fff")} {Encoding.Default.GetString(message)}"); //// TEST:从添加延时可以测试到,接受消息和处理消息必须分不同线程处理。因为对于消息的处理或多或少都需要耗时,这样容易造成消息处理不及时。而添加到队列后,我们可以随时取出处理 //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100*1); } Console.WriteLine($"总共接受 {com.ReceiveCount}"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
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