要用“文件-脚本”来使用,以CS3为例应放在"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS3\预设\脚本"下。
//Add Highlight And Shadow Swatches v.1 -- CS, CS2
// A simple script for Animators. Takes current fill color from color pallate.
// a prompt will ask you to name the color, then it adds it to the swatch palate,
// along with the highlight and shadow for that color.
// feel free to tweak the values to get whatever percentages work best for you.
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( john@wundes.com ) www.wundes.com
//copyright full text here: http://www.wundes.com/js4ai/copyright.txt
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////</p> <p>//specified value greater than maximum allowed value(指定的值超出最大范围)</p> <p>var docRef= app.activeDocument;
if ( app.documents.length > 0 )
RGBdarkenBy = -35;
RGBlightenBy = 75;
CMYKdarkenBy = 10;
CMYKlightenBy = -18;
defName = "";
nameMsg = "该填充色及其高光和阴影将被添加到色板中。默认RGB高光所有值+35、阴影-35;CMYK高光所有值-18%、阴影+10%。现在请为该填充色命名:";</p> <p>//获取颜色空间名称
t = ((activeDocument.documentColorSpace)+"").split(".")
colSpace = t[1];</p> <p>try{
var fill = docRef.defaultFillColor;
if(docRef.defaultFilled == false){
throw ("抱歉,没有找到填充色,请重新选择。");
if (fill.typename != "SpotColor" && fill.typename != "RGBColor" && fill.typename != "CMYKColor")
hrow("Sorry, "+fill.typename+" Objects are not currently supported.\nPlease convert the color to "+colSpace+".");
if(fill.typename == "SpotColor"){
nameMsg += "■警告■你选择了一个专色,该颜色会被转换到当前文档的颜色空间中。";
fill = docRef.defaultFillColor.spot.color;
defName = colSpace+"("+docRef.defaultFillColor.spot.name+")";
if(fill.typename == "RGBColor"){
fr = roundHack(fill.red);
fg = roundHack(fill.green);
fb = roundHack(fill.blue);
if (defName.length <1 )
defName = "r="+ fr+" g="+fg + " b="+fb;
colName = getName();
makeColor([fr,fg,fb],RGBlightenBy,colName+" 的高光");
makeColor([fr,fg,fb],RGBdarkenBy,colName+" 的阴影");
} else if(fill.typename == "CMYKColor"){
fc = roundHack(fill.cyan);
fm = roundHack(fill.magenta);
fy = roundHack(fill.yellow);
fk = roundHack(fill.black);
if (defName.length <1)
defName = "c="+ fc+" m="+fm + " y="+fy+ " k="+fk;
colName = getName();
makeColor([fc,fm,fy,fk],CMYKlightenBy,colName+" 的高光");
makeColor([fc,fm,fy,fk],CMYKdarkenBy,colName+" 的阴影");
catch(e) {
}</p> <p>}
function getName(){
x = prompt(nameMsg,defName);
if (x == null)
throw "操作被取消!";
return x;
function makeColor(arr,offset,cname){
for (each in arr)
arr[each] = parseInt(arr[each]);
arr[each] += offset;
if(arr.length == 3){
var nc = new RGBColor();
nc.red = limit(arr[0],255);
nc.green = limit(arr[1],255);
nc.blue = limit(arr[2],255);
} else if (arr.length == 4){
var nc = new CMYKColor();
nc.cyan = limit(arr[0],100);
nc.magenta = limit(arr[1],100);
nc.yellow = limit(arr[2],100);
nc.black = limit(arr[3],100);</p> <p>}
var col = docRef.swatches.add();
col.name = cname;
col.color = nc;
function roundHack(n){
//make it a string
n = n +"" ;
ta = [];
ta = n.split(".");
return ta[0];
function limit(num,max){
if (num <= 0)
return 0;
else if(num > max )
return max;
else {
return num;
//Add Highlight And Shadow Swatches v.1 -- CS, CS2
// A simple script for Animators. Takes current fill color from color pallate.
// a prompt will ask you to name the color, then it adds it to the swatch palate,
// along with the highlight and shadow for that color.
// feel free to tweak the values to get whatever percentages work best for you.
// JS code (c) copyright: John Wundes ( john@wundes.com ) www.wundes.com
//copyright full text here: http://www.wundes.com/js4ai/copyright.txt
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////</p> <p>//specified value greater than maximum allowed value(指定的值超出最大范围)</p> <p>var docRef= app.activeDocument;
if ( app.documents.length > 0 )
RGBdarkenBy = -35;
RGBlightenBy = 75;
CMYKdarkenBy = 10;
CMYKlightenBy = -18;
defName = "";
nameMsg = "该填充色及其高光和阴影将被添加到色板中。默认RGB高光所有值+35、阴影-35;CMYK高光所有值-18%、阴影+10%。现在请为该填充色命名:";</p> <p>//获取颜色空间名称
t = ((activeDocument.documentColorSpace)+"").split(".")
colSpace = t[1];</p> <p>try{
var fill = docRef.defaultFillColor;
if(docRef.defaultFilled == false){
throw ("抱歉,没有找到填充色,请重新选择。");
if (fill.typename != "SpotColor" && fill.typename != "RGBColor" && fill.typename != "CMYKColor")
hrow("Sorry, "+fill.typename+" Objects are not currently supported.\nPlease convert the color to "+colSpace+".");
if(fill.typename == "SpotColor"){
nameMsg += "■警告■你选择了一个专色,该颜色会被转换到当前文档的颜色空间中。";
fill = docRef.defaultFillColor.spot.color;
defName = colSpace+"("+docRef.defaultFillColor.spot.name+")";
if(fill.typename == "RGBColor"){
fr = roundHack(fill.red);
fg = roundHack(fill.green);
fb = roundHack(fill.blue);
if (defName.length <1 )
defName = "r="+ fr+" g="+fg + " b="+fb;
colName = getName();
makeColor([fr,fg,fb],RGBlightenBy,colName+" 的高光");
makeColor([fr,fg,fb],RGBdarkenBy,colName+" 的阴影");
} else if(fill.typename == "CMYKColor"){
fc = roundHack(fill.cyan);
fm = roundHack(fill.magenta);
fy = roundHack(fill.yellow);
fk = roundHack(fill.black);
if (defName.length <1)
defName = "c="+ fc+" m="+fm + " y="+fy+ " k="+fk;
colName = getName();
makeColor([fc,fm,fy,fk],CMYKlightenBy,colName+" 的高光");
makeColor([fc,fm,fy,fk],CMYKdarkenBy,colName+" 的阴影");
catch(e) {
}</p> <p>}
function getName(){
x = prompt(nameMsg,defName);
if (x == null)
throw "操作被取消!";
return x;
function makeColor(arr,offset,cname){
for (each in arr)
arr[each] = parseInt(arr[each]);
arr[each] += offset;
if(arr.length == 3){
var nc = new RGBColor();
nc.red = limit(arr[0],255);
nc.green = limit(arr[1],255);
nc.blue = limit(arr[2],255);
} else if (arr.length == 4){
var nc = new CMYKColor();
nc.cyan = limit(arr[0],100);
nc.magenta = limit(arr[1],100);
nc.yellow = limit(arr[2],100);
nc.black = limit(arr[3],100);</p> <p>}
var col = docRef.swatches.add();
col.name = cname;
col.color = nc;
function roundHack(n){
//make it a string
n = n +"" ;
ta = [];
ta = n.split(".");
return ta[0];
function limit(num,max){
if (num <= 0)
return 0;
else if(num > max )
return max;
else {
return num;
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