<div nz-form class="ant-advanced-search-form"> <nz-row [nzGutter]="24"> <nz-col [nzSpan]="8" *ngFor="let item of columns, let i=index" [style.display]="(i>2 && !expandForm) ? 'none' : 'block'"> <nz-form-item nzFlex> <nz-form-label style="min-width: 20%;">{{item.label}}</nz-form-label> <nz-form-control> <input nz-input [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" placeholder="请输入" *ngIf="item.type === 'input'"> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" nzPlaceHolder="请选择" *ngIf="item.type === 'select'"> <nz-option *ngFor="let son of item.data; let idx = index" [nzLabel]="son.label" [nzValue]="son.value"></nz-option> </nz-select> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" nzPlaceHolder="请选择" *ngIf="item.type === 'gender'"> <nz-option nzLabel="女" nzValue=0></nz-option> <nz-option nzLabel="男" nzValue=1></nz-option> </nz-select> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" nzPlaceHolder="请输入" *ngIf="item.type === 'operator'" nzAllowClear nzShowSearch [nzServerSearch]="true" (nzOnSearch)="onSearch($event)" (ngModelChange)="changeOption($event)"> <ng-container *ngFor="let opt of operatorOptions"> <nz-option [nzValue]="opt" [nzLabel]="opt.name + '-'+ opt.user_type"></nz-option> </ng-container> </nz-select> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" nzPlaceHolder="请输入" *ngIf="item.type === 'merchant'" nzAllowClear nzShowSearch [nzServerSearch]="true" (nzOnSearch)="onSearch_merchant($event)"> <ng-container *ngFor="let opt of merchantOptions"> <nz-option [nzValue]="opt.id" [nzLabel]="opt.name"></nz-option> </ng-container> </nz-select> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" nzPlaceHolder="请输入" *ngIf="item.type === 'client'" nzAllowClear nzShowSearch [nzServerSearch]="true" (nzOnSearch)="onSearch_client($event)"> <ng-container *ngFor="let opt of clientOptions"> <nz-option [nzValue]="opt.id" [nzLabel]="opt.name"></nz-option> </ng-container> </nz-select> <nz-select [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]" nzPlaceHolder="请输入" *ngIf="item.type === 'admin'" nzAllowClear nzShowSearch [nzServerSearch]="true" (nzOnSearch)="onSearch_admin($event)"> <ng-container *ngFor="let opt of adminOptions"> <nz-option [nzValue]="opt.id" [nzLabel]="opt.name"></nz-option> </ng-container> </nz-select> <nz-date-picker *ngIf="item.type === 'date'" [(ngModel)]="searchData[item.key]"></nz-date-picker> </nz-form-control> </nz-form-item> </nz-col> <nz-col [nzSpan]="8" style="text-align: left;" [hidden]="filterLength >= 3"> <button nz-button type="submit" nzType="primary" [nzLoading]="loading" (click)="submit()">查询</button> <button nz-button type="reset" (click)="resetData()" class="mx-sm">重置</button> </nz-col> </nz-row> <nz-row [hidden]="filterLength < 3"> <nz-col [nzSpan]="24" style="text-align: right;"> <button nz-button type="submit" nzType="primary" [nzLoading]="loading" (click)="submit()">查询</button> <button nz-button type="reset" (click)="resetData()" class="mx-sm">重置</button> <a (click)="expandForm = !expandForm" *ngIf="filterLength > 3"> {{expandForm ? '收起' : '展开'}} <i class="anticon" [class.anticon-down]="!expandForm" [class.anticon-up]="expandForm"></i> </a> </nz-col> </nz-row> </div>
import { OnInit, Input, Output, Component, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { _HttpClient } from '@delon/theme'; @Component({ selector: 'search-filter', templateUrl: './index.html', styleUrls: ['./index.less'] }) export class SearchFilterComponent implements OnInit { @Input() columns; @Input() loading; @Output() toSearch = new EventEmitter<Object>(); constructor( private httpClient: _HttpClient, ) { } searchData: any = { page: 1, limit: 15 }; filterLength = 0; operatorOptions = []; merchantOptions = []; clientOptions = []; adminOptions = []; ngOnInit() { this.columns.forEach(el => { if (el.type == 'operator') { this.searchData['user_id'] = ''; this.searchData['el.user_type'] = ''; this.onSearch('') } if (el.type == 'merchant') { this.onSearch_merchant('') } if (el.type == 'client') { this.onSearch_client('') } if (el.type == 'admin') { this.onSearch_admin('') } this.searchData[el.key] = ""; this.filterLength++; }) } // 清空搜索条件 resetData() { for (const i in this.searchData) { if (this.searchData[i]) { this.searchData[i] = ''; } } this.searchData.page = 1; this.searchData.limit = 15; this.submit(); } // 搜索按钮事件 submit() { if (this.searchData.operator) { delete this.searchData.operator; } if (this.searchData.start_at) { this.searchData.start_at = this.format(this.searchData.start_at) } if (this.searchData.end_at) { this.searchData.end_at = this.format(this.searchData.end_at) } this.toSearch.emit(this.searchData); } // 日志操作人搜索 onSearch(value: string) { this.httpClient.get('/api/admin/member?name=' + value).subscribe((res: {}) => { const resData: any = res; this.operatorOptions = resData.message; }); } changeOption(value: {}) { this.searchData.user_id = value['id']; this.searchData.user_type = value['user_type']; } // 商户名称搜索 onSearch_merchant(value: string) { this.httpClient.get('/api/admin/merchant?name=' + value).subscribe((res: {}) => { const resData: any = res; this.merchantOptions = resData.message.data; }); } // 客户名搜索 onSearch_client(value: string) { this.httpClient.get('/api/admin/user?name=' + value).subscribe((res: {}) => { const resData: any = res; this.clientOptions = resData.message.data; }); } // 操作员名搜索 onSearch_admin(value: string) { this.httpClient.get('/api/admin/admin?name=' + value).subscribe((res: {}) => { const resData: any = res; this.adminOptions = resData.message.data; }); } // 格式化时间 format(time) { var date = new Date(time); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var day = date.getDate(); return (year + '-' + month + '-' + day); } }
:host { display: block; width: 95%; margin: 0 auto; ::ng-deep { nz-form-control { min-width: 60%; } nz-select { width: 100%; } .ant-calendar-picker { width: 100%; } } }
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