<template> <div> <see-attachment :filesLists='files' :file='imgFile' v-if="showmask" @hideMask='showmask=false'></see-attachment> </div> </template> <script> import seeAttachment from "./seeAttachment.vue"; export default { data() { return { showmask: false, imgFile: {} }; }, components: { seeAttachment }, methods: { lookImg(f) { this.showmask = true; this.imgFile = f; }, } }; </script>
<template> <div> <div class="proview_box" @click="hideMask"> <div class="img_box"> <img :src="imgPath" :width="width" :height="height" @click="stopEvent" id='img' /> </div> </div> <div class="handleImg_box"> <div @click="prevOne"><img src="../../../../static/img/prev.png" /></div> <div @click="rotate(0)"><img src="../../../../static/img/turn_left.png" /></div> <div @click="rotate(1)"><img src="../../../../static/img/turn_right.png" /></div> <div @click="nextOne"><img src="../../../../static/img/next.png" /></div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'seeAttachment', props: ['filesLists', 'file'], data: function() { return { imgPath: '', width: 0, height: 0, imgIndex: 0 } }, mounted() { this.getImgIndex(); this.seeAttachment(this.imgIndex); }, computed: { //去掉不是图片的附件 imgList() { const ARR = ["png", "PNG", "jpeg", "JPEG", "bmp", "BMP", "jpg", "JPG", "gif", "GIF"]; let arrs = ''; let suffix = ''; let type = ''; let newList = []; this.filesLists.forEach((item) => { arrs = item.name.split('.'); suffix = arrs[arrs.length - 1]; type = item.type ? item.type : item.raw ? item.raw.type : suffix; ARR.some(items => { if (type.includes(items)) { newList.push(item) } }) }) return newList; } }, methods: { //通过父组件传入的file获取当前查看的图片index getImgIndex() { let that = this; that.imgList.forEach((item, index) => { if(that.file.id == item.id){ that.imgIndex = index; } }) }, //隱藏查看圖片 hideMask() { this.$emit('hideMask', false); }, stopEvent(event) { //阻止冒泡事件 //取消事件冒泡 let e = event; //若省略此句,下面的e改为event,IE运行可以,但是其他浏览器就不兼容 if (e && e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else if (window.event) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; } }, //上一張 prevOne() { if (this.imgIndex == 0) { return false; } let img = document.getElementById('img') img.style.transform = 'rotate(0deg)'; this.imgIndex = this.imgIndex - 1; this.seeAttachment(this.imgIndex); }, //下一張 nextOne() { let listLength = this.imgList.length - 1; if (this.imgIndex >= listLength) { return false; } let img = document.getElementById('img') img.style.transform = 'rotate(0deg)'; this.imgIndex = this.imgIndex + 1; this.seeAttachment(this.imgIndex); }, //右转 rotate(t) { let img = document.getElementById('img') var reg = /(rotate([-+]?((d+)(deg))))/i; var wt = img.style['-webkit-transform'], wts = wt.match(reg); var $3 = RegExp.$3; var current = $3 ? parseInt($3) : 0; if (t == 0) { current = current == 0 ? 360 : current; current = (current - 90) % 360; } else { current = (current + 90) % 360; } img.style.transform = 'rotate(' + current + 'deg)'; }, seeAttachment(index = 0) { if (this.imgList.length == 0) { return false; } let that = this; let basePath = "http://" + (process.env.OSS_PATH.indexOf("test") == -1 ? "opyx-mtds-pro" : "opyx-mtds-test") + ".oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/"; that.imgPath = basePath + that.imgList[index]['path']; let img_url = basePath + that.imgList[index]['path']; // 创建对象 var img = new Image(); // 改变图片的src img.src = img_url; // 定时执行获取宽高 var check = function() { // 只要任何一方大于0 // 表示已经服务器已经返回宽高 if (img.width > 0 || img.height > 0) { let wdt = document.body.offsetWidth; let hgt = document.body.offsetHeight; let ratio = 1; if (img.width > img.height && img.width > wdt * ratio) { img.height = img.height * wdt * ratio / img.width; img.width = wdt * ratio; console.log('宽大于高', img) } else if (img.height > img.width && img.height > hgt * ratio) { img.width = img.width * hgt * ratio / img.height; if (img.width > wdt) { img.width = wdt; } img.height = hgt * ratio; console.log('高大于宽', img) } else { img.height = img.height * wdt * ratio / img.width img.width = wdt * ratio console.log('正常', img) } that.width = img.width; that.height = img.height; clearInterval(set); } }; var set = setInterval(check, 40); }, } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .handleImg_box { position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 50%; z-index: 100; margin-left: -150px; width: 300px; padding: 1rem 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-around; } .handleImg_box div { font-size: 0; } .handleImg_box div img { width: 3rem; } </style>
npm install v-viewer --save
2.在图片显示的页面引用 viewer组件(一个js文件,一个css样式文件)
import Viewer from "@/assets/js/viewer.min.js";
import '@/assets/css/viewer.min.css';
<img :id ="item.publicFileURL" :src="item.publicFileURL" @click="aaa(item)" >
说明:因为我的图片是在集合中存的需要动态的点击放大(点哪个放大哪个)----id很重要 aaa()方法中要用
aaa(item) { var viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById(item.publicFileURL), { url: item.publicFileURL, }); },
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