一、先分析Testlink XML格式:
这是一个有两级testusuit的典型的testlink用例结构,我们只需要取testsuite name,testcase name,preconditions,actions,expectedresults
#coding:utf-8 ''' Created on 2015-8-20 @author: Administrator ''' ''' ''' import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET import xml.dom.minidom as xx import os,xlwt,datetime workbook=xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8") # booksheet=workbook.add_sheet(u'sheet_1') booksheet.col(0).width= 5120 booksheet.col(1).width= 5120 booksheet.col(2).width= 5120 booksheet.col(3).width= 5120 booksheet.col(4).width= 5120 booksheet.col(5).width= 5120 dom=xx.parse(r'D:\\Python27\test.xml') root = dom.documentElement row=1 col=1 borders=xlwt.Borders() borders.left=1 borders.right=1 borders.top=1 borders.bottom=1 style = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap on,vert centre, horiz center') #自动换行、水平居中、垂直居中 #设置标题的格式,字体方宋、加粗、背景色:菊黄 #测试项的标题 title=xlwt.easyxf(u'font:name 仿宋,height 240 ,colour_index black, bold on, italic off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour light_orange;') item='测试项' Subitem='测试分项' CaseTitle='测试用例标题' Condition='预置条件' actions='操作步骤' Result='预期结果' booksheet.write(0,0,item,title) booksheet.write(0,1,Subitem,title) booksheet.write(0,2,CaseTitle,title) booksheet.write(0,3,Condition,title) booksheet.write(0,4,actions,title) booksheet.write(0,5,Result,title) #冻结首行 booksheet.panes_frozen=True booksheet.horz_split_pos= 1 #一级目录 for i in root.childNodes: testsuite=i.getAttribute('name').strip() #print testsuite #print testsuite ''' 写测试项 ''' print "row is :",row booksheet.write(row,col,testsuite,style) #二级目录 for dd in i.childNodes: print " %s" % dd.getAttribute('name') testsuite2=dd.getAttribute('name') if not dd.getElementsByTagName('testcase'): print "Testcase is %s" % testsuite2 row=row+1 booksheet.write(row,2,testsuite2,style) #写测试分项 row=row+1 booksheet.write(row,1,testsuite2,style) itemlist=dd.getElementsByTagName('testcase') for subb in itemlist: #print " %s" % subb.getAttribute('name') testcase=subb.getAttribute('name') row=row+1 booksheet.write(row,2,testcase,style) ilist=subb.getElementsByTagName('preconditions') for ii in ilist: preconditions=ii.firstChild.data.replace("<br />"," ") col=col+1 booksheet.write(row,3,preconditions,style) steplist=subb.getElementsByTagName('actions') #print steplist for step in steplist: actions=step.firstChild.data.replace("<br />"," ") col=col+1 booksheet.write(row,4,actions,style) #print "测试步骤:",steplist[0].firstChild.data.replace("<br />"," ") expectlist=subb.getElementsByTagName('expectedresults') for expect in expectlist: result=expect.childNodes[0].nodeValue.replace("<br />","" ) booksheet.write(row,5,result,style) row=row+1 workbook.save('demo.xls')
需要下载一个module:xlwt,如下是source code
import xml.dom.minidom import xlwt import sys col = 0 row = 0 def handle_xml_report(xml_report, excel): problems = xml_report.getElementsByTagName("problem") handle_problems(problems, excel) def handle_problems(problems, excel): for problem in problems: handle_problem(problem, excel) def handle_problem(problem, excel): global row global col code = problem.getElementsByTagName("code") file = problem.getElementsByTagName("file") line = problem.getElementsByTagName("line") message = problem.getElementsByTagName("message") for node in code: excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data) col = col + 1 for node in file: excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data) col = col + 1 for node in line: excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data) col = col + 1 for node in message: excel.write(row, col, node.firstChild.data) col = col + 1 row = row+1 col = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': if(len(sys.argv) <= 1): print ("usage: xml2xls src_file [dst_file]") exit(0) #the 1st argument is XML report ; the 2nd is XLS report if(len(sys.argv) == 2): xls_report = sys.argv[1][:-3] + 'xls' #if there are more than 2 arguments, only the 1st & 2nd make sense else: xls_report = sys.argv[2] xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(sys.argv[1]) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('MOLint') ws.write(row, col, 'Error Code') col = col + 1 ws.write(row, col, 'file') col = col + 1 ws.write(row, col, 'line') col = col + 1 ws.write(row, col, 'Description') row = row + 1 col = 0 handle_xml_report(xmldoc, ws) wb.save(xls_report)
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